I flopped down on my bed and scrolled through my phone for inspiration. A photo of a model in a dress with a vibrant print caught my eye. That’s it! I dug through my closet and found a dress I hadn’t worn in years - a flattering fuchsia wrap dress with a bold abstract pattern. The deep V neckline hinted cleavage while the fabric hugged my curvaceous hips. I paired it with some gold hoop earrings and tan wedges. Perfect! Fun and flirty but still classy.

With the outfit decided, I moved on to considering hairstyles. I ruled out anything too intricate or stiff, knowing my natural curls would look best for the outdoor festival. I first tried parting my hair to the side and leaving it straight, but it felt too plain. Next, I attempted an elegant updo, but it seemed overly formal.

I practiced a few loose braids across my scalp, allowing my lush black locks to flow freely. As I examined my reflection, I recalled how my mother used to braid my hair when I was a little girl, getting ready for a special occasion. Bittersweet memories of her gentle hands washed over me. Yes, this style accentuated my eyes beautifully, I determined. The braids framed my face in a flattering way while still letting my curls cascade down my back. My hair would be the perfect finishing touch for my dress.

After an exhaustive evening of trying on numerous options, I finally collapsed into bed, excited and anxious about my date with Alexander. Thoughts of spending a whole day with him outside of work, strolling the festival together, sent butterflies swirling in my stomach. I fell asleep dreaming up ways to style my hair in the morning and imagining Alexander’s reaction to seeing me in my vibrant dress.


I awoke before my alarm, buzzing with excitement. I luxuriated in the shower, using my favorite coconut body wash and shampoo. With care, I applied my deep conditioning mask and let my curls soak it in while I shaved my legs to perfection. Stepping out, I generously rubbed my body lotion infused with cocoa butter and slipped on my favorite leopard print underwear set.

Feeling pampered already, I turned on my “Girl Power” playlist on Spotify, just like I had listened to in the car when I first arrived in Pebble Point. The upbeat mix of pop, R&B, and hip-hop filled the room as I danced my way to the vanity. I sectioned off my hair and began twisting the front into loose braids across my scalp. I gathered my hair into a low ponytail for the back and curled the ends into soft waves.

After an hour of makeup, I finished the look with a sweep of peach shadow to make my brown eyes pop, a touch of mascara, and a swipe of rose lipstick. I had chosen a more natural look to pair with the casual boho vibe of my outfit.

Stealing one last glance in the mirror, I smiled confidently at my reflection and gave a little twirl, the flowing skirt of my fuchsia wrap dress billowing around me. The dress fitted my curves perfectly, and I loved how the gold jewelry I had chosen complemented the look. Slipping on my tan wedges, I felt beautiful and ready for my date. Right on cue, the doorbell rang, and I hurried downstairs, eager to see Alexander.

I held my breath and opened the front door. There stood Alexander, looking dashing in dark jeans and a navy button-down that brought out the blue in his eyes. His salt and pepper hair was perfectly tousled. When his gaze met mine, his eyes widened in delight.

“Etta...you look stunning,” he said, his voice warm with admiration.

I felt a blush creep across my cheeks at the sincerity in his words. “Thank you. You look very handsome yourself.”

Alexander smiled, his eyes trailing over my outfit. “That color is perfect on you. And I love what you’ve done with your hair.”

My heart fluttered at how he noticed the details. I gave a little twirl, the skirt of my dress swirling around me. “I’m glad you like it. I wanted to do something special for our date.”

“Well, you succeeded wonderfully.” He held out his arm. “Shall we?”

I looped my arm through him, savoring his nearness. As we strolled down the street towards the park, I realized this would be the first time we were seen together in public since I had returned. While we had reconnected privately over dinners and walks, this festival marked a new step for us.

My pulse quickened, thinking about our friends and neighbors witnessing us arm in arm in broad daylight, clearly more than colleagues. But as I snuck a glance at Alexander, his relaxed smile and warm eyes put me at ease. I squeezed his arm, ready to make our blossoming relationship known to the town. This felt right.


We arrived at the bustling Pebble Point Spring Festival and were immediately greeted by Mayor Jenkins.

“Emma! So wonderful to see you again,” he said enthusiastically, pumping my hand. I smiled politely. “Good to see you too, Mayor. And it’s Etta, remember?”

The Mayor launched into one of his rambling speeches about the importance of community events and bringing people together. Though well-meaning, he prattled on while mangling details.

I nodded along, trying not to laugh as he repeatedly called me Edna and misstated the date of the first Spring Festival as 1592 instead of 1952.

After a few minutes of polite listening, I caught Alexander’s eye. Knowing how the Mayor could be, he had a familiar twinkle of amusement.

“So sorry to interrupt, Mayor, but I promised Etta I’d try to win her a prize at the ring toss,” he interjected smoothly. “You know how competitive she can be!”

I flashed him a look of gratitude as we made our escape.

“My hero!” I said dramatically, fanning myself. “I thought he’d never stop.”

Alexander chuckled. “All part of my daring rescue plan. Now, let’s see about that prize.”

We headed over to the ring toss booth, run by a teenager who looked bored.

“Step right up, folks! Three rings for a dollar,” he announced in a monotone voice.

I slapped a dollar down. “I’ll take a set!”