Bringing the drinks into the living room, I curled up next to Alexander on the couch. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I nestled against his chest. No words needed to be spoken; we were content just being together.
As the sunlight faded outside, I thought ahead to all the sunsets we would watch together. Sitting on this porch swing when we were old and gray, his hand clasped in mine. It was a life I had never expected, but now I couldn’t imagine living without it.
If someone had told me a year ago that I would be engaged to Alexander Fairmont, I would have laughed out loud. But now, imagining my life unfolding any other way was impossible. All those years ago, when we first felt the spark of something morebetween us, some part of me must have known we would end up here.
As the last slivers of orange sun disappeared over the horizon, I snuggled closer to Alexander. I thought about everything we had been through to get to this moment. The misunderstandings, the lost years apart, the emotional reunions. All of it had led us here.
In the quiet darkness of the living room, I whispered, “I love you.” Alexander’s arms tightened around me. “I love you too, Etta. Always.”
I smiled into his shoulder, perfectly content. I didn’t know the future, but I knew we would face it together. The next chapter of our lives began, and I couldn’t wait to turn the page.
I sipped my morning coffee as I sat out on the front porch, enjoying the salty ocean breeze. Six months had flown by since the launch of my debut novel “Tides of Memory.” It seems like I was an aspiring author just yesterday, nervously submitting my manuscript to Pebble Point Publishing, remembering how I had spent years honing my craft and dreaming of the day my book would be published. My book became a bestseller, praised as ‘a triumphant tale of self-discovery’. The memory of holding my first printed copy of my book in my hands was still vivid, with that incredible sense of pride and accomplishment.
My mind wandered back to the book signing event at Whisper of Pages, one of the highlights of the launch.
Marla had insisted on hosting the signing. She wanted to make it an unforgettable occasion for me, and true to her word, she went above and beyond. I remember walking into the bookstore that morning and gasping when I saw the incredible window display she had created. A massive replica of my novel’s cover served as the backdrop, with stacks of books artfully arrangedand accented with seashells, sand dollars, and strands of ivy. It was magnificent.
The event itself was a whirlwind. It seemed like the whole town had shown up, eager to get their copies signed and show their support. I spent hours chatting with familiar faces, personalizing dedications, and soaking up the excitement. Marla flitted around, ensuring everything ran smoothly, though she still found time to snap photos to commemorate the day.
Carolyn Dalrymple was so eager to get her book signed that she accidentally bumped into a display, toppling a whole tower of novels. Books rained everywhere as Carolyn blurted out apologies, though I could barely stop laughing long enough to help her pick them up. Even when covered in pages and dust jackets, Carolyn was beaming from ear to ear.
That signing was the perfect celebration of my creative journey coming full circle. The outpouring of support from my community filled me with immense gratitude. That magical day at Whisper of Pages marked a new chapter where my dream of being a published author had finally come true.
I smiled as I thought back on my time at Pebble Point Publishing. It seemed like only yesterday I was starting as the new marketing coordinator, nervous and eager to prove myself. Working at the publishing house had been a formative experience for me professionally and personally. I learned so much under the guidance of Alexander, Lucia, Clara, and Henry. They took me under their wing and supported my growth as a marketer while allowing my creative spirit to flourish.
Though it was bittersweet, I knew the time had come for me to leave Pebble Point Publishing when my writing career took off after “Tides of Memory” was published. My dream of being a full-time author could only become a reality if I focused entirely on my craft. Alexander, ever supportive, assured me it was theright move. He could see my potential and wanted me to spread my wings.
It warmed my heart that Jan took over my role as marketing coordinator. Jan has grown so much since I first met her at the library all those months ago. Her passion for books rivaled mine, and she has brilliant ideas for engaging readers. Alexander made an excellent choice in hiring and mentoring her. I’m thrilled my position is in such capable hands, allowing me to embrace my new chapter as an author fully. She’ll thrive at Pebble Point Publishing, just as I did.
Though I missed my publishing house family dearly, I know I made the right decision. Now, I spend my days writing in my little seaside cottage, watching the tides and letting inspiration flow. My debut novel was just the beginning. I have so many more stories to tell.
I was sitting at my desk, staring at my computer screen, trying to create the perfect opening line for my new novel, when my phone started buzzing. I glanced down and saw it was Rachel calling. A smile spread across my face. It had been a few weeks since we had talked, and I was eager to catch up with my friend.
“Rachel! Hi!” I said brightly as I answered. “How are you?”
“Etta! I’m great! How’s my bestselling author friend doing?” Rachel replied, her voice bubbly with enthusiasm. Even through the phone, I could picture the sparkle in her eyes and her beaming smile.
We spent a few minutes doing our usual check-in - work, family, any recent adventures.
“So...I have some news,” Rachel said, her tone turning serious.
I sat up straighter. “Oh?”
“I’ve been seeing someone...seriously…” Rachel started slowly.
My jaw dropped. Rachel was always busy chasing stories at the paper, and she never had time for regular dating. “Rachel! That’s wonderful! Tell me all about them!” I said.
I could hear Rachel’s smile return. “Her name is Maya. She’s an elementary school teacher. We met at my niece’s school play - Maya was directing. We hit it off and have been seeing each other for a few months. She’s incredible, Etta. Funny, smart, beautiful. I can’t remember the last time I felt this way about someone.”
I was overjoyed for her. Rachel deserved someone special. “She sounds lovely. I’m so happy for you!”
Rachel chuckled. “Thanks. That means a lot coming from you. Speaking of are things going with your silver fox boss fiancé?”
“Alexander is wonderful. Truly. He’s thoughtful, kind, and makes me feel...” I searched for the right word. “Understood. Like I can be myself, completely.”