“You’re paying her to pretend to be in love with you.”
“Yes.” I held a hand to my chest, hating the reminder. Wishing I could ease the ache building there. “I know. But it’s real. At least, it is for me.”
I understood that Pierce was looking out for my best interests, or at least he thought he was. But he didn’t know what Emerson’s and my relationship was really like.
“Look, Nate,” he sighed. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but you need her help. You’ve been together, what? A month?”
Yes, but I’d known Emerson for much longer. Still, I said nothing.
“If you want to tell her after the custody battle is settled, fine. But not now.”
I wanted to protest. I wanted to tell him to mind his own business, but deep down, I knew Pierce was right, even if I didn’t want to admit it. I sighed.
“Nate,” he said. “Promise me.”
“Fine,” I said, knowing that if Emerson didn’t feel the same way or our relationship imploded, it would be awkward at best. There was too much at stake, especially Brooklyn’s custody. So, I pushed my wants to the side and focused—again—on what was best for my daughter. If Emerson was still intent on ending our physical relationship when we went home, then I’d find a way to live with her decision, impossible as it seemed. “Anything else?”
“Good.” I ended the call without saying goodbye and pushed myself to run as hard and as fast as I could.
Pierce was right. I needed to remember that this was a business agreement. Nothing more. In a year, this arrangement would end. And Emerson would leave. Everyone always did.
“Just a little farther,” Cat said, whipping the golf cart around various trailers. She was a PA for Nate’s film, and she was ferrying Jackson and me to the location where filming was currently taking place so I could visit my fiancé.
Since Sloan had left for Singapore, Brooklyn had stayed behind at the hotel with one of the local nannies from the Hartwell Agency. The nanny had seemed nice enough, but it was difficult to think of letting anyone take my place in Brooklyn’s life.
Yesterday had been fun, more than fun, if I was being honest. I liked Nate’s family, and I liked Sloan. She adored Brooklyn, and I was so happy that I got to spend time with someone who was so important to Brooklyn, even if I did feel bad for lying to both of them.
“They might be in the middle of filming,” Cat said. “So we’ll need to stay quiet on the set.”
“No problem.” I looked at the little city that had sprung up out of nothing to accommodate the cast and crew. It was impressive and wild.
“Here we are,” she said, throwing it into park.
We crossed a street that was cordoned off, and then I heard some people screaming my name. Calling for me. At first, I assumed it was more paparazzi. But then I realized it was a bunch of women. Fans of the book, the movie, Nate, or whatever.
While I’d assumed my engagement to Nate would cause a stir, I didn’t think either of us had expected quite the response we’d received. Overwhelmingly positive. But also just overwhelming. People were talking about us, speculating about our relationship. Offering their congratulations. Making predictions and betting on the details of our wedding. It was…a lot.
I was dreading returning home to LA and not just because of the lack of privacy. I didn’t want to go back to how things had been. I didn’t know if I could.
This was supposed to be a business arrangement, nothing more.
No feelings.
No complications.
I tried to focus on something—anything—else.
Like the fact that I was on a movie set for one of the hottest films. A film that was an adaptation of a Meghan Hart novel I’d read and loved. Part of me secretly hoped I’d get to meet the elusive romance author, but I knew it was unlikely. Even Nate hadn’t met her in person, and he was producing and starring in the film.
That said, I’d never imagined I’d be fake-engaged to Nate Crawford.Sleepingwith Nate Crawford. Falling for Nate Crawford. I supposed if all that could happen, anything was possible.
Cat held her finger up to her lips, and I followed her, stepping over cords and other filming gear. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew I wasn’t going to watch Nate and his costar film a sex scene, which was a relief.