Page 115 of Reputation (Tempt)

“So, why hide that? Why hide your relationship from her family? I mean, do you know how it feels to find out that your daughter is engaged from a reporter? A fucking member of the paparazzi?”

“Emerson wanted to tell you,” I said, improvising. Trying to spin this to protect Emerson and make sure it sounded believable. “But I asked her not to.”

“Mm.” His gaze was piercing, and I was afraid he’d see right through me and the stack of lies I was telling. “I spend more time with her than almost anyone. I know her better than anyone. And she never mentioned anything. Not about the fact that you were dating. Not about her feelings for you. Nothing.”

“I’m sorry we kept it a secret from you,” I said, knowing I’d let this conversation get more out of control than I should’ve. “We didn’t want to. But she was worried you wouldn’t approve. And clearly, she was right to be concerned.”

“If only she’d?—”

“Would you have listened even if she had?” I asked, thinking of all the things Emerson had told me about wanting to retire and Declan pushing back. Pushing her to keep going.

“Idolisten to her, but I also know what she’s capable of.” The look he gave me screamedshe’s worth so much more than you.

“Do you want to know the real reason she’s been stressed?” I asked, unable to hold back. Without waiting for his response, I said, “It’s because you push her too hard.”

He slammed his fist down on the desk. “What do you know about hard work? You probably had a billion dollars in your bank account before you could walk. I’m her father.” He jabbed his chest with his finger. “And I know how hard to push her.”

I ignored his comment about my wealth and asked, “Do you?”

“Yes. I’ve been her coach?—”

“Maybe that’s the problem,” I interrupted. “You’re thinking more like her coach than her dad. And if she’s stressed,” I said, clenching my fist in my pocket, “it’s because she doesn’t want to compete anymore, and youaren’tlistening.”

A muscle jumped in his neck. “You’ve known her all of, what—six minutes? And you think you can make her happy. You think you can give her what she wants?”

I didn’t balk. Hell, part of me had been bracing for this conversation from the moment our engagement had been announced. And yet, I was still unprepared.

So, I adopted the persona everyone would expect of me, especially someone like Declan. “I’m a fucking billionaire,” I scoffed. “Of course I can give her what she wants.”

He shook his head. “I’m not talking about money, and you know it.”

No, he wasn’t. But I wasn’t going to let him know he’d rattled me. Because whether I wanted to admit it or not, his comments rankled. I didn’t deserve her, but I wasn’t going to confess that to him.

“So what is it you don’t like, Declan? The timeline? The fact that I’m rich? That I love your daughter?”

“Everything!” he roared. “Because I know Emerson. And from what little I know about you, I’m afraid you’re going to hurt her.”

“Or maybe,” I said, angry and beyond giving a shit, “you’re afraid you’re no longer the most important man in her life.”

It was a low blow, but I knew it had struck home when I saw his expression. I told myself he deserved it. I told myself I was standing up for Emerson, but even so, I knew I’d crossed a line.

He lifted his head, palms pressed to his desk. “Get out.”

So much for smoothing things over.


Iplopped down on the bed with a giggle. “That was…”

“Intense?” Nate asked, untucking his shirt.

When my dads had invited us over for dinner, I’d never expected that they’d throw a surprise engagement party. And—apart from Papa J’s pestering to get on the schedule with Juliana—it had been fun.

“I don’t know why you’re so grumpy. We pulled it off.” I flopped back on the bed with a contented sigh. “Ihad fun.”

“Youhad alcohol,” Nate said in a wry tone.

“Yeah. So?” I propped myself up on my elbows, watching him undress.