Page 64 of Reputation (Tempt)

“Agreed,” he said. “I already gave Belinda and Andre the day off.”

I nodded. “Good idea.” This was the type of conversation that required maximum discretion.

He hooked his phone up to the speakers, but when a song by Nickelback started playing, I shook my head.Oh, hell no.

I picked up his phone.It was a circuit training day, so I needed something with a good beat. Motivating. But not too fast. I selected a playlist and smiled. Perfect.

“Cruel Summer” started playing through the speakers, and Nate groaned, his back still to me. “This isnotworkout music.”

“It is today,” I said in a chipper voice. “We’re doing circuits, and this is perfect for circuit training.”

I was about to set down his phone when a new message came through, and I stilled.

James Thorne:Would the 26th work for dinner?

James Thorne:Our house

Why wasPapa J texting Nate? How had he even gotten Nate’s number?

I scrolled back up, seeing messages between them while I was in the hospital. Nate had given my parents updates. And it hadn’t taken long for Papa J to invite Nate and Brooklyn to join us for family dinner.

“Um. When were you going to tell me about this?” I asked, flashing him the screen where the messages were displayed.

“That was part of the strategy I wanted to discuss.”

I scoffed. “Discuss? What is there to discuss? You said we’d be there. You didn’t even ask me.”

“I wasn’t aware I needed to.”

Was this how our engagement was going to be? Him steamrolling me every time, expecting me to fall in line because I was his fiancée?

“Let’s get one thing straight,” I said. “We may be engaged, but you don’t get to make decisions for me. Especially not without consulting me first.”

“I was only trying to help.”

“It’s my—” I jabbed my chest “—family.” Why wasn’t he getting this? “What else did you do on my behalf while I was in the hospital? Did you talk to Hartwell? My sponsors? I mean, fuck, Nate. You had no right to do that. How did you even get my dad’s contact info?”

“James was listed as your emergency contact in your paperwork for the Hartwell Agency.”

He gently took the device and placed it on the bench. Now Taylor was singing about love making her crazy. I certainly felt crazy, but it had nothing to do with love and everything to do with the man standing before me.

“We should get started if we’re going to finish before Brooklyn is up.”

“We’re not done talking about this,” I said, glaring at him.

“I’m sure we’re not,” he said in a calm tone that only irritated me more.

I spun and forced myself to focus. Focus on the workout.I took a deep breath, inhaling peace, exhaling frustration. Once I’d demolished my goals, I’d deal with my fake fiancé.

I smoothed my hair into a high ponytail, using the rubber band from my wrist to secure it. I headed over to the treadmill, placing my water in the cupholder and draping my towel over the arm.

“Time to warm up,” I said in a cheery voice. I mentally rubbed my hands together. This was going to be so much fun.

I went through my usual warm-up sequence, walking Nate through the steps. I started with foam rolling and progressed to a brief run on the treadmill. Then it was on to leg swings.

“You have to hold your core tight,” I said, trying to explain the proper technique.

“I am,” he grunted.