It was during these trying days when Luis was thankful Thomas von Klingensmith had come into their lives.

Summer was approaching and Thomas was moved and settled into the house at the end of the road. When Luis told Thomas about what had happened with Leck, the underage porn, and the way Leck had died, Thomas was the only one who could actually offer Luis comfort. He had a way of counseling Luis without Luis even knowing he was being counseled, which helped Luis see he’d done the right thing by exposing Leck to the authorities. There were times during that late spring, as the days grew longer and the nights grew warmer at Cider Mill Farm, when talking with Thomas von Klingensmith was better than taking the strongest dose of medicine or the stiffest drink. But more than that, for Luis it was refreshing to know there were, indeed, still people on Earth with decent intentions who wanted nothing more than to live a good, clean life.

Chapter Four

On a warm Monday morning in June, Luis crept out of bed and tiptoed into the bathroom stark naked. He walked with a slight limp. His right leg was still asleep because Jase had been sleeping on top of him all night in the same position, grinding his dick into the small of Luis’s back and snoring into Luis’s ear. Luis didn’t mind being pinned to the bed by Jase. In fact, Luis hadn’t slept this well in weeks. And he liked waking up with Jase’s spicy, masculine scent all over his body. There was nothing like the scent of Jase. It made Luis feel secure and comfortable and exciting all at the same time.

Jase was still sleeping and Luis wanted to surprise him before he left for work. They had decided to spend the summer at Cider Mill Farm again this year, only Jase was busy working on a new invention launching in the fall and he would be commuting back and forth from New York from Monday to Thursday. This time Jase had come up with an ingenious new household tool that would change the lives of many homeowners. He’d invented a long, sturdy extension pole that could attack multiple household tasks, from yanking wet leaves off hard to reach places on roofs to dusting the tall ceilings in many of the newer homes built in the latter part of the twentieth century. People would even be able to attach paintbrushes and rollers to this pole so they could paint formerly impossible places to reach without dangerous ladders. It would save the do-it-yourself crowd thousands of dollars by not having to hire professional painters. Though the product wasn’t even out on the market yet, it had already been nominated for several design awards and written about in more than a few home renovation magazines.

But Luis wasn’t thinking about Jase’s new sturdy household pole when he went into the bathroom that morning.

He was thinking about the sturdy pole between Jase’s legs that was waiting for him back in the bedroom. The sun had just risen and Hunter would remain asleep for at least another hour. Jase was commuting to New York that day, but most of his meetings were in the afternoon and he rarely ever had a set time schedule. Jase actually said if he left for the city around nine in the morning he missed all the heavy rush-hour traffic and got to his office at the same time he would have arrived if he’d left an hour and a half earlier.

Luis wanted to take advantage of this warm, sweet morning. They hadn’t had sex since late Thursday night, which had only been a quickie where Jase had fucked him on his stomach for about five minutes before they’d fallen asleep—a fuck so violent they broke a lamp. The one thing Luis had learned how to do since Hunter had come into their lives was to balance his time between Jase and Hunter so neither one of them ever felt left out. It was often more complicated to do this with Hunter. Kids, he’d learned, tended to be very needy even when they weren’t trying to be needy.

But with Jase it was always easier. Most of the time all Luis had to do to please Jase was spread his legs and smile for a few minutes.

This morning, Luis had planned a particular treat for Jase he hadn’t performed in a long time: an expert massage.

He reached for a bottle of baby oil on a shelf in the medicine cabinet and grabbed two clean white towels from the linen closet. Before he went back into the bedroom, he covered his entire body with a shiny layer of oil, rubbing a few extra drops up and down his ass crack so he wouldn’t have to bother with lube later. Then he quietly crossed back into the bedroom and climbed onto the mattress on his knees. The only problem with this little act was it tended to be messy, which meant Luis would spend a good deal of the morning trying to get baby oil out of the white sheets. But for the first time in months, he didn’t have any modeling jobs for the next two weeks and he was looking forward to doing simple things like housework and laundry.

Jase was still sleeping on his stomach, so Luis gently pulled down the white top sheet and climbed up on Jase’s back. He straddled Jase’s waist, opened the bottle of baby oil, and poured a light stream across the top of Jase’s wide shoulders. The morning sun was hitting Jase’s back and the silky oil defined each strong muscle. Luis licked his bottom lip and placed both palms on Jase’s shoulder blades, still amazed this muscular hunk of a man was all his to play with.

When his gentle fingers pressed into Jase’s back, Jase lifted his head and turned it sideways. He looked up and smiled. “Hmmm, that feels so good. You have such a light touch.”

Luis leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. He knew Jase loved to be babied, not handled roughly. “Don’t talk. Just close your eyes and relax, sweetie. Let me do all the work.” Then, with the precision of a trained massage therapist, Luis started working on Jase’s shoulders with calculated movements, balancing light and rough at different intervals.

He worked his way down Jase’s spine, taking extra time to massage the small of his back. When he dug his fingertips into Jase’s tight, muscular buttocks, he spread them apart and spent a few minutes licking his ass crack from the bottom all the way up to the top. Luis didn’t rim Jase often, because Jase was usually the one rimming him, but when Luis did rim him he made sure he didn’t miss a spot, especially the soft part in the middle that tasted the best.

After that, Luis moved down slowly and worked each muscle in Jase’s legs, running his fingertips up and down Jase’s calves with featherlike strokes. He massaged Jase’s feet, then each individual toe. When Luis turned Jase over so he could work on the front of his body and he saw how hard Jase was, Luis sucked in his bottom lip and rubbed more baby oil around the lips of his own anus so he’d be ready to get fucked when the massage was finished.

Working on the front of Jase’s body, Luis began with Jase’s feet and started working his way up to the good parts.