I hopped up and offered him my hand. “You’re our top pick. I’ll contact you soon about the next moves.”
We exchanged a firm handshake. As I walked him out, I felt a jolt of excitement at the thought of adding Sergio to our team. His charisma and chops could catapult Palmer Money Management into the big leagues. This was going to be a game-changer, and I had a hunch it would pay off. Especially when it came to winning over our female clients, his vibe could give us a leg up on Gracen & McCrae.
Running a business isn’t just about being good at what you do. Sometimes, it’s about timing and a bit of luck. Having a unique service in a crowded field can really make a difference.
Fury and I were banking on that when we shifted gears to focus on money management. We had done our homework on the Palo Alto scene, making sure we had the right services at prices that would get attention. But what we didn’t see coming was a new player crashing our party and poaching our clients left and right.
I might be laying it on a bit thick when I say they’re ‘poaching’ our clients, but this unexpected allegiance swap has us running around trying to woo fresh faces. And that’s where my little rendezvous with the legendary Bethany Chamberlain comes in. This lady’s got more money than she can shake a stick at. She’s one of those iconic former models who’s on the prowl for a reliable money manager after her last one tried to make off with her fortune.
With Fury, our go-to smooth talker, already booked and busy, it fell on my shoulders to win over the illustrious Bethany Chamberlain. Now, Bethany was no-nonsense, not one to fall for sweet nothings, so I figured this would be a straight-to-the-point chat about her financial situation.
As I pulled up to Bethany’s mansion, I noticed an eye-catching sports car parked in the driveway. It was not exactly the ride I’d expect from someone like her if you know what I mean. My curiosity was piqued, and I wondered about the owner of that flashy set of wheels.
As if on cue, a tall, suited-up, good-looking guy strolled out. What the hell? My intel didn’t mention anything about Bethany having family or tight connections in the area, but I already had a hunch who he might be. This was not family or friends.
“Hiya,” I greeted him, flashing a fake friendly smile. “I’m here to meet with Ms. Chamberlain.”
He beamed back at me. “Ah, Gracen & McCrae, right?”
Well, shit. I bet this guy is Riley Palmer.
Taking a shot in the dark, I asked, “Are you with Palmer Money Management?”
He gave a slight bow, still wearing that grin. “That’s the one,” he confirmed before hopping into his car.
I stood there, watching his taillights disappear into the distance, as I tried to shake that nagging feeling in my gut. Maybe it was the annoyance of possibly losing to Riley Palmer or the fact that I felt like a fish out of water compared to my old finance strategy job.
Whatever it was, I had to let it go. I was here to win Bethany over to Gracen & McCrae and steer her clear of what I saw as a potential disaster.
Taking a deep breath, I pushed thoughts of that flashy car and its owner to the back of my mind and gave the door a firm knock. Bethany answered with a friendly smile that immediately put me at ease.
“Mr. McCrae, please come in,” she said, ushering me into her home.
Bethany’s mansion was the definition of low-key sophistication. She herself was rocking a chic pantsuit, the epitome of class without being too flashy. Even her diamonds were more about style than bling.
I had a hunch on how to approach this. “Can I get you a drink? Water, juice, tea?” she asked, all hospitable-like.
“No, thank you. I’m good,” I replied.
She nodded, and it was time to get down to brass tacks. She sat in one of those swanky looking but probably not too comfortable armchairs, gesturing for me to do the same on its twin across from her.
“Thanks for considering us at Gracen & McCrae,” I began, diving into our usual sales pitch. But after a minute, something told me it wasn’t quite landing with her. It was time for Plan B, the personal touch. “At Gracen & McCrae, we don’t just focus on bulking up your assets. We ensure your money works for you – supporting only the charities and projectsyoucare about.”
Her eyes lit up, and she leaned in closer. “That’s really considerate,” she said. “To be honest, until earlier with the other young man, I had no idea such a tailored service existed.”
Well, damn! It sounded like Riley Palmer might’ve beat me to the punch on that one.
Still, I pushed on. “What are you looking to achieve with your finances?” I said, keeping my game face on.
Bethany looked amused as she answered, “It’s nice being wooed by such dedicated professionals.”
Her voice had a hopeful note, but I had this sinking feeling.
“However,” she continued, “I’ve already decided to go with Palmer’s firm.”