The shadow outside the motel room window remained still. For a minute or two, Darius knew he’d attracted attention and he spread his legs wider so whoever it was could see everything he was offering. A moment after that, the shadow moved to the right and Darius heard the doorknob slowly turn.

He took a quick breath and put his other hand behind his head.

When he looked up and saw the middle-aged man in the dark business suit cross through the doorway, he nodded and said, “Hey, buddy.” Darius figured him for another married salesman on the road. These guys were always looking for action on the down low, even more than the truck drivers. At least this one wasn’t bad looking: a calmer version of Charlie Sheen.

The man closed the door behind him and stepped into the dingy room. He glanced up and down at Darius’s naked, muscular body and bit his lip for a moment. Then he moved closer and said, “What are you into, buddy?”

Darius smiled and released his dick. When the shaft slapped against his flat stomach he spread his legs wider, reached down to tug his balls, and said, “I’m more interested in what you’re into, man. I know how to do any number of things to please guys like you. I work hard.” He knew he couldn’t come out and ask for money directly. But he wanted to get the point across this wasn’t a freebie. This guy could have been an undercover cop and Darius had already been arrested once for soliciting men. It happened the first week he’d landed in Los Angeles. He’d only been fourteen years old and hadn’t had enough money to buy a fast-food meal. Oh, he’d done what he’d had to do to survive.

The guy shrugged and glanced down at Darius’s naked legs. He pursed his lips and sucked in some air. “I guess you could say I’m the submissive type.” His hands were smooth, and Darius didn’t miss the gold wedding band on his ring finger.

Darius smiled. He knew exactly what to do now. He rose from the bed and walked up behind the guy. When he wrapped his arms around the guy’s waist and pressed his erection into the guy’s ass, he lowered his voice and whispered into the guy’s ear. “Why don’t you drop you rpants and climb up on the bed on your hands and knees? I’ll take good care of you. I know what you want, man.”

The guy took a quick breath and arched his back.

“Fuck me,” he said. He reached back to hold Darius’s cock. “I want this inside me. It’s been a long time.”

Darius smiled. He now knew for sure this guy wasn’t a cop and he wasn’t going to get busted. “I’ll fuck your fucking brains out, but it’s gonna cost you three hundred for that kind of a fuck.” His strong hands went down and he started to unbuckle the guy’s belt. While he did this, he rubbed his morning stubble across the guy’s neck and moaned into his ear. Darius knew he had this guy where he wanted him; there weren’t many submissive men who could resist the strong hands of a twenty-six-year-old like Darius.

The guy’s head went back and he closed his eyes.

“I’m sorry. I only have two hundred in cash.”

Darius had expected this; he knew the guy was telling the truth. That’s why he’d asked for three hundred in the first place. So he reached down between the guy’s legs and grabbed his ass hard. It was firmer than he’d expected. “For two hundred I’ll fuck you doggie style,” he said in a low, raspy tone. “I’ll mount that pretty ass and ride you like a fucking stud horse. You won’t be able to walk when I’m finished with you.”

The guy nodded yes and reached down to unfasten his pants. When they dropped to his ankles, he stepped out of them and said, “Yeah, stud. Fuck me.”

It turned out this guy wasn’t as shy as Darius thought he’d be. He didn’t even bother to remove all his clothes. He kicked off his shoes, climbed onto the bed, and spread his legs.

He knew how to take every single inch and he wasn’t ashamed to beg for more. The entire act took less than twenty minutes. By the time the guy pulled up his pants and left two hundred dollars on the foot of the bed, Darius was leaning against the headboard with his feet crossed and a cigarette dangling from his lips. The condom was still on his dick and he watched the guy finish dressing. The guy tucked in his shirt and fastened his belt, then adjusted his pants and looked down at his shoes. When he patted his pockets to make sure he still had his wallet and car keys, he said, “Thanks, man.

You really are a stud horse. I’m already having trouble walking.”

Darius laughed. He seemed like a sweet guy in spite of the circumstances under with they’d met. “Don’t mention it, daddy.”

Then the guy turned and headed back to the door with his head pointed down and part of the back of his suit jacket tucked into his pants. He lifted his arm and waved, then turned back for one last look at what might likely have been the best fuck of his life to date.

Darius pulled the condom off and reached down for the two hundred dollars. He spread the twenty-dollar bills out fan style and sighed. He’d been able to make five times this amount back in Los Angeles on a good night; he’d fucked fat-assed Nellie old queens for more than ten times this amount without giving it a second thought. And now, in a dank motel room on the fringes of fucking Philadelphia, he’d been lucky to get this much. Darius tossed the money on the bed and clenched his fists. At least he’d given someone something to remember forever. But Darius wanted his life back, he wanted Luis Fortune and Jase Nicholas to suffer, and he wanted revenge for what they’d all done to Leck Schneider. For Darius, it hadn’t only been about money and lifestyle with Leck. Leck had been the only man Darius had ever really loved.

* * * *

The further north Darius drove, the more overcast the sky became. Even though it was June, it felt more like April.

By the time he pulled into the driveway at Cider Mill Farm, the old guy with blue hair at the end of the road was outside watering his small container garden. It was still early, almost nine o’clock. Darius stopped and lowered his window to say hello. He had to think hard to remember the old guy’s name was Thomas, pronounced with an accent on the last syllable.

“Good morning, Tho- mas,” Darius said. “I’m moving in today.” Then he spread his legs wider and pulled up his shorts so Thomas could look into the truck and see part of his underwear.

Thomas lifted his head and smiled. “Well, isn’t that nice? I think you’re going to like it around here. I haven’t been here for long, and I love it.” He set the watering can down and moved closer to Darius’s truck so he could look inside. When he reached the picket fence, he looked into the car, gazed at Darius’s fuzzy blond legs, and said, “If you need anything, let me know. I’m always around.” He sounded as giddy today as he had the day before when Darius first met him.