Page 42 of A Matter of Trust

He and Becca had to work things out. She wasn’t exactly enthusiastic. Not surprising considering she must have been smarting from his physical rejection last weekend. He tapped his pen on the desk. There were a few options. If he could only get Becca to put aside pride and accept help.

Checking the time, he calculated he had a few minutes before the afternoon influx of patients. Becca was in her office prepping the books for the accountant. The place ran like a well-oiled machine. He only had to concentrate on the medical side of things. Doctor Farrell had liked it that way. Morgan was itching to do more. This way he could focus on the expansion of the clinic.

He nodded to Laureen as he went past on his way to the Clinic Manager’s office. The girl was eating a salad and leafing through a fashion magazine. Getting ideas for her next crazy hairdo maybe. He wasn’t sure the faded blue suited her dark complexion, even if it matched the clinic uniform.

Becca’s door was shut and he knocked, entering at her command. She looked surprised for a moment before her face settled into its usual passivity.

‘How can I help you?’

He made himself comfortable in the chair across from her. ‘We need to talk.’

She glanced at her laptop screen before closing it down. Folding her arms, she sat back. ‘Go ahead.’

‘This is not work related. I’d prefer meeting out of business hours. Could you come over tonight?’

‘I have to finish packing up Dan’s stuff.’

Morgan shifted. ‘He’s moving already?’

‘They finished the building fit out earlier than initially expected. They want to get the tenants in straight away.’

‘That’s good, isn’t it?’

Becca nodded. ‘Better than delays. Dan doesn’t handle anticipation well.’

‘Do you need a hand to take his things down? I could loan you the car or drive you.’

Her lips curved up in a faint smile. ‘It’s all sorted, thank you. Thackery is taking him down in the truck, so he can take all his things with him.’

It had been like this all week. Since the kiss. She was polite. Courteous. But the rapport they’d started to build was gone. He missed it. He’d missed it for years.

‘Is there much packing to do? Can I help?’

A flush edged her cheekbones. ‘Not much. I could probably come over for a while if I can get someone to babysit.’

‘I could ask my mother.’

The wry smile was back. ‘Grace doesn’t handle Dan’s oddities. I’ll get Thackery to come.’

‘He doesn’t mind the short notice?’ He tried not to make it a question. It wasn’t his business who Becca spent time with.

She tilted her head, studying him, her glasses catching the overhead light and obscuring her expression. ‘He’ll usually tell me if he can’t. Most times it’s okay. He’s almost family.’

‘How did you get to know him?’

‘When the twins were small, he was still at school. He brought organic eggs and produce into town to sell every Monday and Friday and he’d drop off what he didn’t sell on his way home at a cheap rate. He had this funny little trailer thing on his pushbike. I assume it was how he paid his way. Win never leaves the farm.’

‘What about parents?’

‘He never talks about them. I know his mum died.’

‘So there’s his sister and his aunty Beryl. Lucky him.’

They shared a smile at that image, Becca sobering quickly. ‘He’s not one to brood on the past.’ She shot a pointed look at the clock.

The time was getting away. Fascinating as it was, he needed to make sure Becca would come. ‘What time?’

‘I’ll check with Thackery, but after the children have eaten probably. I don’t like to take advantage.’