Thankfully, her comment secured the deal, and Luis and Jase were picking Cory up that morning and bringing him back to the guest room. So Luis figured he’d better take advantage of this quiet summer morning with Jase while he could. When Jase didn’t move after he tossed the shoe, he picked up a throw pillow he’d set beside the chair and threw it right at Jase’s head.

Jase moaned and moved his long legs. He pulled the covers over his head and said, “What do you want? I thought I had another hour to sleep. Leave me alone.”

Luis spread his legs wider and his feet dangled. He had his erection in one hand and an eight-inch dildo in the other. “I have a surprise for you this morning,” he said. He lowered the dildo and pressed it to the opening between his legs. He’d already lubed it up and it went into his body smoothly. This was something Jase had been asking him to do for a while and he’d been putting off for the right time.

“What’s the surprise?” Jase’s head remained beneath the covers.

“Sit up and look,” Luis said. “You’re going to like it.”

Jase stretched his arms and legs and groaned a few times. Then he pulled back the covers and rubbed his eyes.

When he opened them and saw Luis sitting in the chair, sliding the dildo in and out of his body, he slowly untangled his legs from the covers and walked to the other side of the room without saying a word.

Luis glanced up and tilted his head sideways, inserting the dildo as far in as he could. The bait had worked well. Then he released his own erection and reached for Jase’s. He tugged a few times and said, “I thought you’d be excited about this. You’ve been asking me to try it for a long time.”

Jase bit his bottom lip and leered at what was happening between Luis’s legs. “You’re going to let me double fuck you?”

Luis smiled. “Should I stay in this position? Or should I get on all fours?” Jase continued to gape; his erection pulsed in Luis’s palm.

“I like this position,” Jase said, freeing himself from Luis’s grip and going down on his knees.

It was one of those dildos that didn’t have a bulky base with fake balls. So all Jase had to do was pull Luis’s hips toward him and prepare for the mount. Luis’s arms went behind his head and his feet arched. Jase reached for the dildo and slipped it out of Luis’s hole. He pressed the top of the dildo to the base of his own erection so the head of his penis would be aligned with the head of the dildo. Then he moved his hips forward and entered Luis’s body.

Luis’s head went back against the chair and he gasped.

He lost his erection and his scrotum tightened. Though Jase moved slowly and entered him with precision, Luis fought the urge to scream out loud because he didn’t want to wake Hunter or Camp. The magnitude of the impact jarred every nerve in Luis’s body; the pain the shot from the lips of his anus to the top of his head. He clenched his back teeth and dug his fingertips into the arms of the chair, wishing he still had the throw pillow to bite. The deeper Jase went, the sharper the pain became. Luis broke out in a sweat and his heart started racing. Now that Jase and the dildo were halfway in it felt as though he were being ripped open. For a moment, the pain was so unbelievably intense he couldn’t even catch his breath. He felt like kicking Jase off him with both feet and sitting in a bucket of ice cold water.

Then, as Jase went as deep as he could, keeping the dildo even with his own erection, the pain began to subside. In its place, a soothing sense of relief and pleasure made him sigh out loud.

Jase stopped and asked, “Are you okay? Should I stop now?”

Luis smiled and reached down. His own erection was returning and he began to experience the most unusual sense of well-being he’d ever had. “I’m fine, Jase. Don’t stop.”

Jase released the grip he had on his dick and the dildo for a moment. He rubbed the bottom of Luis’s ass with the back of his hand and said, “I wish you could see how hot you look with two dicks inside you.”

Luis nodded and started moving his pelvis around in half circles, losing himself in the moment. His lowered abdomen rocked; his toes curled. His eyes opened wide when he started to experience the beginnings of his own climax and Jase hadn’t even started any serious fucking. He rubbed the flat fuzzy section right above Jase’s dick and said, “Don’t stop, Jase. I’m going to come fast this time. I can feel it everywhere.

I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can hold back this time.” He spoke with a whisper; he rested his other hand on his chest and started tweaking his nipple.

Jase wrapped his index finger and his thumb around his cock and the dildo to hold them together securely and started moving his pelvis. When he had a good, strong grip on both, he started fucking. He didn’t fuck as fast as he normally fucked this time because holding the dildo seemed to slow him down. But Luis didn’t mind at all. The slower fucking was almost better with two dicks in his body. It created more suspense, as if Jase were milking his prostate with a purpose and teasing him into climax.

Luis had been right about coming fast. When he felt the orgasm rise from deep inside his body, Jase had only been fucking him for a few minutes. He started jacking his own dick and said, “I’m close, Jase. I can’t hold back this time.

You’re hitting something right now that’s making me wild.”

His voice trembled by then. It felt as though he couldn’t spread his legs wide enough.

“Go, baby,” Jase said, moving his pelvis faster to create more friction. “Don’t worry about me. Just come for me this way.” He continued to glance down between Luis’s legs with glazed eyes and an astonished expression.

A minute after that, Luis had a double orgasm. He tried hard to hold back and make it last, but he couldn’t. The first time he came he blasted all over his face. The second time was only seconds after the first. Though he came less the second time, the pleasure was as intense and it lingered. In fact, it was so intense his balls popped into his body and he had to reach down and push them back into his scrotum when it was over.

When he realized Jase hadn’t come yet, he took a quick breath and said, “Pull out now and let me finish you off up here.” His lips parted and he stuck out his tongue.

Jase responded with a laugh and said, “Do the deed.”

In less than three seconds, he was kneeling on the chair and his dick was in Luis’s mouth. A minute or two after that, he held the sides of Luis’s head in his palms and his body began to tremble. Luis took every inch of him without a gag or a choke. Luis felt him swell and prepare to release. When he did, Luis closed his eyes and swallowed with such ease Jase caressed the back of his head and said, “I love you so much it’s hard for me to believe I could have been lucky enough to find you at this point in my life.”