Hunter looked up and smiled. “I’m okay, Daddy. I want to feed the fish. You can go inside.” Then he left Luis standing there with Leck and ran to the other side of the reception area so he could gaze into the fish tank again.

Luis shrugged, slightly surprised at Hunter’s carefree reaction, which he suspected had a great deal to do with the ice pop. He smiled at Leslie and said, “Are you sure this is okay? We can always reschedule and I can come back out to L.A. alone. I’ll even pay for my own flight. I don’t mind.”

“It’s no problem at all, Mr. Fortune,” Leslie said. “I’ll enjoy it. I love kids, seriously. Hunter will be fine with me.”

So while Leslie carried a black leather chair over to the fish tank for Hunter, Luis followed Leck into the studio.

They certainly were friendly people and Luis started to get a thrill up his leg. The first part of the meeting was spent discussing the contract, boiler plate clauses, and basic details with which Luis was familiar from already doing so many modeling jobs. They sat at a large conference table in a secluded office and spoke casually, with a tray of expensive pastries and a carafe of coffee between them. Then they discussed Luis maintaining creative control, and Leck smiled and agreed to all Luis’s terms. It was almost too good to be true.

But the final part of the meeting was unexpected.

Leck escorted Luis out of the conference room and into a studio filled with naked young men, more naked young men than Luis had ever seen in his life at one time. Then Leck pointed to a large king-sized bed with black satin sheets, and he told Luis to remove his clothes and lie down on the bed.

Luis took a step back and pressed his palm to his throat. He didn’t want to insult Leck. After all, he’d been so nice to Luis. “I didn’t think I’d be posing for any photos today, Leck. I’m not sure about this.” He didn’t want to be impolite or unprofessional, but Leck could have warned him this was coming.

Leck smiled and sent him a friendly glance. “I have to see you in the nude before we finalize everything. It’s standard procedure for all our models. I guess you could say it’s an audition of sorts. And we are going to pay you over a quarter of a million dollars.” Though Leck was still speaking with the same low, even tone, he wasn’t joking around. He meant business, and he wanted Luis to strip. “We need you to show us what we’re going to get. As you can see, no one is shy around here. We’re shooting a film right now on the other side of the studio and you’re among like-minded friends, I assure you.”

Luis was apprehensive at first. Although he and Jase had done a few exhibitionist things together, and Luis did have that unusual little exhibitionist game he played with Cory, he’d never actually removed all his clothes in front of so many other men at one time, and never in a professional modeling environment. He came close to turning around and forgetting about the entire deal. He hadn’t signed anything yet.

It wouldn’t be hard to leave. But he didn’t want to insult these nice people, especially Leck. Then he thought about how he’d be disappointing Elena, not to mention all the people at the Angel Association. They didn’t even know he was planning to donate a quarter of a million to them, but he knew it.

So he walked over to the bed and slowly started to remove his black suit jacket, keeping his upper lip stiff and his dick soft, maintaining his professionalism. He’d been modeling for a long time, but this time it felt different when he dropped his beige slacks. With each piece of clothing he removed, a creepy sensation ran up the back of his neck to the top of his head, partly because Leck stood gaping at him, and partly because there were so many other naked young men in the studio. When he was finally naked and he went down on the bed in front of Leck and all those other naked young men, it felt as if someone had punched him in the stomach. He got through it by concentrating and telling himself he was a professional and this was just another modeling job. No one else in the studio seemed concerned.

Leck walked over to the bed and gazed down at Luis’s body. Leck’s eyes moved up and down, taking in every last inch of his naked flesh, as if measuring him for a new suit.

While Leck continued to look him over, Luis couldn’t help glancing around the room. Now that he was more focused and less nervous he noticed a few things that made his eyebrows go up. In the far corner of the studio, he saw a group of young guys having sex with each other. They weren’t posing for art either. They were fucking and sucking with grunts and moans.

One handsome blond guy did something very disturbing with a cherry ice pop: he’d lick it, reach back and rub it up and down his ass, then lick it again. They were too far away to see details, so Luis was spared from witnessing too many images that would last him a lifetime. But they were definitely having sex and doing kinky things with ice pops, and the photos being shot by a photographer on the sidelines weren’t the artistic photos Luis had seen from this publisher. This was outright porn, not semi-nude poses with partially visible flaccid penises.

Leck rubbed his jaw, without removing his eyes from Luis’s naked legs, and said, “Would you please roll over on your stomach and spread your legs a little for me? You have a beautiful body and I want to see everything.”

Luis slowly rolled over on his stomach and spread his legs. When he did this, Leck called two naked young guys over and asked them, “What do you guys think of that?” He pointed to Luis’s bare ass with one hand and pressed his index finger to his bottom lip with the other.

One guy shrugged and said, “It’s hot.” This guy was a ginger type, with reddish blond hair and smooth white, freckled legs.

The other grabbed his dick and said, “I’d fuck him any day.” He was rougher around the edges, with dark hair, and his dick was almost as thick as Luis’s wrist.

Luis blinked. He hadn’t expected a formal critique.

Then Leck bent down and placed his large hand between Luis’s legs. He squeezed Luis’s ass a few times and whistled back. He touched a soft spot inside Luis’s thigh and rubbed it with his fingertips a few times. He even ran his fingers up between Luis’s legs and grazed his anus. Then he smiled and said, “Spread your legs a little wider now and arch your back for me a little. I want to see your ass high in the air.”

So much for artistic and tasteful.

But Luis didn’t want to be a poor sport, so he spread his legs wider and arched his back, wondering how much longer he’d had to pose this way.