Page 38 of Royce

“We just wanted to see when you’d be able to give some blood,” he continues.

“I can go today after I close,” I immediately respond. “I’ll text Tabby for details.”

“I’d be happy to give you a ride,” Roy offers and my heart skips a beat.

There’s no telling if any of these men are actually my father, but I’ve seen Mack passing the bakery at least six times in the past several days and here’s Roy offering this.

I happily accept even though part of me knows that none of us should be getting our hopes up.

The day seems to drag on forever, but eventually Roy pulls up outside a few minutes before closing time and gives me a little wave. I nod before holding up eight fingers. I guess Royce’s quirky time game is rubbing off on me.

Soon enough, I’m locking up the bakery and smiling as Roy eyes the box I’m carrying when he gets out to open the passenger side door for me.

On the way over, we get to chatting and I find out that he had been a medic in the military when he was younger. Returning home, he became a paramedic and his childhood friend, Flint, and his love of motorcycles, drew him into the Northern Grizzlies.

Through my friendship with Jessa, I knew he and her aunt had only been together a couple of years, but I had no idea that relationship started because Ellie was havingtroubleswith her ex.

There was a lot he didn’t say, but he said enough to make me wonder about what was lurking under his always polite and congenial façade.

The Michaels’ driveway is full, so we park on the street and he once again opens my door for me.

“Looks like Mack and Flint beat us here,” he needlessly says as he opens the screen door for me.

“I brought cookies,” I announce upon entering, nervous under everyone’s scrutiny.

Mack chuckles and Flint lets out a grunt. The latter reaches into his pocket and peels a bill off a roll, handing it to Mack.

“Everyone, go wash your hands, then run an alcohol swab over the inside of your arm,” Tabby instructs us. “Mike’s not due home for a while and I haven’t told him about this.However, that man does turn into a homing pigeon when there’s a secret.”

One at a time, we join her at the dining table where she asks us our blood type and takes a small sample from each of us. As I’m the last to go, we chat for another minute or so and I finally start to calm down a little bit.

At least until we rejoin the men in the kitchen.

“Anyone eliminated?” Flint asks and I immediately look at him. He’s watching Tabby’s face, and seems to find the answer there, just as I was catching up to the meaning of his question.

Of course, she could eliminate someone based on their blood type!

“I wasn’t sure if…” Tabby starts out, uncomfortably studying her floor, as she rests a hand over her stomach. She isn’t really showing yet, but I know she’s due this winter. “How do you all want me to handle the results?”

The men share another look, before Mack turns to me. “Do you mind finding out piecemeal? I would prefer hearing it now.”

“No, that’s fine,” I agree.

“Alright, so Molly’s blood type is AB and she thinks her mom was A. That’s based on knowing both her grandmother and niece are type A. Frank is O, so I’ve eliminated him. Flint and Mack are both B, and Roy is also AB,” she relays that to us, and I see Roy start to smile. “Please keep in mind, that just because Roy is AB, that doesn’t increase the possibility of him being the father.”

Just as I start to speak, the front door opens and the sheriff walks in. “Why am I parked on the street?” he asks, hanging his hat up before getting a glimpse of all of us.

There’s no hiding the confusion on his face as he looks at each one of us in turn.

“I brought cookies,” I once again announce, buckling under the pressure of his gaze when his eyes meet mine.

Amusement flashes across his face as he raises an eyebrow. “Not gluten free nor vegan, I hope?”

I shake my head, cringing at the thought of Gwen and how I go running in the opposite direction anytime I see her.

“Look at the time,” Mack says. “Molly, can I give you a ride home?”

“She’s riding with me,” Roy answers, stepping forward.