Page 19 of Royce

“Royce,” I interject, more out of curiosity than to cut off the avenue the conversation has taken. “What do you say you jump on that app and order a couple of those pizzas you had delivered here a month ago? I can’t remember the name of that place.”

“Uh, I can’t,” he mumbles, reaching out to pour more beer for himself before looking up to see us all looking at him. “The app’s suspended my usage.”

Connal lets out a choking sound, so I know I’m on the right track.

“Mind me asking why that is?” I lean around Connal to focus my glare on the kid.

“Just some misunderstanding on some orders I placed.”

“Misunderstanding…” I draw the word out, taking a sip before I continue. “Like sending meat to a vegan? How did you even know about that situation?”

“Um, I just heard about it,” Royce replies after getting a nudge from Connal.

With that, it’s not hard to connect the dots. Charlie got wind of it somehow and probably mentioned it at The Garage during a shift.

“It stops, now. Do you understand?”

“Yeah, I haven’t done anything else since before the explosion. I can’t help the bench since I paid for a six-month ad,” he tells us.

With that, Roy and Mack demand to be told the story and I sit back with a bemused smile on my face. Other than being juvenile, it is kind of funny.

Unfortunately, Royce never considered that Molly would be blamed, but that points more to his age than his creativity.

Once I heard what was happening, I placed a call to the resorts, and got them to pull the flyers that highlight Lachman’s studio. Besides the loan that Molly is paying off, she’s got the kind of business that I’d like to see flourish in this town, so I feel invested in helping her succeed.

“If you’re interested in her, you have to treat her right,” Mack suddenly leans across the table, stopping Royce from pouring more beer.

“I plan on treating her right, all ni…Ouch!” Royce’s sentence is abruptly cut off as he glares between Connal and Roy. Apparently, he got elbowed and kicked.

“She’s a good girl, so you’ll treat her appropriately,” Roy practically growls at him. “If you can’t do that, cancel the date now.”


It’s later that night, when Bree and I are settling down for bed that a text comes through to confirm the worry that had taken root earlier.

Roy:Max died. She never disclosed Molly’s father.

Chapter 7


I’m not entirely sure what fucking parallel universe I’ve entered, but I’m suddenly getting lectured about a date that hasn’t happened by three men twice my age. And they’re supposed to be mybrothers!

“I’m not cancelling the goddamn date!” I forcefully interject, trying to shut this shit down. “I practically had to get blown up for her to agree to go out with me.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Flint wave his hand, low over the table in a signal to his buddies and my guts squeeze up, remembering how Molly and I started.

“Wait a minute!” I turn to Connal so I can get a read on his face. “Is there a fucking bet about us?”

“Dude, no. Not that I’ve heard about,” he immediately answers before turning to look at Flint.

“Our families are fond of her, Royce. You’re our brother, so understand none of us want to be put in a bad situation.” Flint’s response sounds reasonable, so I finish the rest of my beer and chill out.

Connal’s phone pings and seeing that it’s Jake, he excuses himself and I get up to leave when he does.

Parting ways, I head upstairs to my room and decide to check in with Molly.

She sounds happy with the restaurant I picked for the following night, but a little nervous about hanging out here in advance. Which I can’t counter, considering the unexpected ribbing I just took.