Page 52 of Untether

The trailer will probably break the internet.

So I understand why an intense and intricate PR and social media plan is so necessary for proactive and reactive reasons alike.

Maddy’s in her element. Azure has fancy people doing fancy campaigns, but Alchemy will be playing its part, disseminating the official graphics and leveraging the likely uptick in profile while also reassuring its members that their privacy is still of the upmost importance.

It’s also a superb opportunity to tie the main message of the documentary in with our own ongoing educational content and hopefully attract more women of Aida’s age as members. It’s been bothering us for a while that our over-forty members skew far more towards men. Hopefully this platform will give us the power to change that.

Aida runs us through the lineup from now till mid November, when filming is due to draw to a close, aside from pickups and concluding segments. While the interviewing timetable is a scheduling masterpiece, the fucking timetable, for want of a more technical term, is the absolute opposite.

There are a few reasons for this. First, very little footage of us fucking will actually be captured. This isn’t a porno. Any preambles or post-hookup interviews can, worst case, be filmed on different occasions.

A far more important reason is that, when she embarked on this project, Aida and her production team decided unanimously that putting deadlines to these very personal, very intimate milestones would make them far too daunting. The poor woman didn’t want to have to fuck to a schedule.

But the final reason is the one most exciting one for me personally. And that is that Aida’s journey of self-discovery should be fluid. She couldn’t possibly know at the outset of this adventure how her tastes, her appetites, would change.

She still doesn’t know.

Every time she steps foot in the sultry confines of Alchemy, she should feel as though she has a carte blanche for whatever filth she’d like to get up to. Everything should feel possible. And that delicious sense of possibility is what’ll make for TV magic as a national treasure explores limits she may not have been aware of before.



All this is a roundabout way of saying that she and I have yet to fuck, that we have not yet conceived of a concrete plan of action for when and how to fuck, and that, despite my best efforts at guarding Aida’s privacy from even my team, everyone in this room knows we haven’t yet fucked.

Gen, bless her, tries to find the most discreet way to raise the issue. ‘Do you guys have a date yet for the next, um, instalment?’

We glance at each other from our places side by side on the sofa. ‘Probably next week,’ Aida says. ‘I have the PM onCentre Stagethis week, so I’m pretty jammed till Wednesday.’

She has our Prime Minister lined up for the hot seat, and all I’ve got lined up on Wednesday is my after-work battle ropes session with Rafe.

Jesus fuck.

‘Not sure you can compete with the PM,’ Rafe quips in my direction.

‘Ha fucking ha,’ I say.

‘Unless I come in Thursday?’ Aida suggests. ‘I could probably use some relaxation after wringing him dry over why the fuck he doesn’t fire his fascist Home Secretary.’

‘No can do,’ Gen points out. ‘It’s the party on Thursday night—the whole place will be chaos that day.’

‘What party?’ Aida asks.

‘One of our semi-annual themed nights,’ I tell her. ‘It’s the Masked Ball. It’s a lot of fun, but the ballgowns are a lot less obligatory than the masks, if you catch my drift.’

It’s actually up there with Slave Night as one of my favourite events. There’s something about those lavish masks that makes our members even more feral than usual. They lower inhibitions and ratchet the debauchery right up.

Aida shrugs. ‘That sounds fun. I could… come along?’

It does not sound like fun. It sounds like a bloody nightmare. The place will be heaving. I’ll be in Events Manager mode while also being in a constant state of arousal. This is precisely the kind of event where I unleash my inner beast and allow him to play.

I’d mount that woman so fast and so hard she wouldn’t know what had hit her.

There’d be no warming her up.

No aftercare.

To say one of our most popular themed nights would be a baptism of fire for a woman who’s just come out of a monogamous relationship is like saying I like women. The understatement of the fucking century.