Page 2 of Rival Desires

I just about leaped out of my skin as a sultry feminine voice suddenly spoke behind me. Whirling around wildly, I found myself face-to-face with the mystery woman, the fountain light creating glints of amber fire in those cat-like eyes.

“Oh geez, I uh...hi,” I stammered out oh-so-smoothly.

“I didn’t mean to give you a heart attack,” she said, her lips twitching beneath that purple mask. Was she actually having a laugh at my expense?

“No, no, it’s all good. I just...didn’t hear you coming,” I babbled like an absolute buffoon.

Get a grip, Cory! I was rambling on like a nervous wreck, my palms turning into mini swimming pools, while this bombshell of a woman stood there cool as a cucumber.

She took a step closer, and I could feel my brain cells desperately trying to regroup as I continued to trip over my own words.

“It’s know...these shoes...” I gestured vaguely at my shiny wingtips. Wow, yes, tell her all about your boring footwear. What a great conversation starter. Gold star for you!

Rather than retreating from the blabbering dork in the mask (yours truly), she moved even closer, which was both thrilling and terrifying.

“Mmm, I spotted those classy shoes of yours earlier,” she practically purred, sending a jolt of confusion through me.

Was this breathtaking woman actually flirting with me? My ears felt like they were on fire beneath the mask, and I could barely contain my bewilderment.

Snap out of it, Cory! This enchanting mystery woman has just given you an opening, and you’re fumbling it like a rookie! Spit something out, you buffoon!

“Uh, about earlier,” I stammered, finally finding my voice. “I, uh, I kind of noticed you checking me out a few times during the party.”

Smooth, Romeo. Real smooth. She probably thinks I’m a creep now. But instead, she laughed lightly, the sound low and musical and incredibly sexy.

“Busted, I suppose. You got me there.” She nonchalantly propped her impeccable hip against the railing, looking like she’d been born to lean on things with effortless grace. “How could I not spot you when you strolled in with your friend? Two good-looking guys, although no mask in the universe could hide how awkward you felt at this whole shindig.”

My stomach took a strange little somersault. Geez, was it that noticeable? So much for my attempts to keep it chill and act like I fit right in, mingling with the Silicon Valley VIPs and stunners.

“Yeah, this isn’t exactly my usual scene,” I admitted with an awkward little laugh. “My business partner made me come. Cozying up clients is usually his department.”

“Well, aren’t you just the dutiful partner?”

The way she looked at me from behind that mask was like she was staring straight through me, seeing things no one else could see. It was unnerving and thrilling.

Get it together, my brain screamed at me again. Say something clever, dammit!

I fumbled for a smooth reply. “What about you? Is schmoozing with the tech nerds in masks your usual idea of a fun Friday night?”

Okay, a semi-decent comeback. I considered it progress.

She laughed again. “I don’t know if I’d call it fun necessarily. But it’s not without its...perks.”

She reached out and boldly adjusted my tie, smoothing it between nimble fingers. I froze at her sudden touch, my breath catching sharply in my chest. She smelled amazing. Like jasmine and cinnamon, some fancy perfume, I couldn’t name but instantly loved.

“There. Much better,” she said softly. Had she somehow drifted even closer? Mere inches separated us now. I stared into those hypnotic tiger eyes glowing behind her mask. Was I imagining the sudden electricity charging the night air between us?

I opened my mouth. Closed it again. Gulped. Tried one more time.

“Would you, uh...” Oh god. Was my voice actually cracking? I coughed, willing it an octave lower. “Would you maybe like to, you”

I held my breath, watching her reaction. She went still, those amazing eyes searching mine for a long moment. My heart pounded so loud, surely, in the sudden silence, she could hear it, too.

A smile slowly spread across her face, and she leaned in close. Her fingers grazed my suddenly sweaty palm, and she breathed one simple word into my ear:
