Page 42 of Royce

“Why don’t I call Charlie and the two of us could get some of the girls together?” I offer, knowing that asking Jake to organize a surprise party is on par with waterboarding him. “Do you know any of her friends from the hospital though? I don’t and I don’t know if Charlie does.”

“I know who to ask there. I’d like to keep it under thirty people. Not a big party, just come over for cake and a drink, then leave type of thing,” he tells me in all seriousness, and I pretend to start coughing to cover the laugh I’m choking on. This man brings forthright to a whole new level. “Her shift starts at six the next morning and since she’ll just be back from Salt Lake City, she’ll want to get to bed early.”

“I wasn’t sure what day she was leaving for that.”

“Really? And I’m not sure why she’s there, but it seems important to her,” he responds, training his eagle eye on me. “How much do I owe you?”

“Can I ask you a question, Sheriff?”

“What’s that?”

“Do you have any dietary restrictions for this cake?” While I do my best to keep a straight face, it’s hard when he starts chuckling. “Gluten free? Vegan? Allergies?”

“Just a plain ole cake, Molly,” he answers with a smile this time.

I get him a copy of his receipt once he pays, then I follow him to the door—figuring it’s as good a time as any to close up for the day.

“Nice redirect, by the way,” Michaels says when he’s halfway outside.

He keeps on walking and is across the street before I think of anything to say. It’s not that my situation has to be a big, huge secret, it’s just a lot to explain and it’ll be easier done once I know if any of the three men is my father. Or at least, less embarrassing if none of them are.


Calling Charlie, we have a laugh over Michaels’ idea for a surprise gathering. Bringing the contents of my cash drawer upstairs as we put together a plan, I hear something vibrating as I enter my apartment.

“That’s so weird,” I say, cutting off what I was saying.


“I could have sworn I heard my phone going off earlier, but it wasn’t mine. Now I hear the noise again, which is really frustrating.” Looking around, I look for anything out of the ordinary. The noise has faded again and I’m not able to find anything.

“Maybe it’s that thing when people start to hear a ringing in their ears,” she offers.

“I think that’s something that older people get,” I reply, jumping when I hear aping. “Gotcha!”

Opening the drawer on my nightstand, my jaw drops open to see not only a phone but Royce’s wallet.

“What’s going on?” Charlie asks, sounding amused and curious.

“Royce left his wallet and phone here,” I answer, more confused than anything. Surely by now he would have noticed and turned around.

“Hey, I’ll swing by in about thirty minutes and we can talk then, alright?”

Without waiting for my reply, Charlie hangs up and I’m left looking between my phone and Royce’s—wondering what’s going on.

Not to be nosey, but I quickly flip Royce’s wallet open and see his driver’s license in it. That’s when I start to get worried.

He’s been gone about ten hours, how could he not have noticed he doesn’t have this by now?

Deep breath, Molly, I coach myself.

That doesn’t work. When has it ever? Instead, I head downstairs and get to start on prep work for tomorrow.

Thankfully, Charlie arrives well before the half an hour she promised and I’m even happier to see Gemma.

“Do you know if he’s alright?” I ask her, after locking the alley door behind her.

“Sometimes, when the guys go on runs, they’re instructed to leave their stuff behind. They’ll either lock them up at the clubhouse or leave them with their Ol’ Ladies,” she tells me. “He didn’t say anything about it to you?”