Page 15 of A Matter of Trust

Morgan smiled back at her. ‘I suppose it’s the food that’s the important thing.’

Delving into the bag, he pulled out the Tupperware containers and stacked them on the table. Anzac biscuits, some choc chip cookies and a chocolate cake. He wondered if it had been Grace’s idea to send the children or his father’s.

‘What would you like?’

Gabby glanced across at her brother. ‘Edward likes chocolate cake. Anyway, it doesn’t keep as well as biscuits so you should eat it first.’

Edward’s cheeks flushed a dull red. ‘Mum says you should take what you’re given.’

A kindred feeling swept through Morgan at the reserved boy’s obvious discomfort at his sister’s forwardness. He’d been much the same at his age, taking a while to get comfortable with strangers. ‘Come and sit at the table, Edward. What would you like to drink?’

The boy hesitated and Morgan went to the fridge. ‘I have apple juice and prune juice or milk.’

Gabby wrinkled up her nose. ‘Prunes? Yuck. I’ll have apple.’

‘Me too,’ came Edward’s small voice.

It was fun spending the time with the kids. Edward relaxed under the influence of chocolate cake and joined in the banter. Morgan found he liked both of them in their different ways. He’d thought Gabby might overwhelm her brother but when he spoke, she listened with grave attention. At least he was learning more about the town as they talked about their schoolteachers and various people, some of whom were familiar and some not.

They were laughing over Gabby’s imitation of Miss Harmsworth when Edward suddenly stopped, his mouth slamming shut, eyes fixed on the doorway.

It was hard to read Becca’s expression. She’d developed a real talent for putting on a mask to hide her thoughts. But then she’d always kept secrets. He glanced at Gabby. Still did.

Gabby twisted around, her smile a little shaky. ‘Hi, Mum.’

‘Hello.’ She stepped into the kitchen wearing jeans and a hoodie and holding a sweater over one arm. After a quick glance at the food on the table she nodded in Morgan’s direction. ‘Thanks for having them.’

Morgan stood and indicated a spare seat. ‘Please join us.’

Something flickered in her dark eyes behind the spectacles. ‘We need to get home. Dan will be waiting.’

‘Aw, Mum.’ Gabby looked like she might argue, but Edward was already standing, wiping the cake crumbs from around his mouth.

Morgan forced himself to smile at Gabby. He’d forgotten about Dan for the moment. ‘Another time. You know you’re always welcome.’

Becca handed her daughter the sweater. ‘You forgot this and it’s cold outside. Both of you head off and pick up your school bags and bikes. I’ll be along in a few minutes.’

Both children had a worried notch between their brows, but they obeyed, giving a wave to Morgan as they went through the back porch.

Becca was silent as she watched them leave. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to like this conversation.

‘Whose idea was it for them to come here?’

Morgan perched on the edge of the table. ‘I presume it was Gabby. They were doing a small job for my mother.’

Her gaze drifted again to the table. ‘Grace has been cooking up a storm.’

‘Trying to fatten me up.’

A small twitch at the corner of her mouth was all the response he received, but he relaxed.

‘Is there any reason why the children can’t come for a visit?’

‘Why would you want them?’

‘They’re nice kids. You’ve done a great job with them, you and Dan,’ he added.

A flush highlighted her cheekbones. ‘They are good kids. I wouldn’t be without them.’ It came out almost defiantly and he wondered who had made her so defensive. And why.