Page 39 of A Matter of Trust

He nodded, the pressure in his throat too tight to allow speech.

She stood, discarding the jumper onto the bed, refolding it with trembling fingers. ‘Very well. No dates. Only meetings about the children. Do you want to do this legally?’

The sudden harshness of her voice struck him in the chest. ‘Legally? Yes. That would be best.’ He could make sure they were all taken care of through a lawyer. Becca shouldn’t have to struggle to pay bills. This way, pride couldn’t get in the way. ‘Who do you suggest?’

‘Toby Mallings. Sabine’s brother. He’s been your parents’ lawyer since his father retired.’

‘I remember him. I’ll contact his office tomorrow.’

He wanted to keep her here, but he couldn’t make promises he might not be able to keep.

She was already halfway out the door.

Chapter 9

‘Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.’ Becca hopped down the back steps, trying to pull on a recalcitrant shoe.

Why had she thought he’d respond to her kiss? He was like a stuffed dummy. Not like before. He couldn’t resist her when they’d been teenagers.

She’d been in love. Thought she’d been in love. At sixteen it was probably infatuation. And hormones. Definitely hormones on his side. She’d been stupid back then too. Thinking the friendship they’d shared for years meant she was more than a convenient lay when it turned physical.

It was hard trying to sort out the truth of what happened nearly thirteen years ago. It was nearly half her life away. She’d been only a few years older than the twins.

She halted at Morgan’s gateway. So damn young. At least they weren’t like her. Needy. Desperate to be loved. Or were they? They’d taken to Morgan easily, as if they had a dad-shaped hole in their hearts perfect for slotting him into their lives. Was that any protection?

The lights were on at home and it was past dinner time. She’d wasted ages with Morgan and they were still no further forward. Unless you count his wanting to see a solicitor. She picked up the pace, jogging past Thackery’s truck and up the back stairs.

Thackery was at the sink, washing up.

‘Where are Gabby and Edward?’

‘In bed. Gabby pretty much flaked out after tea. I gave them veggie pasta.’ He slotted another plate into the rack. ‘Dan is watching a movie.’

Becca slumped onto a chair. ‘Thanks. I lost track of the time.’

‘No worries. How did it go with Morgan?’

Thackery was non-judgemental making it easy to respond. She knew it wouldn’t go further. ‘We cleared up a few things. Morgan is going to make an appointment with the solicitor to do things properly.’

‘Is he planning to pay child support?’

Becca frowned. ‘I don’t know. We didn’t discuss it.’

Thackery stared at her, a tea towel bunched in his hand. ‘Did you talk about how things are going to work with the twins? Shared custody, visiting rights. Those minor details?’

Shared custody. She hadn’t considered it. Her heart hammered in her chest as she gazed up at Thackery. ‘Will I have to let him take them for weekends and holidays?’

‘I imagine so. They’re his children and he has parental rights that need to be considered. Legally he could request equal time. Especially as you’ve had sole custody since birth and you aren’t disputing his relationship. Maybe you should discuss this with your solicitor before you meet with Morgan.’

‘How do you know this stuff?’

‘It wasn’t all sweetness and light at home when I was growing up. The divorce was pretty savage.’

She knew the kids had been split up. Two each to the parents until their mum died and her two went to stay with their granddad. ‘Do you miss the others?’

‘No. I like being by myself. Win’s the same.’ He hung the tea towel on the rack with an air of finality. ‘I’ll be off now.’

She thanked him again but he didn’t dawdle, the truck rumbling into life moments after he left the house. He’d given her plenty of food for thought.