“I did, thanks,” I said, wondering if anything was behind that comment or if he was just being polite. “Everyone has been so welcoming. And this old building has so much charm. Reminds me a little of dad’s office back home.”

My elbow accidentally bumped the shelf behind me, jostling the sugar bowl, causing the little silver spoon to fall clattering to the floor.

In my haste to pick it up, and not allowing for the lack of space in the compact coffee lounge, I lost my balance and stumbled forward...directly into Alexander’s mug.

His mug tipped and spilled - thankfully now lukewarm - coffee down the front of his crisp dress shirt. We both froze as the dark liquid seeped into the light fabric. We both froze.

“Oh my shoot, I’m so sorry!” I gasped, nearly dropping my mug in dismay.

Alexander looked down at his soaked shirt and tie and then back up at me, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

For a second, we just stared at each other, equally shocked. Then his lips slowly spread into an amused grin.

“Well, that’s certainly one way to start the morning. Plus, I have read that caffeine is good for the skin,” he said wryly.

I couldn’t resist laughing. “I’m such a klutz. Let me help you clean that up.”

I set my mug aside and grabbed a dish towel from the counter. Tentatively, I dabbed at the stain spreading across his damp shirt. I tried to focus on the task, not the firm chest underneath.

“Here, let me,” Alexander said gently, taking the towel from me. His fingers lightly grazed mine as he blotted the stain, sending a tingle up my arm.

I busied myself running a fresh towel under the faucet. “This should help dilute the stain before it sets,” I handed it to him. Our hands brushed again, lingering for a heartbeat.

“Thank you, Etta,” he said softly. Was it my imagination, or was Alexander standing even closer now? His breath tickled my hair, and I caught another whiff of his woodsy scent mixed with the aroma of fresh coffee.

“I am so sorry about your shirt,” I managed, acutely aware of his proximity.

“Don’t give it another thought,” he said. “I have plenty more shirts and ties. But only one Etta Harwood.”

My breath caught in my throat as his blue eyes gazed into mine. After all these years, Alexander still had a way of making my knees weak.

Just then, we heard approaching footsteps. We quickly separated as Lucia appeared in the doorway, holding a stack of manuscripts.

“Oh, there you two are,” she said briskly. “We’re about to start the morning meeting.”

“Be right there,” Alexander said. Lucia disappeared down the hall again.

Alexander turned back to me, his expression warm. “Shall we?” he asked, gesturing for me to proceed.

I smoothed my dress and took a deep, steadying breath. “After you,” I said. As I followed Alexander to the conference room, I felt a new energy between us. Though our encounter had been brief, something had shifted. And as embarrassing as myclumsiness was, a part of me was extremely grateful for that sweet, awkward moment.


The rest of my day at Pebble Point Publishing passed smoothly after the earlier coffee spill incident with Alexander. A couple of hours later, he strolled past my office doorway as I typed notes. I did a double take when I realized he was wearing a crisp, clean dress shirt in a lovely shade of light blue. It fit him perfectly, emphasizing his broad shoulders and tall frame. He caught me staring and flashed me a grin.

“What do you think? Not bad for a costume change, right?” He said, smoothing his hands down the front.

I laughed. “Not bad at all. But where did you get it on such short notice?”

He tapped his nose conspiratorially. “I have my sources.” Then he did a pretend catwalk strut across my doorway, hands on his hips.

I couldn’t control my laughter at his antics. He certainly didn’t seem bothered anymore about my earlier coffee mishap. I called after him, “Well, you look very dashing, Professor.”

He turned and gave an exaggerated bow. “Why thank you, Ms. Harwood.” With a smile and a wink, he headed back down the hall.

I leaned back in my chair, enjoying the lighthearted moment between us. Alexander had a playful, charming side beneath his polished exterior. But I couldn’t deny there was also an undeniable attraction simmering just under the surface. Or was that all in my imagination?

I glanced at the clock. It was nearly 6 pm. On my way home, I decided a nice scenic walk along the beach would help clearmy mind. The ocean air never failed to refresh me. I quickly gathered my things and headed out of the office.