Another nod from me, then a mumbled “thanks” as I made a beeline for the bathroom. I scrubbed my hands until they werered and raw, but no amount of soap could wash away the feeling of being stained. But it didn’t matter. My main mission was getting to Cory, pronto.
Once my hands were as dry as they were going to get, I hightailed it back to Officer Truham. With the help of some ear-splitting sirens and blinding flashing lights, we pulled into the hospital parking lot fifteen minutes later. I thanked him before sprinting inside like my life depended on it.
I hurried to the front desk, asking about Cory McCrae. The woman there was in the middle of telling me she couldn’t share information when I heard a gravelly voice behind me.
I turned to see Fury approaching, his face etched with worry. “How...?” I couldn’t finish the question. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer.
“He’s in surgery,” Fury said, his voice as rugged as his appearance. “We just have to wait.”
“Shit. I suck at waiting.”
Fury nodded. “Me too.” He gestured toward the elevators. “But at least we can suck at it together.”
I looked up at him, his worry mirroring my own. “After you.”
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
The beeping noise was like a persistent mosquito, slowly pulling me from my dreamless slumber. I was groggy and disoriented, my mouth as dry as the Sahara and my eyelids heavy as lead.
I tried to swallow, but it felt like I was gargling with broken glass. Had I been sick? Why couldn’t I remember? The questions should have sent me into a panic, but I just felt detached. My thoughts were like those of a curious bystander, observing the situation without getting emotionally involved.
It was then that the puzzle pieces started to click together. Well, some of them. Enough for me to realize that I had drugs in my system. And since I’d never been one to experiment with recreational substances, that meant I’d been to the doctor for something.
I was in the hospital, but not because I was sick. My throat was hurting for another reason. Probably the same reason I hadn’t opened my eyes yet. Something had happened. I could feel it in my bones. But what? And how had that led to me being in the hospital? Had I been in a car accident? Fallen down the stairs?
Yes, I’d fallen. I remembered that now. I was hitting the ground- no, the floor- in my apartment.
But the fall hadn’t put me here.
Something had hurt me.
A bright flash.
Not something. Someone.
Everything came rushing back all at once. Asking Rylee to come up to my apartment. Becky being there. With a gun. Trying to distract her from Rylee. Jumping to protect the woman I loved. Becky pulling the trigger.
And that was it.
The beeping sped up as adrenaline flooded my system. I struggled to breathe as my chest tightened.
“Cory?” A voice I’d know anywhere. “Cory, babe, you’re good. It’s all good. I’m right here. You’re good. Just open those eyes, and you’ll see.”