Page 68 of A Matter of Trust

‘I only do the bike riding. And gardening.’

‘You look amazing.’

He sounded like he meant it, a kind of awe in his voice.

He fiddled with the bedcovers, tugging at the quilt. ‘Are you warm enough?’

It was cooler at this early hour, but the heaters were still doing their job. There was a slight chill in the air where her shoulders were exposed. ‘It’s fresh but not unpleasant.’

He crawled back into the bed and tentatively touched her arm. ‘Is my hand cold?’

‘Not at all.’

‘You’re okay with me doing this?’

‘I can sign a document if you want.’

He smiled again, recognising the teasing note. ‘I like to be sure before I start an operation.’

‘What are we operating on today?’

His brow creased as if he weren’t as confident as he was trying to appear. ‘I want to make you feel good.’

‘Go ahead. Make my day.’

His face creased in a grin, as if he remembered the old movies they’d watched together, long before they matured enough to see each other in a romantic light. He stroked her shoulder with gentle fingers which seared the skin all the same.

‘I plan to.’

She shivered at his touch, loving the slow sweep of his hand over her body. He moved to lie hard against her side, half propped up so he could watch her face as his fingers traced her breasts, circling her nipples until they puckered into hard nubs. As his hand crept lower, tangling in the soft curls below her stomach, she couldn’t stay passive any longer.

Reaching up she hooked her arms around his neck, bringing him down until his breath caressed her cheek and mouth, warming them in the cool air. He resisted for a moment and she lifted her head, seeking his mouth. At the same moment he delved deep, finding the slickness indicating her readiness.

She bucked against his hand, unprepared for the suddenness of her body’s response. His tongue licked at her mouth, tasting her and echoing the motion of his hand, her pelvis picking up the rhythm. Tension built, winding itself around her, sizzling along the pathways of her nerves. Her whole body pulsed with the surges of feeling that came from the touch of his mouth and hands. He lifted her upper body with his other arm and his chest chafed against her nipples, sending darts of something almost painful ricocheting around her insides and joining the throbbing ache at her centre.

His heart pounded strong and fast against her breast, matching the rhythm inside her as she soared higher and higher, only to melt in the flames of an explosion that rocked her to the core.

His arms held her tight as she came down, shuddering as her body sent out aftershocks.

She could happily live with this.

They lay still after she’d stopped twitching, their breathing slowing. Becca wondered how involved he’d been, if his breathing and heartrate matched hers. It must mean a similar state of arousal. With a gentle shove, she put him on his back, allowing her to slither onto his body, both of them clammy with a film of perspiration.

His penis pressed hard against her hip, damp with the same liquid heat that burned in her own body.

His hands came to rest on her waist, a slight tremor echoing her own. Tilting her head, she met the vivid blue of his eyes, faintly apprehensive if the crease between his brows were any indication.

‘My turn.’ She licked his throat, tasting the tang of his body. It had been too long to recall how he’d tasted as a nineteen-year-old. All excitement and nerves back then. Maybe it was the same.

She focused on his mouth, nipping and tasting until he returned the favour, kissing her back with the same intensity of the young man she’d loved all those years ago. His hands roamed over her back and she kept her own hands moving, learning his body in its new form, shaping the muscle of his shoulders, down over his pectorals until he quivered at the touch of her fingers.

A swift shift of her pelvis centred her over his body and she guided him in, feeling the stretch as he filled her.

His shocked exclamation broke the kiss and she reared up to see his expression.

The lamp cast a soft light over his face, sparking the blue of his eyes among the shadows of his sharp bones and sensitive hollows. She tightened her interior muscles and a response echoed her movement, a twitch that spiralled into sensation deep inside.

His gaze never left hers as she rocked on his pelvis, working into a rhythm that sent a flood of red from his chest and higher, to paint dark strips of colour across his cheekbones. Her body ached for more but she didn’t dare break the spell keeping Morgan under her, his skin dewing with the heat building between them. His hips rotated under hers to join the pattern of movement, pushing him further and deeper.