Page 2 of Royce

“No idea. Part of your ‘townie fan club’?” she responds, and I shrug. “Wait! You don’t mean the new bartender, do you? That might be her name, she has pink hair—is that her?”

“I don’t know, someone mentioned her to me and I don’t know…”

“Any of the women’s names?” Charlie cuts me off with a derisive snort, while staying focused on removing some of the gravel from my palm. “I mean, no offense.”

“That was pretty offensive,” I tell her, trying to sound like I’m upset, but all she does is laugh at me. “Hey, is your party still a go for tomorrow night?”

“Yeah, thankfully it stopped raining, but just Grizzlies and family—we don’t want strays trailing through our home, got it?”

“10-4, big mama!” I snap out, trying to be cute.

“Hey!” Charlie snaps out, slamming her foot down on mine, before putting the tweezers back in the First Aid kit.

“Fuck, Charlie!” Shit, I didn’t meanbig.I’m pretty sure that’s a common saying.

“Ready to go, baby girl?” Connal asks and I can tell he was watching us. “See you tomorrow, Royce.”

“Yeah, I’ll lock up when I leave,” I assure him, as Charlie gives me another glare and heads to their truck.

“She’s still sensitive about the baby weight, jackass,” Connal tells me as he walks past me, with a smack over my head, before he leans over to inspect the damage. “Your hand alright?”

“It’s fine.”


Pulling up to Jake and Connal’s house tonight, I can see the party has already started—not that I have much hope for it. Charlie was cleared to drink recently and the three of them got her grandparents to take their daughter to their nearby home tonight, so they could have us all out at their place.

Too many townies have been partying at the clubhouse lately, and even before meeting that guy in the parking lot yesterday, I’m honestly getting sick of their shit.

Not to mention, I found myself sneaking in and out the back door of the clubhouse last night and this morning, so I wouldn’t run into anyone who could possibly be this Chrissy chick.

My role in the MC is changing, I’m still getting hours in at the garage, but I’ve started training with Shade. Just ‘cause he wants to take a step back from his previous career, doesn’t mean those type of jobs are going to go away.

I figure I have two options with my life: I can either learn a new skill and advance with the Northern Grizzlies, or I can spend it as the low man on any runs that are needed and put in my time at the garage.

I’ve gotten to an age where I want more, and somehow, that need has even leaked over to my sex life. I want more than the next bitch that has heard the rumors about my dick. And God help me if I don’t bring a girl home to meet my mom in the next year or so.

“Is it going to be that bad?” A soft voice from behind me asks, nearly making me jump off my bike.


“I’m sorry, I…” Stepping forward, she looks from me to the house. The light coming from the windows shows off her pale skin and blue eyes. As she steps forward to stand beside me, I can’t help but run my eyes down over her body.

“Fuck,” I whisper the word this time, and her eyes dart back to me. “Your name isn’t Chrissy, is it?”

“What a weird question to ask,” she says, her voice barely louder than the music streaming from the house. Smiling suddenly, her whole face lights up when she says, “I’m Molly.”

Hoisting the boxes in her arms from waist level to cover her chest, I can clearly see the logo for Molly’s Bakery and my eyes widen—I’ve had those baked goods at the garage and the clubhouse.

“Shit! Why don’t you just come with me, and we can find someplace to enjoy whatever you got in those boxes?” I’m completely serious, but she lets out a laugh.

“Maybe thiswon’tbe that bad,” Molly says, more to herself than me.

“Now you’re the one saying weird shit,” I counter, even as I try to figure out if we’ve met before.

“I don’t really go out much,” she confides in me before she starts to ramble on. “I have to be up so early for the bakery. I mean I’m not opposed to day-drinking from time to time, but I swear all the women I’ve gotten to know in this town are either pregnant or just had a baby.”

“That pretty much tells me that you’re friends with all the Ol’ Ladies,” I say, fishing for information on her. Finally swinging my leg off my hog, I reach out to help her with the larger of the two boxes she’s carrying—only to have her take a step back and glare at me.