I grinned, watching the sway of her ass as she walked away.We’ll see about that.
When I emerged from the shower, my phone was buzzing and chiming nonstop. I’d let it charge while I’d tried to cool down from that workout. More like, cool down from Nate.
His words from earlier echoed in my head.I can’t wait to see you beg.
Something had changed since my hospital stay—and not just the fact that we were engaged. Nate was different. And while I told myself he was leaning into the role of fake fiancé, his protectiveness, flirting, and kissing didn’t feel like an act.
Or maybe I just didn’t want it to be all for show.
But the longer I thought about it, the more I realized that it hadn’t started with my hospital visit. I thought about the night of Brooklyn’s slumber party. Of so many other instances where he’d compliment me or I’d catch him looking at me, watching me, a certain way. Like he wanted me. Cared about me as more than an employee or even a friend.
I sank down on my bed, trying to make sense of my thoughts. Of his actions.
Regardless of what I wanted or what Nate was thinking, our arrangement was just business. It had to be.
My phone vibrated again, and I sighed, silencing it completely. As tempting as it was to go online, I knew better. The past few days already had me feeling off-kilter. I didn’t need to add to it by reading what strangers on the internet thought of me.
I was still trying to figure out what I thought of myself for doing this. What I thought about Nate.
He’d stayed with me at the hospital when I’d looked…awful. And then there was the way he’d blown up at the doctor. That kiss. Then our workout and my confession about competing. All of it had me feeling extremely vulnerable.
I didn’t like that Nate had coaxed so much out of me, more than I’d shared with Kendall in recent months. I blamed my confession to Nate on the craziness of the past few days, and the fact that there weren’t many people I could confide in now that I’d been thrust into the spotlight.
But it was more than that. During the months I’d been working with Nate, I’d come to like him. Trust him, despite our rocky start. And now that we were fake-engaged, it felt like it was us against the world. This was our secret. And only the two of us would understand our motivations.
I forced myself to get dressed and head downstairs, knowing he was waiting for me to discuss our strategy. I reached the kitchen and stilled when I spotted Nate standing at the island, a knife in hand. His forearms flexed and… Why did he always have to look so sexy? He was good at everything, and it was annoying.
He glanced up at me and smiled. “Thought this might go better with food.”
I laughed. “You’re right about that. What can I do to help?”
“Nothing,” he said. “It’s almost ready.”
He carried the plates to the dining room, and I followed. We were leaving for Abu Dhabi tomorrow, and I’d expected the house to be more…chaotic or something. Especially in the wake of our engagement announcement. But it was quiet—almost eerily so.
Jackson had taken Brooklyn to Sophia’s. Belinda and Andre were gone. Leaving Nate and me completely and utterly alone.
“I have something for you. Well, two things,” he said.
“Oh yeah?” I asked, taking a seat. “What’s up?”
He slid a packet across the table. “Contract and updated NDA.”
I skimmed the contents of the contract. One year. Ten million dollars. I frowned.
“What?” Nate asked.
“It feels wrong to take your money, especially when I know I’m going to get a shitload of visibility as your fiancée.”
He shook his head. “It would be wrongnotto take it. I trapped you into a situation that ended your nannying career and turned your life upside down. Plus, you’re going to be stuck with me for the next year.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah. Such a hardship.” I swept my arm wide to encompass the house.
“Consider it compensation for your trouble.”
“Fine,” I sighed, sensing that he wasn’t going to relent. Besides, he was right. I was technically out of a nannying job now. And I could use the money.