I nodded, curiosity piqued about who this mysterious CEO might be.

A few minutes later, there was a brisk knock at the door. Henry rose with a smile. “Ah, here he is now.”

I turned in my seat as the door opened and had to stifle a small gasp. Striding towards us was none other than Professor Alexander Fairmont, looking just as handsome as I remembered. Now in his early 50s, his dark hair had grown out in a distinguished salt and pepper style, and his face had a few more laugh lines around his kind blue eyes. But his tall, lean frame was still strong, and he carried himself with an air of calm confidence. He was impeccably dressed in a tailored navy suit, crisp white shirt, and blue striped tie that perfectly matched his eyes.

We exchanged polite greetings as he shook my hand warmly. “Etta, how wonderful to see you again after all these years,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

I struggled to maintain my composure. “Lovely to see you as well, Professor Fairmont,” I managed to say, hoping my burning cheeks weren’t too obvious.

Alexander smiled, turning his attention to Henry and Lucia. “Did you know, Etta’s father and I were good friends back in the day?”

A pang gripped my chest at the mention of my father. Alexander’s eyes assumed a faraway gaze as he delved into the memory. “I recall this one time, about 20 years ago, when your father Marcus invited me out on his new boat. Etta, you must have been only 17 or 18 at the time. He was so proud of that little runabout, and you were positively bursting with excitement to join us on the maiden voyage.”

A soft chuckle escaped Alexander, and his eyes crinkled at the corners. “We packed a picnic lunch and spent the entire day out on the water. Your father even let you take the wheel for a spell—I’ll never forget how focused you were, tongue stuck out the side of your mouth in concentration.”

He paused, and I noticed a slight glisten in his eyes before he blinked, offering me a wistful smile. “You and Marcus were quitethe pair. He adored you so much, you know. That remains one of my favorite memories of him.”

I felt a lump form in my throat as the memory came flooding back. Blinking back tears of my own, I said quietly, “That was a really special day. Thank you for sharing that, Professor.”

We exchanged a look of shared reminiscence and grief. But the mood lightened as Lucia talked about her own boating mishaps, allowing us both a moment to collect ourselves before continuing with the interview.

“Please, we’ve known each other more than long enough for you to call me Alexander. I positively insist.”

The interview continued on, though I struggled to focus with Alexander sitting across from me. His presence brought back a flood of memories I thought I’d long forgotten. I noticed Lucia and Henry seemed unaware of our history, which was probably for the best.

At one point, Alexander made a literary reference that only I understood, and we exchanged a brief, knowing smile. It felt like our private inside joke, reminding me of our shared connection.

Towards the end, Alexander smiled warmly and said, “You show exceptional promise, Etta. Your passion for books is clear, and I believe you would be a wonderful asset.”

I hoped my smile didn’t reveal how much his praise still meant to me after all these years. Our eyes met briefly, a flicker of nostalgia passing between us.

After an agonizing yet amusing hour, the interview concluded. I rose on slightly shaky legs to shake their hands. Lucia and Henry welcomed me warmly while Alexander gave my hand a polite, lingering shake.

“Thank you for your time, Etta,” he said softly. “It was wonderful to see you again.”

I murmured my thanks, mind spinning as I made my way outside. As I reached the front door, I suddenly rememberedwith chagrin that I had split my skirt earlier when I tripped over the magazines. I tried to hold the edges together as I hurried on discreetly.

Of course, Alexander chose that moment to say, “Oh, Etta, one more thing!”

I turned back, praying my skirt mishap wasn’t too noticeable. Alexander strode towards me, Lucia and Henry smiling behind him.

“We’d be delighted to offer you the position if you’re interested. Would you be able to start tomorrow at 9 am?”

I broke into a grin, forgetting my wardrobe woe. “That would be wonderful; I gladly accept! Thank you all so much; I look forward to being part of the team.”

We exchanged smiles and last farewells before I stepped outside into the sunny afternoon, willing my flushed cheeks to cool. At least I’d gotten the job despite the torn skirt. A torrent of different emotions had replaced the initial nerves I’d felt going into the interview. I was thrilled at the prospect of working here at Pebble Point Publishing. The warm, bookish atmosphere was exactly the environment I had hoped for, and Lucia and Henry had been wonderfully kind.

Yet my excitement was complicated by the unexpected appearance of Alexander. Seeing him stride into the room, looking just as striking as he did in my memories, had left me completely flustered. I never imagined our paths would cross again after all these years. A part of me was glad to reconnect with someone who had meant a great deal to my father and me. But another part couldn’t help but feel self-conscious, knowing Alexander remembered me as the eager, bookish teenager who hung on his every word. I was a grown woman now, yet I’d felt like that shy girl again in his presence, hoping for his approval.

As I walked slowly down the quiet hallway, I replayed the highlights of our interview. The way Alexander’s eyes crinkledwhen he smiled, just as I remembered, and the genuine emotion in his voice when he spoke of my father. Time had not diminished the kindness and wisdom that first drew me to him.

I felt my cheeks flush again, thinking about our connection during my late teens. For a brief period, I’d nursed a secret infatuation, though I knew his affection was of the platonic variety. Still, seeing him again brought echoes of that youthful longing to the surface.

With a start, I realized I had been standing motionless in the hallway, lost in thought. I quickly composed myself and continued. Despite the torrent of memories and emotions, one thing was clear - this opportunity felt right. The town I loved, a career aligned with my passions, and even a reconnection with my past. As I stepped outside into the sunny afternoon, I inhaled deeply of the salty sea air and felt completely in my element.

Chapter 5

Sleep had evaded me the night before, my nerves about starting this new job keeping me tossing and turning. I finally drifted off, only to wake up an hour before my alarm, butterflies doing somersaults in my stomach. With time to spare before I needed to be at the publishing house, I decided a leisurely walk around town would help calm my nerves. I could even stop for a coffee to pass the time.