Whenever Cory heard someone say they were psychic, he usually rolled his eyes. Images of carnivals and bearded ladies passed through his mind. He thought feng shui was laughable at best, and when people started rambling on about healing crystals and acupuncture, he had to hold back a groan.

“Don’t be a skeptic,” Luis said, taking a playful step backward so Cory couldn’t reach his ass. “I think there’s something to all this. I think Thomas is going to be very good at it. He’s been psychic all his life. His mother used to take him to psychic events all over the east coast when he was a child.”

“Sounds like Thomas’s mother was a fucking nut,” Cory said.

“Keep an open mind. There are things in the universe no one can explain.”

“Fuck the universe. I like to live in the real world.”

Luis shook his head. “You sound like Jase now.”

“Jase is a very bright man.”

“Well, I’m a believer. I think there’s something to psychic energy, and what we put out in the universe.”

“Don’t talk about putting out,” Cory said. “At least not unless you actually intend to put out right now.”

Luis smiled. “Ah well, not that kind of putting out. And you know it.”

Cory moved forward, backing Luis off the road and into a large tree trunk. “I think it’s all a big joke. But I also think it’s kind of cute you buy into it. It’s part of your charm.”

He reached down and grabbed Luis’s hips with both hands and smiled. He knew this was as far as it would go between them. If Jasper caught him playing around with Luis this way, Jasper would kick him in the balls and hit him over the head with a baseball bat. There was something about Luis that brought out the naughty side of Cory, and no matter how hard he tried to stop, he couldn’t seem to control himself.

Luis placed his palms on Cory’s chest. He gently pushed him and said, “Back up. I told Thomas I’d be at his door ten minutes ago. He’s probably standing at the door waiting for me. You know how older people are. Besides, you need to trim that beard. It’s getting scruffy looking. You’re starting to look like a cave man.”

Cory could tell Luis was having as much fun as he was. When Luis touched Cory’s chest and pushed, Luis also started to feel Cory’s chest muscles. Though Luis’s head was down, he was looking up at Cory with those dark, dangerous eyes. So Cory moved closer and inhaled his scent. “I left my beard scruffy on purpose because I know you like it that way.”

Luis reached up and caressed the side of Cory’s face.

He ran his fingertips back and forth across Cory’s dark beard.

“Why are you walking to the house this morning? Where’s your Jeep?”

Cory shrugged. The way Luis touched his face was getting him hard as a rock. “The Jeep wouldn’t start this morning. I had to have it towed and Jasper dropped me off a few minutes before you and Hunter came running down the road like maniacs.”

“I hope it’s nothing serious.”

“Me too. But it doesn’t look good. When I checked the oil this morning it was empty. I hope the engine didn’t seize. The last thing I need is a car payment.”

Luis caressed his beard one more time. Then he pushed harder on Cory’s chest and stepped away from the tree.

“Keep me posted about what’s wrong,” Luis said. “If you need to use my car, or you need a ride, let me know.”

“You’re a sweetheart,” Cory said.

“I’ll be back in time for lunch,” Luis said. Before he turned to walk over to Thomas’s house, he pointed down and said, “You’d better walk close to the side of the road.”

Cory shrugged. “Why?” He was thinking about his Jeep.

“Because you could get arrested walking around in public that way.”

Cory looked down and gaped at what had happened between his legs. He’d been wearing loose basketball shorts that morning and Luis had given him such an intense erection he’d not only pitched a huge tent in his shorts the shorts had risen up and his dick was sticking out of the right leg. He bit his bottom lip and quickly covered his cock. He tried to point it down but it was still too hard to bend and the fabric of his shorts continued to stick out. “It’s your fault,” he said. “Now I’ll have to walk around with a painful hard-on all morning.”

“You should wear a jock strap.”

“It’s too hot for underwear. I like things to breathe down there.”

Luis laughed and made a face. Then he turned and started walking toward Thomas’s house. Thomas lived at the end of the driveway, beyond a section of thick shrubs. “You should strap that big ugly thing down with duct tape, then,” Luis said, without looking back. “It’s obscene.”

Cory laughed. He grabbed his dick and said, “I heard you like it big, ugly, and obscene.”

“Don’t be an asshole,” Luis said, still walking.

“Thanks to you I’ll have to rub one out in the woods now,” Cory said, watching the way Luis’s sweet round ass moved and turned. He sometimes wondered what would happen if Luis didn’t have Jase and he didn’t have Jasper.

“That’s your problem, not mine.”

* * * *

When Cory reached the house, his balls were a little sore but his erection subsided and he decided to get the ladder out and work on a loose shutter outside Jase’s and Luis’s bedroom. The pool guys hadn’t arrived yet and Cory knew it would be too hot to climb the ladder later that day, so he decided to get the most annoying job of the day out of the way fast. He went down to the barn for the ladder, then remembered he’d left it up against the side of the house, along with his tool belt, the day before so they would be there waiting for him first thing this morning. He smiled and shook his head. He was getting as forgetful as Luis.

He saw no signs of Darius, which was fine with him.

The creep was probably in the kitchen or the laundry room doing something wonderful and exciting for Luis and Jase.

The less Cory saw of Darius, the happier he was. There was something about Darius he didn’t trust. Darius was always too eager to please, too willing to back down and agree with everyone. If Jase or Luis needed anything, Darius jumped to their rescue. Darius reminded Cory of a rotten little kid in school who is always helping the teacher out and stabbing the other kids in the back at the same time.

Cory walked to the other side of the house and wrapped his tool belt around his waist. Luis was right; he should have worn underwear with those shorts. Though his dick had gone down, it was still swinging heavily between his legs. When he started to climb the ladder and realized anyone from below could look up his shorts and see his privates, he was glad he’d decided to do this job while everyone was out of the house.