Page 33 of Royce

I stiffen up at her question, mainly out of surprise because I hadn’t considered asking Jake’s sister for help—but she’s theperfect answer to a larger problem that’s been bothering Mack, Roy, and me.

We sure as hell don’t want our DNA logged into any kind of database.

“How the fuck did I forget about Tabby?” I mutter.

Just then, Ragnar runs in and jumps on the side of my chair. Thankfully, stopping short of landing on our laps, he barks a couple of times, lets Bree rub his ears, then runs back outside.

“He wanted to remind you how smart I am,” Bree says with a chuckle, translating her dog’s thoughts for me.

“I think he actually said that I’m the dumbest one in the house,” I reply with a grin of my own.

“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings,” she replies with a shrug of her shoulders and I’m happy to see the shadows clear from her countenance.

“The thought of hurting you, kills me, doll,” I tell her, shifting my hand from her heart up to her cheek. “I need us to be alright.”

“Molly’s a sweetheart and she’s a lucky girl if any of the three of you do turn out to be her father,” Bree says, and the look in her eyes reassures me. At least until I see the glint that generally warns me that her dark sense of humor is about to strike. “And just think! She’s dating Royce.”

I can’t help the F bomb that escapes me as I squeeze my eyes shut and rest my head on her shoulder.


As arranged, Mack and Roy are waiting for me at the clubhouse early the next morning.

“How’d it go?” Roy immediately questions me.

“Bree makes me a grateful man.” That’s the only answer I give them as I walk behind the bar to spike my coffee. “How did Ellie take the news?”

“She gave me a full lecture about how much I had to make up for if I am Molly’s father, then she burst out crying,” Roy relays to us, while pinching the bridge of his nose. “It seems she’s been fretting over me regretting not having a child of my own and straying on her.”

“Christ, imagine having to change diapers at our age,” Mack laughs before biting his tongue and looking at us sideways. “Sorry.”

“No, I hear you. I just felt awful that thought even crossed Ellie’s mind,” Roy responds, pointing at the whiskey bottle over my shoulder. After pouring a healthy splash into his mug, he slides the bottle over to Mack. “Besides, I kinda feel like Danny’s my grandson. I know he ain’t blood, but that doesn’t matter to me; plus, we get to send him home to his parents and do our own thing. Finding out you’re a father to an adult is very different than an infant.”

“Amen,” Mack says, lifting his mug to clink against ours. “Now, how are we going to go about figuring out if any of us are Molly’s father?”

“Did I miss my invite?” Jasper calls from the hallway that leads back to his office.

“Can’t a few old men have a drink in the morning without explaining themselves?” Roy, lightheartedly, yells back.

“Guess that depends on the men,” Jasper replies with a grin. “I’d invite myself if I didn’t need to get the damn books done. Flint, I don’t suppose…”

“Hell, no,” I snap out the answer to the question he’s asked me repeatedly. “Either get someone in as treasurer, or outsource it to one of the other chapters.”

“Are you still checking the books?” Roy asks when Jasper stomps back to his office.

“Naw, I never found any mistakes, so I realized he’s perfectly capable of handling it, he just doesn’t want to. He’s also too much of a control freak to consider handing off the books to just anyone,” I let them know that our money’s in good hands. “Anyway, Bree suggested something we had overlooked. I’m going to check with Tabby Forsythe-Michaels today and see if she can administer the test without our DNA profiles being leaked to a national database.”

“Damn, I didn’t think about her,” Roy curses. “Considering her husband, do you think she’ll be alright helping us out with this?”

“I’m with Flint. We won’t know unless we ask, right?” Mack contributes.

Once that’s agreed upon, we each get on with our day.

Chapter 11


“I’ll see you in twenty-four minutes,” I say with a goofy smile on my face as I hang up my phone.