Page 26 of Reputation (Tempt)

What am I doing?

“What? Truth or dare?” She laughed.

I lifted a shoulder. “Why not?”

Her smile faded, her expression turning more serious. I expected her to say no, but then she said, “Okay. You first. Truth or dare?”


She laughed. “I knew it.” She glanced around, tapping her finger to her lips. “I dare you to call someone as yourself.”

I chuckled. “Okay.” I picked up my phone and held my finger over the button to indicate Sloan’s number.

“No.” She yanked it away from me. “Someone you don’t know.” She pulled up a random number on her phone. “Here. Use the hotel phone.”

“You have to be more specific.”

“Iambeing specific. Now, are you going to do it or not?” She gave me a look as if to say, “I doubt you’ll ever go through with this.”

Ha! I couldn’t wait to see her face when I proved her wrong.

One glance at the girls told me they were out. I went to the primary bedroom, feeling like a kid myself. Emerson plopped down on the bed, sitting cross-legged.

I picked up the phone and dialed the number. A woman answered, and when I told her my name, she thought I was joking. I tried to convince her it was me, but she hung up soon after. Emerson and I burst out laughing. It was ridiculous and childish, but I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had so much fun.

“Your turn. Truth or dare?” I asked.

“Dare,” she said, clutching her knees to her chest, her expression eager.

I chuckled. “Should’ve known you’d pick dare.”

She scowled at me. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing.” I glanced around the room, ignoring her glare. “I dare you to blindfold yourself and drink a beverage of my choice.”

Her eyebrows climbed so high on her forehead, they nearly disappeared into her hair. “Blindfold myself.”

“Mm-hmm.” I glanced around, searching for a blindfold. I found one of the sleep masks from the girls’ goody bags and handed it to her.

“And drink…” I watched her throat bob. I could think of something else I’d like to see her swallow down. And then the innuendo behind my words hit me. “Nope.” She shook her head, her eyes no longer hooded. “Too vague. I’m going to need more details.”

Had she been imagining the same thing I’d been? My cock between her lips. My come…

Jesus. What the hell is wrong with me?Emerson was my daughter’s nanny. And my daughter and six of her friends were sleeping down the hall.

“No alcohol, right?” she asked.

“Promise,” I said. Emerson was training. And even if she weren’t, I knew she’d never drink when she was responsible for Brooklyn and her friends.

“Fine,” she huffed. “I’m willing to take a sip.”

“This is truth or dare. Not truth or negotiation,” I teased, though I would never push her to do anything she didn’t want to.

“Fine,” she huffed. “You’re right.” She slid the blindfold over her eyes. “Okay. Give it to me.”

For once, I let myself admire the view. Emerson sitting on a plush hotel bed, her hands gripping the edge of the mattress. Her legs long and toned and…
