“Why don’t you let me help you with what you need?” Josh said, reaching down between his legs to grab the front of his swim trucks.

When Darius looked down, he saw Josh’s full erection protruding through his trunks. It looked to be at least eight or nine inches. “Won’t Roland get upset?” Darius asked, licking his lips.

“Luis told you Roland and I have an open relationship,” Josh said.

“I wasn’t sure how open, though.”

Josh pulled down the front of his trunks and let his erection fall out. He grabbed the shaft and said, “We fuck around with other guys. Mostly we do this together. But sometimes, when opportunity arises, we do it alone. We always tell each other about it and we’re always safe.”

Darius smiled. “You want to fuck me, don’t you?”

“You’re very smart,” Josh said. “And you remind me of a blond version of Justin Timberlake. When I first met you I couldn’t figure out who you reminded me of, and then it dawned on me you look like Justin Timberlake.”

“I’ve been told that before,” Darius said. He was thankful he looked like Justin Timberlake, too. Josh could have remembered him from older porn films he’d done for Leck and ruined his cover.

“But you’re blonder. And your ass is hotter.”

Darius blatantly pulled down his white basketball shorts and stepped out of them. Then he kicked off his sneakers and yanked off his pale blue T-shirt. He stood there stark naked except for a pair of white ankle high athletic socks, as his erection grew and his heart started to race. “We have to make it fast,” he said. “I don’t want to upset Luis and Jase.

I’m not sure how they’d react if they found out the host of the party was humping their new housekeeper in the men’s room.”

Josh turned to lock the door. “It will be our little secret.” Then he stepped out of his trunks and crossed to where Darius was standing near a wall of sinks. He stood in front of Darius and rested his palms on Darius’s hips. Darius reached up with both arms and wrapped them around Josh’s shoulders. While they kissed, Josh backed him into the sink.

He pushed him with force, but not too hard, until Darius’s ass was up against the cold granite counter. Darius sat on the counter, still kissing, and spread his legs wide.

“Do you have a condom?” Darius asked, rubbing his foot up and down Josh’s thigh. Darius hadn’t slipped through his teenage life as a hooker, porn actor, and all-around slut this long by taking chances.

Josh reached into a small bowl on the counter and pulled out a lubricated condom. He lifted it up in front of Darius’s face and waved it. “We keep bowls of condoms all around the house. We have a rule about safe sex here.”

Darius set his back against the tiled wall and lifted his legs higher so Josh could mount him with easy access. Then he rested both feet on Josh’s wide shoulders and said, “Then cover your dick and fuck me.”

Josh smiled. “I like your honesty.”

The entire act ended before anyone even had a chance to knock on the door to use the bathroom. It was really nothing more than a couple of good slams and grunts. After they came, Josh flushed the condom down the toilet and they put on their clothes. Josh didn’t offer to kiss Darius, and Darius didn’t expect it from him. But at least Josh was decent enough to give him a hug, pat him on the ass, and thank him before he went back to his party.

Darius waited a few minutes before he left the pool house. He didn’t want any of the other guests to think he’d spread his legs for the host, especially not Jase or Luis. When he finally did leave, he slowly walked back to the same table where he’d been sitting with Luis. Jase and Roland were there now, and Hunter and Justin were back to playing with that fucked-up helicopter again. Jase sent Darius a smile when he saw him coming toward the table, and Darius returned it with the most innocent expression he could force. But at that moment he couldn’t stop thinking about his dead lover and partner, Leck Schneider, because this was the first time since Leck’s death another man had fucked him. Actually, it was the first time in ten years another man had fucked him. He’d been monogamous with Leck, as Luis was monogamous with Jase, even though he’d never been sure whether or not Leck had been monogamous with him. None of that had ever mattered to Darius; he didn’t care what Leck did as long as Leck came home to his bed every night.

As Darius approached the table a wave of exhaustion crept over him. His legs felt heavy and his chest felt as though it was about to cave in. Though what he’d just done with Josh in the bathroom hadn’t been a bad experience by any means, it had left him ice cold on one of the warmest days of the summer. Darius still couldn’t believe he was all alone again in the world, with no money and no partner, and he’d never see Leck’s handsome face again.

Chapter Nine

“Thanks for dropping me off,” Cory said. He was talking to Jasper, his boyfriend. Since the weekend of Super Bowl Sunday, they’d been a couple and Jasper was dropping Cory off for work at the end of the long gravel easement road that led back to Cider Mill Farm. It was July fifth and the climate had turned warm and humid almost overnight.

Jasper leaned over the seat in his vintage two-seater Mercedes convertible and kissed Cory quickly on the lips.

“Just call me when you need a ride home.” He worked as a manager for his family’s diner in town and he could take off whenever he wanted.

Cory frowned and lifted his hand to open the door. For some reason he couldn’t explain, his trusty old Jeep Wrangler had let him down that morning. He knew it was old, with more than one hundred thousand miles on the odometer, and lately it had a tendency to burn motor oil. But it had never let him down before. Cory checked the oil daily and to make sure it was level, and he hadn’t seen any oil leaks in his driveway.

He serviced the Jeep regularly and made sure the tires were always inflated to recommended pressure level. Before Cory unfolded from the car, he turned and smiled at Jasper. “I’ll call you around five,” he said. “I hope whatever is wrong with the Jeep can be fixed. The last thing I need right now is to worry about the expense of a new truck.” He’d had a friend from a local gas station tow the Jeep from his apartment, and they said they’d call him sometime that afternoon.

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Jasper said, reaching over to set his palm on the back of Cory’s hand. “You take care of that Jeep better than some people take care of their kids.”