I followed Clara into the cozy break room, still floating on cloud nine after the morning’s excitement. I heard a voice behind me while I patiently waited for the coffee machine to finish brewing.

“Well, that’s quite the rock you’ve got there.”

I turned to see Lucia eyeing my ring with amusement dancing in her eyes. Trust her editorial gaze to hone in on the slightest detail.

I grinned sheepishly. “Lucia! I was hoping to tell you myself.”

She waved her hand. “Oh please, news like this travels faster than a bestseller around here.” Her expression softened. “But truly, I’m so thrilled for you. We all are.”

I felt a rush of affection for my mentor and friend. “Thank you. That means the world coming from you.”

Lucia laughed, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “I must say, when Clara told me Alexander proposed, I nearly spilled my coffee. That man has been married to his work for so long, and I was starting to worry bachelorhood had claimed him for good.”

I chuckled. “Believe me, I was just as surprised when he got down on one knee. I guess he just needed the right inspiration.”

Lucia gave me a knowing look. “Clearly, he found that in you.” She squeezed my hand warmly. “I’ve never seen him so happy, Etta. You bring out the best in each other.”

I felt tears prick my eyes at her heartfelt words. Lucia had known Alexander for years and cared for him deeply. Having her blessing meant a great deal.

Just then, the coffee machine beeped, breaking the moment. Lucia patted my shoulder affectionately.

My heart swelled with joy as we fixed our coffees, chatting and laughing together. With Lucia by my side, I knew Alexander andI had the support of our little publishing family. And that was the greatest engagement gift I could ask for.


I made my way down the hallway of the publishing house, a stack of marketing reports in hand. I was headed to Alexander’s office to review some last details before submitting the plans for approval. As I walked, I smiled down at the diamond ring on my finger, still getting used to the feeling of wearing an engagement ring.

When I reached Alexander’s door, I quickly knocked before entering. “Morning,” I chirped.

Alexander looked up from his desk with a warm smile. “There’s my beautiful fiancée,” he said. “Come on in.”

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks at his words as I stepped inside, closing the door behind me. “I have the marketing plans ready for you to review,” I told him, holding up the stack of papers.

“Wonderful, let’s take a look,” Alexander said, gesturing for me to have a seat across from him.

As I settled into the plush chair, Alexander rounded his desk so he could sit beside me, our shoulders just barely touching. I felt a spark of electricity from his nearness and had to remind myself to focus on work.

We started going through the plans, page by page. Alexander asked thoughtful questions and provided insightful feedback. I could tell his years of publishing experience were evident in how he analyzed each aspect of the proposals.

About halfway through, Alexander set the papers aside for a moment. He gently took my left hand in his, running his finger over my engagement ring. “Have I told you how perfectly this ring suits you?” he asked, his blue eyes gazing warmly into mine.

I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face. “Only about a dozen times,” I replied with a small laugh.

“Well, it’s true, my dear,” Alexander said. “I’ll never grow tired of seeing this diamond on your finger, knowing you’ve promised yourself to me.”

My heart swelled at his sweet words. “Neither will I,” I said softly. “Being engaged to you feels like a dream I don’t want to wake up from.”

Alexander lifted my hand and pressed a gentle kiss to my knuckles. “Soon it will be official when you walk down that aisle and become my wife.”

I let out a happy sigh. “I can’t wait for that day.” A thought occurred then, and I couldn’t resist teasing him a little. “You know, we still have a lot of planning to do for our wedding. Have you put any thought yet into what flavor cake you want?”

Alexander groaned dramatically, though his eyes were twinkling. “Oh, don’t remind me! You know I’m hopeless when it comes to making decisions about things like table linens and hors d’oeuvres. I’d much rather leave all those details to you, my dear. Just lead me to the altar on our special day and I’ll be a happy man.”

I laughed and gave his arm a playful swat. “Nice try, mister, but you’re not getting out of planning duties that easily. This is our wedding, after all, so you have to help make at least some of the choices.”

Alexander heaved a pretend sigh. “Oh alright, if you insist! I suppose the cake is a good place to start. Hmm...” He stroked his chin thoughtfully. “It has to be chocolate, obviously. Three tiers...”

As he prattled on dramatically about cake flavors and frosting options, I just gazed at him with delight, my heart brimming with love for this wonderful man.