When Jase kissed him this time and his cock exploded, Luis’s entire body trembled and twitched. As Jase finished doing the deed and bringing him off, Luis closed his eyes and moaned so softly into Jase’s mouth it sounder more like a whimper of pain than a sigh of relief.

Chapter Two

On Saturday morning, a bright, warm spring day in mid-April, Jase took Hunter and Camp down to the Delaware River fishing for shad. Since the river had been cleaned up and the shad had started returning fifteen years ago, the little tourist town across the river in New Jersey held a yearly shad festival. Back in the 1960s the industrial plants along the Delaware River had polluted the river with so many chemicals the shad had stopped swimming north. But after a few serious government regulations in the late 1970s, the shad had returned and locals wanted to celebrate the restored environment.

Luis was in the laundry room doing a week’s worth of dirty clothes he’d brought out with him from New York in three heavy sacks. Jase and Luis had ironed out a reasonable schedule with work so they could leave New York on Thursday nights and not have to return until late Monday evening. This way they had four full days in Bucks County.

Jase could work out of his home office on Fridays and Mondays, and if Luis had a modeling job he’d join them later.

Hunter only went to preschool in New York three days a week.

Luis and Jase were even talking about moving out to Bucks County full time so Hunter could start kindergarten out there instead of in New York. But that subject was still up in the air for now. Luis and Jase, both huge advocates of the public school system, were weighing their options between some excellent private schools in Manhattan and the excellent public schools in Bucks County. They wanted to do what was best for Hunter, with regard to his future and his present.

Luis knew he’d have the entire house to himself until at least mid-afternoon, so when he filled the washing machine with a load of white bath towels, he also removed the short white bathrobe he was wearing and tossed it in with the towels. He wasn’t completely nude; he’d put on a shiny gold thong earlier. He and Jase had had morning sex while Hunter was still sleeping and Luis decided to surprise Jase with this gold thong. Though Jase never actually asked Luis to wear his kinky little thongs, Luis could always see by the smile on Jase’s face—and the erection between his legs—that Jase was more than pleased when Luis surprised him. This particular morning Jase didn’t even remove the gold thong. Luis went down on the bed on all fours, Jake went behind him and pulled the thong to the side, then Jase mounted him without lube. They both knew Hunter would be up soon and there wasn’t much time for foreplay. The act took less than fifteen minutes. But when it was over Jase kissed Luis on the lips and said, “I’m always amazed at how even fast sex with you is better than the long hours of forced sex I had with my ex-wife, Jane.”

Now, Luis reached for a bottle of bleach on a shelf above the washer and smiled when he thought about this. He liked pleasing the man he loved. Jase had always pleased Luis in return. But when Luis pulled the bleach off the shelf and started to unscrew the cap, the back door opened with a clank and Cory Rhodes walked right into the laundry room without knocking.

Luis jumped and dropped the bottle of bleach into the washing machine. Good thing he hadn’t been able to unscrew the childproof cap, otherwise he would have lost half the bleach. He turned and shook his head, “Cory, you almost gave me a heart attack.”

Cory was their full-time handyman. But Luis considered him more of an artist than a handyman. If it hadn’t been for Cory’s innate design talents, not to mention his construction abilities, Luis knew he never would have been able to restore Cider Mill Farm back to its original eighteenth-century splendor.

Cory smiled and looked Luis up and down. He shrugged and said, “Sorry. I saw Jase and Hunter leave earlier this morning and I figured you were alone. I wanted to see if there was any coffee in the house.”

Luis pulled the bottle of bleach from the washer and poured a small amount into the little plastic bleach compartment. “There’s a fresh pot on the counter. Help yourself, Cory.” Luis didn’t rush to cover his almost-naked body; he didn’t care whether or not Cory saw him standing there in the gold thong. Even though there would always be a certain amount of sexual tension between them, Luis knew they would never be lovers. Luis felt as comfortable walking around naked in front of Cory as he did with Jase. Cory was his friend, and Cory knew Luis and Jase were happily married.

Cory had also had a few revelations of his own in the past year. He’d dumped his girlfriend, he’d finally come out of the closet and admitted he was bisexual, and he’d started dating an old friend of his from high school. For a guy like Cory, a rugged country boy who had once been the star of his small-town high school football team, with black hair, a neat black beard, and a deep throaty voice, coming out of the closet to his family and his small-town friends hadn’t been easy. But Luis and Jase had been there to support him all the way.

Cory came into the kitchen in his heavy black work boots and said, “Can I get you a cup?”

Luis closed the lid on the washer and pushed a few buttons that made light beeping sounds. “No. I’m fine. I already had three cups this morning. I want to clean the house before Jase and Hunter get back.” This was the hard part about Cider Mill Farm. In New York, they had a cleaning service come once a week to take care of their house on the Upper West Side, and Luis only had to do the light daily cleaning like straightening the bathrooms and polishing up the kitchen every night. But Luis did all the housework himself at Cider Mill Farm on weekends, from scrubbing the floors to washing the windows, which left little time for any fun.

Finding the right live-in housekeeper-nanny would allow Luis to spend more quality time with Jase and Hunter on weekends.

When Luis walked into the kitchen in his bare feet, Cory was sitting on the handmade pine counter he’d constructed himself sipping a mug of black coffee. He was wearing baggy beige cargo shorts and his hairy legs were dangling in front of the cabinet doors next to the sink. Even though it was warm for April, it still wasn’t warm enough outside for the thin white T-shirt Cory was wearing. Luis crossed to the sink so he could load the breakfast dishes into the dishwasher. “Aren’t you a little underdressed this morning? It’s still jacket weather outside.”

Cory almost choked on his coffee. He lifted his right leg, rubbed the side of his dirty black boot against Luis’s naked thigh, and said, “You should talk. You’re walking around bare-assed.” He was sitting right next to the sink, only inches from Luis. He gazed down at Luis’s naked ass and puckered his lips as if he were about to whistle. Then he grabbed the waistband of Luis’s thong and snapped it against Luis’s waist.