Jase smiled. “I’m looking forward to it myself,” he said. “And I can’t tell you how thrilled I am Luis decided to hire you. At first I was a little concerned because he didn’t talk to me first. But now that I’ve met you, I can see there’s nothing at all to worry about.”

“I told you he was perfect,” Luis said, looking down at the stove to be sure all the burners on the stove were off.

Hunter was already outside waiting. He shouted through the screen door. “Let’s go, Darius. I want my friend Justin to see you, so I can tell him you’re a real baseball coach.”

Darius smiled once more at Jase, then turned to join Hunter on the patio. He walked with his head up and his jaw set. This introduction had gone better than he’d ever dreamed it would. Thanks to fast thinking and Luis’s carelessness, the burning bag had made him a hero his first day there. But as he turned and headed down the driveway, he saw that scruffy-looking, bearded handyman standing beside his old Jeep. He was bent over, fumbling for something in a rusted old tool box. He smiled at Hunter and told him to have a good day.

Hunter called the guy by name—Cory—and told him he’d see him later that afternoon. Darius tried being friendly again. He smiled at Cory and nodded, hoping there was still time to win him over. But the only thing Darius received in return was a reserved nod and blank glare.

Chapter Seven

“I like having Darius around,” Jase said, running his hand down between Luis’s legs. “We get to sleep later and I get to do nasty things to you more often.”

Luis smiled. “What kind of nasty things?” He wanted to hear Jase say it out loud.

“Nasty things like playing with your ass and shoving my fingers between your legs, or rubbing my dick across your lips while you’re still sleeping.”

Jase’s fingers found Luis’s ass crack and Luis smiled.

“I’m not sure I like the way you’re talking now. You’re starting to sound like a dirty old creep.”

“I want to sound creepy,” Jase said, lowering his tone.

“I have to get up, Jase,” Luis said. “Be good. It’s after seven and Hunter will be up soon. He’s all excited about going to Josh’s and Roland’s Fourth of July party today.” But Luis didn’t make any obvious moves to actually get out of bed.

The lower Jase’s hand went between his legs, the wider he spread his legs apart and welcomed the intrusion.

Jase cupped the bottom of Luis’s ass in his palm and squeezed hard, then rested his middle finger against his anus.

He started tapping his finger gently and said, “Darius can handle Hunter. Darius is always up at six and always in the kitchen waiting for us. He’s probably cleaned the entire house by now.”

Luis had to admit having Darius around had improved their sex life. If he hadn’t hired Darius, he would have had to leave Jase alone in bed with an erection and fumble downstairs to make coffee. Though he felt a little guilty about not getting up that morning, his legs went higher, he wrapped his right arm around Jase’s shoulders, and said, “I guess it won’t hurt if we’re a little late getting downstairs this morning.

I’m sure Darius will understand, and Hunter loves him so much he won’t mind at all.”

Jase shoved the tip of his finger into Luis’s anus and kissed him on the mouth. A minute after that, he pulled the covers off and climbed on top of Luis’s naked body. Luis’s sighed and caressed the back of Jase’s head. Then he wrapped his legs around Jase’s waist and laced his fingers at the back of Jase’s neck. They were at the point Luis always enjoyed.

They were still kissing and the tip of Jase’s dick was poking him. When Jase reached for a tube of lube on the nightstand, Luis lowered his arms and grabbed Jase’s biceps, waiting for Jase to enter him. Though Jase had a well-defined, muscular body, he was one of those men who tend to build their bicep muscles more than any other muscle in their body, and Luis always experienced a thrill between his legs whenever he held Jase’s biceps. When he squeezed them with the tips of his fingers, his heart started to race and his own erection pulsed.

When he gently bit them while Jase was fucking him, his toes curled back. There were times when he’d literally fallen asleep with his lips resting one of Jase’s biceps.

Jase covered his cock with lube and said, “Get up now.” Then he slapped Luis on the ass and climbed out of bed.

Luis lowered his legs and sat up, reaching down to stroke his own erection. “Why?”

Jase grabbed his greasy cock and slapped it across Luis’s cheek. “I want to fuck standing up.”

Luis unfolded from the bed and asked, “You want me to lean into the wall and bend over?” They’d fucked in almost every position imaginable by then. Luis had taken Jase’s dick in the back of pickup trucks, against public bathroom walls, and over a pile of tires that used to be next to the barn. Jase had even fucked Luis upside down once on the floor in front of the sofa in their old apartment in Trump Tower. Luis had backed up against the front of the sofa, spread his legs into an almost perfect split, and braced his palms on the floor. Then Jase climbed up on the sofa cushions and fucked him upside down. Luis had a sore neck and bruises between his legs for a week.

“No,” Jase said. “Grab the bedpost with both hands and spread your legs.”

Luis’s heart started to beat faster. He smiled and reached for the bed post, then Jase reached down and grabbed his left leg. He lifted Luis’s leg up as far as he could with one hand and guided his cock into Luis with the other. Luis closed his eyes and tossed his head back; Jase had entered him with such a strong thrust, his eyes stung. But in this position, with his right leg braced to the floor and the left lifted up as high as it could go, Jase’s dick slid into his body with little effort.

When Jase was all the way inside, Luis stretched out the leg that was suspended in mid-air, as if he were rehearsing in a ballet studio, and pointed his toes. This wasn’t bad at all, even better than a sideways fuck with his leg wrapped around Jase’s back.

Jase started bucking his hips slowly, kissing the back of Luis’s neck, holding Luis’s left leg up with seemingly little effort. Only a strong man could fuck and balance Luis this way. Only a man who liked to fuck would bother using his strength this way.

Luis sighed and said, “We have to remember this position for the future.” His voice filled with a slight tremble.