He managed a small smile at that, squeezing my hand. But I could tell some of him was still torn, worried he couldn’t be everything I needed.

Rather than continue trying to persuade him with words, I let my heart speak. I gently cupped his handsome, rugged face in my hands and drew him into a tender kiss.

Alexander hesitated only momentarily before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer, returning the kiss with equal affection.

When we finally broke apart, Alexander got up and walked over to the piano, tinkling the keys absently, clearly feeling a little awkward. “I’m sorry for being foolish, my dear. Our love is stronger than any obstacle,” he said with a soft smile.

I was spellbound as Alexander’s fingers danced gracefully across the piano keys, filling the room with a hauntingly beautiful melody. His eyes were closed as he became lost in the music, a small smile playing on his lips. I recognized the pieceas Claire de Lune, the impressionistic Debussy work I knew was one of Alexander’s favorites.

As the last notes faded, he opened his eyes, a peaceful look on his face. “This piece has always held a special meaning for me,” he said. “But now whenever I hear it, I’ll think of you, Etta.”

Alexander went on to explain how the rolling rhythms and dreamlike tones evoked the essence of our relationship. The melody soared and dipped with both lightness and depth, just as we had experienced joy and sorrow on our journey together. Yet through it all, an underlying current of devotion flowed steadily on.

“You’ve brought this music to life for me, Etta,” he finished sincerely. “Before, it was just beautiful notes on a page. But now it embodies the fullness I feel in my heart thanks to your love.”

I was incredibly moved by Alexander’s words and the meaning behind this impromptu performance. His ability to eloquently express the impact of our relationship on him through his music left me speechless.

After gently closing the lid to the piano keys, Alexander crossed the room toward where I sat. As he approached, a playful grin lit up his handsome face, and he lowered himself gracefully down onto one knee before me.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small velvet box and flipped it open to reveal a dazzling vintage-style diamond ring.

“My dearest Etta,” he began, a charming twinkle in his blue eyes. “Would you do me the honor of marrying this foolish old man? I know I’m not perfect, but I promise to strive to be the man you deserve every day. So what do you say? Will you make me the happiest, luckiest fellow around and be my wife?”

Despite the touch of lightheartedness in his proposal, I could see the sincerity shining on Alexander’s face. Overwhelmed with joy, I could only throw my arms around him, and whisper “Yes!” through happy tears. This man who could say so much throughmusic and literature had again rendered me speechless with his heartfelt proposal.

Chapter 25

I strolled into Pebble Point Publishing the next morning with an extra spring in my step. The diamond on my left hand sparkled brightly, catching rays of morning sunlight streaming through the lobby windows. I smiled to myself, still hardly believing that Alexander what had happened last night.

As I made my way to my desk, I found myself eagerly anticipating everyone’s reactions to the news. Clara was the first to notice, her sharp eyes zeroing in on my hand from across the room.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” she exclaimed as she rushed over. Before I could respond, she had grabbed my hand to inspect the ring closely. “He didn’t skimp on this beauty, did he? I never took Alexander for having such impeccable taste!”

I laughed. “Believe me, I was just as surprised. He really outdid himself.”

Clara pulled me into a tight hug. “Congratulations, darling. I can’t say I ever saw this coming, but I’m thrilled for you both.”

As we separated, her expression grew mischievous. “Now, listen closely. As someone who’s been married for 10 years, let me offer you some advice.” She leaned in conspiratorially. “The wedding planning will drive you mad. You’ll bicker over venues, guest lists, colors. But remember what matters - your love. Don’t lose sight of that joy you’re feeling right now.”

I smiled gratefully. Only Clara could balance sage wisdom with humor so effortlessly. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. With my scatterbrained approach and Alexander’s perfectionism, there will be plenty of...discussions.”

Clara laughed knowingly. “Oh yes, I remember that stage well. But you two will figure it out, I’m sure of it.” Her smile softened. “He’s always been like family to me. I can see how happy you make him, Etta. This is meant to be.”

Her words filled me with warmth. Having Clara’s blessing meant the world, given how close she and Alexander were.

Just then, Henry popped his head out of the conference room. “Did I hear something about an engagement?” His eyes lit up when he saw my ring.

“You certainly did,” Clara announced proudly before I could reply. She gave me a playful nudge forward to show off my hand.

Henry let out a deep belly laugh. “Well, how about that? Congratulations!” He pulled me into an enveloping bear hug. “We always hoped Alexander would find someone special. I’m so delighted it’s you, Etta.”

“Thank you, Henry.” I beamed, touched by his heartfelt words.

Henry squeezed my shoulder reassuringly before checking his watch. “Oh dear, look at the time. I better run - we have an author call in five minutes.” He gave me one last smile. “This is wonderful news. We’ll celebrate later!”

With that, he hurried off, leaving me smiling after him. Clara linked her arm through mine conspiratorially.

“Come on, let’s get some coffee and you can tell me all about the proposal. I want details!”