Page 4 of Royce

Kissing her stomach through her shirt, I look up at her and see her nervousness again.

“Give me a taste?” I ask, even as I’m reaching for the snap on her jeans. She studies my face before nodding and I wonder what she sees, until another thought freezes me in place. “Wait, you are single, right? Not in a relationship or married?”

“No. Yes, I’m sorry, I mean I’m single,” Molly trips over her words as one of her hands glide through my hair. “Are you?”

“Yes. Absolutely single,” I assure her. Opening her zipper, I quickly lower her jeans, just low enough to grant me access to her pussy and am surprised to find her bare underneath—I sure as hell didn’t take her for acommandotype of girl.

Molly opens her mouth as if to explain, but her words are cut off when I part her folds and use my tongue to search out her clit.

“Oh my God,” she moans, and the hand she had run through my hair is suddenly gripping my head, while the other one is grasping the door frame. “I’m sorry, I didn’t shave…”

“Relax, Molly, I wouldn’t be down here if I didn’t want to be,” I assure her, looking up at her face, but her eyes are squeezed shut.

For the first time in my life, I have a battle raging inside of me. There, on my knees before her, I decide that my dick’s staying in my pants tonight. As I suckle on her clit, I promise myself that I’ll get her number and ask her out on a legit date.

Molly’s breathing becomes more and more ragged as her hips buck against my mouth and I know she’s close…

“She’s not in the bathroom, maybe she’s out back?” A slightly muffled voice pierces through our bubble and we both freeze.

“Fuck, I’ve got to win that goddamn pot!” The next guy’s frustrated tone is clearly outside the room and the doorknob jiggles. “Bet if I took her home, she’d even make me breakfast in the morning.”

“Maybe she’ll take us both. What’s her name again?”

“Molly. She’s got that bakery on the town square, dumbass.”

I stand up, gripping Molly’s shoulders and looking between her and the door; wanting to go out there and beat the shit out of whoever set up a bet to bed her, just as I realize how hypocritical that would be.

“What?” Molly looks up at me, exhaling the word like she’s in pain. “There’s a bet?”

“I didn’t know, baby. I swear…”

“No!” She pushes me away from her as she pulls up her pants, her fingers fumbling with the closure as she sucks in deep breaths, with streaks of red suddenly lining her neck.

I reach out for her wrists, holding them above her head with one hand and catch her chin with my other.

“I swear on my mother’s life, I didn’t know about any bet,” I tell her. “Let me help you with this and I’ll walk you to your car.”

Reaching down, I fasten her pants.

“They’ll all think we hooked up, Royce,” she nearly sobs. “I guess that means you win.”

“I’m going to be out of town for a few days, but let me take you out next week, Molly?”

Turning away from me, she opens the door and heads down the hall, I’m worried about what she’ll be facing so I follow behind.

“Shit! Of course, Royce got there first,” one of the prospects calls out as he looks over her shoulder to see me trailing behind her. Seeing Molly’s back straighten up and the suddenly ridged line of her shoulders, I know she thinks the worst of me.

“He remains the reigning champion!” Someone else yells.

Not that I don’t deserve the glare she directs at me, I just wanted things to be different for once. Different with someone like her.

As soon as she emerges from the hallway, she cuts over to talk to Riley, who’s standing with Gunner and some of the guys. Within seconds, Shade is giving me a dark look and moves to intercept me when I try to beat Molly to the door.

“Asshole,” he says loudly, before toning it down. “Christ, Royce, she’s like Jessa’s best friend. I’m still on thin ice with her, so I better not get any blow back from this.”

“I didn’t know there was a goddamn bet, Shade. Or that she’s Jessa’s friend,” I say loudly, hoping that she’ll give me the benefit of the doubt before she leaves. “I was hoping to take her out, but we overheard the others talking and she got the wrong idea.”

“Okay. So you’ll make it right with her,” Shade says, nodding to himself. “Just do it soon. Cause any shit I catch over this is rolling downhill, got me?”