She snaps back to life and jumps up and down, squealing. I place the hand with the spoons on top of her head which stops the jumping immediately. “This stays between us. No telling Mum, Dad, DJ, no one. And especially not a word to Phoebe.”

She grins and crosses her heart. “So are you going to ask her out?” She grabs a spoon from my hand and tries to grab the ice cream tub but I hold it out of reach.

“No, I’m not.”

She stops stretching for it and slumps back to her normal stance, dejected. “Why?” Her whine clearly indicates just how unimpressed she is with my life choices.

Join the queue kiddo, join the queue.

“Because she deserves someone who can give her more than I could. Someone who doesn’t spend their whole life at work. Someone who doesn’t have as many responsibilities in life.” Someone who isn’t afraid of loving and leaving people behind when they die.

“Sounds to me like you’re scared. I think you should?—”

“Aaaand this conversation is over. Now, let’s go give your brother some ice cream and watch some shows like I promised.” I stroll out ahead of her and pat myself on the back for handling the situation so well.

“What took so long?” DJ asks as he reaches for the tub of ice cream and a spoon. I let him dig in and sort the TV out for them.

Just as I’m putting on a show, Scarlet walks into the living room and eyes me again. “This isn't over,” she mouths at me and I chuckle back.

Because I know it isn’t, but I don’t want her to know I know that. Tomorrow should be a ball of fun.



Saturday mornings are for laying in bed, not rushing, and letting the morning sprawl into early afternoon. They are not for getting up at the crack of dawn, washing, blow drying and styling your hair, and splattering your face with make-up.

I tug on the chunky knit cardigan the salesgirl assured me looked less granny style and more chic than anything, and look down at my outfit again, praying she was right. I’ve teamed my cardigan up with dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and converse. I was aiming for the cool chic autumn/fall look, but I’m not convinced I got it right. Oh, well. It’s the best I could do seeing as I got a text from Mr. Frowny Face late last night asking me to come to the playground today.

I almost declined, but when he followed it up with ‘DJ said it was non-negotiable,’ I changed my mind. I couldn’t let DJ down. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Oh who am I kidding? My heart beat faster, I got a little nauseous, and I was so excited when Freddie’s name appearedon my phone screen that I almost hyperventilated. I wouldn’t have turned this opportunity down for anything.

It’s been a long time since he’s texted me for no reason or to just chat. I’ve missed it. And him. Before Reg died, I honestly believed Freddie would be the one I’d marry. We would talk on the phone every day. Text constantly. He knew me just as well, if not better, than Lola and Ivy did. In fact, I’d talk about him so much, Lola and Ivy got sick of hearing how wonderful their brother was.

And after, it was like I’d lost Reg and Freddie too. My heart was broken in more ways than I could explain, and I hated that the one person I knew could help was nowhere to be found.

But it wasn’t just me he shut off from. He saw his mum and sisters more than he did me, but Lola said he stopped texting and calling. He’d only go round when he was needed, and spent every waking second in the restaurant. He has this stupid idea that he has to make his dad proud and make a success of it to be able to look after his mum. What he doesn’t realise is his mum would’ve preferred having her son instead of his money.

“I knew you’d come. I love this cardigan.” Scarlet appears from nowhere, strokes my sleeve and grins.

“Thanks, but what are you up to?” Caution drips from my words. She has the same mischievous glint in her eyes her mother gets when she’s up to no good. That glint got me into trouble at school enough times, I know mischief when I see it.

“Nothing. Just complimenting you. Uncle Freddie will be soooo happy to see you, Auntie Phoebe. Like, so happy.” She smiles sweetly, grabs my hand, and leads me across the playground to where Freddie’s pushing DJ on the swings. “Look who I found. And doesn’t she look amazing, Uncle Freddie?” She bats her lashes at her uncle and his jaw ticks slightly. What have I missed here?

“She always looks amazing, Scarlet.” He widens his eyes at her but she just grins in defiance.

I’m still reeling from the compliment I just got when DJ squeals out my name loudly. “Auntie Phoebe! Can you push me please?”

Freddie steps away from behind the swing and takes my space next to Scarlet, grinning at me as he passes. There’s definitely something afoot. I step behind and push DJ whilst the two of them step a little further away and seem to be in a heated debate. I strain my ears to listen but I can’t hear anything over DJ’s loud ‘wheeeeeee’ screams.

“DJ, what are they talking about?” My eyes never leave them, hoping I can lip read something to see what’s going on, but I can’t.

“I dunno. Can you stop me? I wanna go on da slide now.” I oblige and stop the swing and begrudgingly follow him away from the secretive conversation and over to the slide.

After a couple of seconds I’m joined by the secret squirrels and I look at each of them intently. “Alright, what gives?” I fold my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes at one and then the other.

Scarlet grins, but Freddie hits me with a genuine smile and I nearly topple off my converse. I forgot how bloody beautiful he is when he smiles. His brown eyes twinkling in the sunlight make it impossible to do anything but sigh adoringly into them.