Page 29 of Royce

“I didn’t really think that through last night. I could smell myself when I woke up and wanted to save you from that,” he explains to me with a shrug.

“That’s very thoughtful. I’ll keep it in mind when I leave you a review,” I sass back to him, before pointing to the mini fridge. “Could you grab a water for me?”

“There’s something that’s been bothering me,” he says after we both take long swallows from our bottles.

“What’s that?”

“I never got to finish what I was doing, you know. The night we met,” he answers me, stretching out beside me again.

I knit my brows together, but once he slides his hand down along my body, I’m no longer confused about his meaning. “Oh.”

“May I?”

I nod my head, wondering how far he’s expecting us to go—because after some of my customers yesterday, I’m nervous about jumping all in with him.

Kneeling between my legs, Royce grins up at me as he starts licking my clit and I moan, bending my knees to give him better access. Christ, his tongue… That’s the last thought I have until my fists are balling up the sheets and I’m screaming his name.

When he pulls his body up over mine, resting on the outside of the mattress, I briefly wonder what it is I feel curving along my thigh, up to my hip. But it’s a fleeting thought, as I close my eyes and drift off.

Chapter 9


Coming back from a run later that week, I pause on the street outside of the bakery. It’s close to lunchtime though, so I’m not surprised that it looks like she has a full house.

I rev my motor a few times and see her wave her hand over the heads of those standing between us. Smiling that she got my version of a text message, I head over to The Garage.

After handing a bundle off to Russian, I park my bike and head inside to help take some of the pressure off of the lineup of cars. Jumping into the third bay, I handle six oil changes since it seems like half the town decided to use their lunch break to check this chore off of their list today.

“Watch it,” I mumble to myself, seeing Charlie back away from the car she’s finishing up, her heel landing on top of the line that I painted between the bays.

Granted, I may have gone overboard with the lines. And the carefully traced and measured, color-coded footprints that lead from the various points of entry to each bay.

I gave up a perfectly good holiday to come in, take everyone’s boots from the locker area and approximated the length of our strides so that Charlie would have a carefully laid path so she would stop running into, or over, me.

The results have been pretty good, with the exception being the boy who snuck away from his mom and found his way down into a lift pit.

Not having much experience with kids, I didn’t think about how tempting the footprints would be to our customers’ children.That meant a whole other day off spent creating afunpath around the waiting area.

Getting Connal and Charlie past the rush, I take a quick shower before doubling back to the bakery.

“Oh, you,” Molly lets out a groan when she pops her head up from below the counter.

“Aren’t we past that?” I ask with a grin.

“That was relief, Royce,” she replies, sinking back down onto her stool. “I’m so tired.”

“How tired?”

“I’m locking the door, leaving the rest of the food out for the mice, and going to crawl into bed fully dressed, tired,” she tells me and I chuckle at her detailed description.

“You don’t have mice,” I assure her. “You’re too tidy for that. Give me your keys.”

Reaching into her pocket, she pulls them out and places them on the counter without questioning me—and that’s when I really know she’s exhausted.

“Go upstairs for a nap, sugar,” I reach down to help her up, then guide her to the stairs.

After the first few steps, I turn to look around and start by locking the front door and turning the sign to ‘Closed’. It’s a little early, but she only has a few items left, so I doubt it matters.