“What?” Nate asked, scooching closer.
“Did you know about this?” I asked, showing him the picture of his brother and my best friend.
“They’re engaged?” he asked, incredulous.
“Looks like it.”
OMG. Congratulations. So, so happy for you!
Kendall: I’m sure you’re busy with everything going on, but we clearly have a lot to catch up on.
Clearly. LOL
Kendall: Meet up for yoga when you’re back?
That sounded like heaven—a chance to stretch. To do something normal with my best friend. To get out of the house. But then I frowned, remembering how impossible something as simple as attending a yoga class would be now that I was engaged to Nate.
I wish, but I don’t see how. The paparazzi are relentless.
Kendall: I bet. Everyone’s abuzz about your engagement. I can’t wait to hear all the details.
Fortunately, a new message came in, saving me from responding.
Kendall: Let’s pick a date once you’re back. You can come to our house. I hired a private teacher so we could relax in peace.
You did?
That didn’t sound like her. Kendall might be engaged to a billionaire, but she usually eschewed spending money.
Kendall: Yes. Well, sort of. It was a gift from Knox.
Ah. That was more like it.
I bet he likes that you’re flexible.
I added a winky face emoji then sent it off.
At least I had a few weeks until I had to deal with that mess. I was positive she had a lot of questions since I’d never once mentioned dating Nate. And I had no idea what to tell her.
“What’s wrong?” Nate asked.
“Nothing,” I sighed, tossing my phone aside.Everything.
“Clearly, it’s not nothing.” He gave me a pointed look. “Are you still upset with me for what I said about your dad?”
“Yes.” I gnashed my teeth. “But also, I don’t like lying to my best friend.”
He furrowed his brow. “You know we can’t tell anyone.”
Yeah. And I had the contract to prove it.
I understood his reservations, but still… “She’s marrying your brother. Surely if there was someone we could trust with this secret, it’s Kendall. And Knox.”
“No.” His lips were drawn in a firm line. “It’s too big a risk.”
I flopped back on the sofa, knowing he was right even if I didn’t like it. It was hard enough to lie to my parents, my twin. But Kendall?