Page 41 of Royce

“You aren’t wrong,” she admits with a gracious smile. “How do you feel about fondue?”

“I’ve never had it,” I let her know. “It’s just cheese, right?”

“No, no, no! Sit your butt down, Royce,” she says, pushing me toward a chair before turning to pick up a bottle of wine, and making a production of pouring it. “It is an awe-inspiring blend of cheeses, spices, alcohol, and flour.”

She sits down across from me; a habit she developed after she realized how much I love rubbing her pussy on any occasion that I can get away with it.

“Mmm,” I moan after my first few bites. “I’ve been missing out.”

“Oh, maybe sometime we can go to that fondue restaurant in Boise? That way you can try the meat and dessert courses, also,” she adds, while swirling cheese around a piece of apple.

“It’s a date,” I say with a wink.


Neither of us managed to set an alarm that evening, so the next morning becomes a fire drill as we both get a late start.

At the last possible second, I remembered Jasper’s warning to leave my wallet and phone behind, so I tuck them into the drawer next to Molly’s bed.


Pulling a sheet full of cookies out of the oven, the ache in my core makes me groan. Royce seems to think I’ll get used to his size, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

Not that I’m complaining. Oh, no. Nope. Not at all.

Sex with Royce has got to be why people make such a big deal over sex in the first place. Comparatively, with the only other guy I’ve been with, it’s like a puddle versus an ocean.

Not that I’ve ever been in an ocean, but I hope to stay in this one as long as possible.

I let out another sigh as I ice the cupcakes that have been cooling. Looking up at my calendar, I’m pleased I have a lot of special orders on the docket this week. That’ll make the time that Royce is gone go faster.

Washing my hands, I turn on my tablet and check for any new orders before turning the music on. One of Jackson Browne’s hits streams through the surrounding speakers as I head upstairs to change.

When I’m in the bathroom, I hear an odd beep but figure it’s some notification that came through on my tablet downstairs. Before I head downstairs, I open my safe to remove the small bills that I’ll need for change today and smile at the pile I have set aside for Flint.

If things stay on track, next month I hope to sit down with him and rework the terms of the loan. Or at least get him to agree to me paying more each month so I can pay it off sooner.

Of course, this might get a little awkward if he turns out to be my sperm donor.

While Roy and Mack have both made an effort to spend time with me, Flint hasn’t made any overtures. I don’t think it’s Breeholding him back, so maybe it has something to do with his family with his first wife.

I shake my head and start singing along with the CCR song that just came on; there’s no sense in worrying about it until we get the results back.

Hearing the sound of a muffled vibration barely registers with me as I open the door to head downstairs, I hurry along in case its an order coming over the app.

With tourist season in full swing, the day flies by bringing in a host of new faces along with my regulars.

I smile when I see the sheriff jaywalking on an angle that will bring him straight to my door—until a momentary worry pops into my head and I look across the way to Gwen’s studio.

“Good afternoon, Sheriff Michaels,” I greet him when he enters and quickly removes his hat. “At least, I hope it is.”

“It seems to be,” he replies with an easy smile. “I was hoping to order a birthday cake from you. Tabby’s is coming up in a couple of days.”

“Oh! I’d love to,” I exclaim, especially happy that he thought to plan something out. Handing him my tablet with my website open, I let him scroll through the options that I have.

He’s very decisive until I ask how many people he’d like it for.

“Maybe I take her for an early dinner, then I was going to ask Jake to round up some of her friends for a surprise…” His voice trails off as he verbalizes his half-baked plan.