I started picking up the pillows but stilled when Nate came to stand behind me. His front was to my back, our reflection staring at us from the full-length mirror. His chest rose and fell, our breath the only sound in the room as he stared at me, perhaps debating what to say, if anything.
“The only thing I regret is stopping this morning. Because I want you.” His eyes were hooded, breathing shaky. “I shouldn’t, but I do.” He swallowed hard, meeting my eyes as his mouth dipped to my ear. “And I’m tired of holding back.”
“Nate,” I whispered, feeling as if we were on some precipice. I wanted to tell him that I wanted him too, but I was scared. Scared to let myself be vulnerable, especially with the sting of this morning’s rejection still fresh. So, I resorted to humor, deflection. “I thought you said no more naked nannies.”
“You aren’t the nanny anymore.” He slid his hand over my stomach, pulling me to him. Letting me feel his arousal. “You’re my fiancée.”
My core ignited at the sound of those words from his lips, even as I tried to tell myself this was a terrible idea.
“Fake fiancée,” I corrected, trying to maintain the distinction as the lines blurred even more.
His eyes met mine in our reflection. He lifted my left hand, my engagement ring sparkling like a promise.
“The ring on your finger is mine.” He brought the back of it to his mouth for a kiss. Then he turned my hand and slid it down my stomach, down farther until I was cupping myself with his hand resting over mine. “This pussy should be mine too.”
I moaned both at his words and his touch. Not to mention what he was suggesting. But then I swallowed hard and shook my head as if to clear it. “I— We?—”
What if we had sex, and it was terrible? That seemed impossible. Laughable, considering our chemistry. But what if it made everything awkward? What if…
“I know.” His expression was solemn and heated and as conflicted as I felt. “I know you said this was just business, but I want more.”
“Since when?” I asked.
“Always.” His eyes were locked on mine. “What I said earlier, about wanting you that night on Knox’s yacht, was true.”
I gasped. “But—but—” I sputtered. “When I started working for you, you couldn’t stand me.”
“No.” He dipped his head, running his nose along my neck. “I couldn’t stand the fact that you were my daughter’s nanny and I wanted you.”
“You…” I swallowed hard. “What?”
“I wanted you,” Nate rasped. “Iwantyou, Em.”
Was I dreaming?
“You did? I mean…youdo?”
He nodded. “Why do you think I made up those asinine rules? Why do you think I kept my distance?” He grasped my chin. “It was to avoid being tempted.”
I nearly pinched myself, but I knew I was awake. And this was real. But as much as I wanted to lean into this, into everything he was offering, I hesitated.
This morning… I swallowed hard, remembering how that had felt. How it had felt to give in to something I’d wanted for so long, only for Nate to rip it away at the last second.
“And now?” I asked.
“I’m done with rules. I’m done with distance and denial and everything else I’ve tried. I want you.”
I wanted him too. I’d always wanted him, even when he’d driven me crazy.
But I knew myself. And I knew Nate. We wanted different things.
Having sex with him would be a mistake.
He peered down at me with those gorgeous blue eyes, and I remembered how many times I’d dreamed of this exact scenario. Of him wanting me.
Hell, I’d crushed on the man for years. What he was suggesting, offering, it was the chance of a lifetime. And while I knew I might come to regret it, part of me also wanted to say fuck it. I’d wanted Nate for so long, too long, to even consider saying no.
I turned to face him, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. He watched me, his gaze ping-ponging between my eyes and my lips. His hands were resting on my hips, his fingers gripping me as if to restrain himself.