“It’s so lovely to meet you,” I said. Sophia gives me a surprisingly firm handshake.

“A friend, hmm?” She winked conspiratorially. “We’ll see about that.”

Alexander and I both blushed, but Sophia patted our hands affectionately before launching a story about her girlhood misadventures.

As the day went on, I’m amazed by this remarkable woman who raised Alexander as much as his own parents. Her sharp mind and bold personality are still intact, and I find myself charmed.

When it comes time to leave, Sophia makes me promise to visit again soon. “You keep an eye on my nephew,” she whispered to me with a knowing look.

Alexander and I shared our delight over the visit on the drive back. “Now you see why I can never miss our Wednesdays,” he says. I lean over and kiss his cheek in understanding. Meeting his beloved aunt has brought me even closer to this kind-hearted man. I fell asleep on the ride home, perfectly content.

Chapter 24

The following day, I felt a thrill of anticipation as Alexander had invited me over to his house for dinner for the very first time since the renovations had completed. The house was a stunning Colonial Revival overlooking the cliffs, exuding understated elegance. Alexander greeted me at the door with a kiss on the cheek and welcomed me inside.

He gave me a tour of the tastefully decorated interior, adorned with fine art, shelves of leather-bound books, and plush Persian rugs underfoot. I complimented him on his sophisticated taste as we strolled through the formal living room and dining room. Upstairs, he showed me his private study lined with literature classics and boasting a large window overlooking the ocean.

“I spend hours here reading and writing,” he remarked, seeming vulnerable as he shared his private creative space with me.

I was surprised when Alexander revealed a bookshelf containing a collection of classic romance novels in his study. He explained that over the years, he had read these stories andwritten personal notes inside about how each one reminded him of our unique bond.

As he showed me each book, I was incredibly touched. There was Pride and Prejudice, with a note about how Elizabeth’s wit and independence reminded him of my own. Persuasion contained a message about longing and second chances. Anna Karenina’s tragic but passionate love story connected to the deep emotions he felt for me.

With each note, I felt our relationship grow more profound. Alexander had clearly spent meaningful time with these books, reliving our moments together through the stories. It was deeply romantic and showed the depth of his feelings for me in a way he had never outright expressed.

“I wanted you to know how long you’ve been on my mind and in my heart,” he admitted sincerely.

I was speechless, amazed that this private collection was a testament to his long-held affection. My fingers trailed over the leather spines as I selected a significant book - Pride and Prejudice.

Opening to a dog-eared page, I began reading aloud a passage where Elizabeth professes her love for Mr. Darcy after misunderstanding his intentions. As I gave voice to her heartfelt words, I felt Alexander come up behind me and gently wrap his arms around my waist.

I continued reading as we swayed together, transported into our own private world. When I finished, a profound silence hung in the air. Alexander nuzzled my neck and whispered, “That’s exactly how I feel about you, Etta. Like we’re destined to be together after so many misunderstandings and obstacles.”

I turned in his arms to face him, meeting his tender blue eyes. No more words were needed at that moment. The classic literature had spoken for us, mirroring our own path to love. Ipulled Alexander close and kissed him gently. The books bearing witness to a timeless romance written in the stars long ago.

We headed back downstairs and Alexander led me to the kitchen, where he’d prepared a delectable meal. Over seared scallops and roasted asparagus, he explained how he’d taken on renovating parts of the house himself until recently.

“I wanted workmen to restore the original charm from when it was first built in the 1920s,” he said. Alexander described the tedious process of refinishing the oak floors, remodeling the guest bathroom, and repainting the exterior trim. His dedication to perfection was clear in each refined detail.

As he spoke, I pictured Alexander meticulously overseeing each step of the renovations, keenly focused on bringing out the house’s inherent beauty and character. I could imagine him poring over swatches of paint colors, feeling the smooth oak banisters, inspecting the grout lines in the guest bathroom tile. His eyes would light up at finding an antique door handle or fixture to incorporate. This house was clearly more than just a material possession to him - it represented his appreciation for quality craftsmanship and his desire to preserve something meaningful.

After dinner, we retreated to the living room with glasses of smooth Merlot. Alexander stoked the fireplace and dimmed the lights, creating an intimate setting. We sank into the plush leather couch and he pulled me close.

“I’m glad you’re here, Etta,” he murmured. “This house has always been a sanctuary for me, but now it feels complete with you in it.”

I could tell Alexander was growing pensive as we cuddled together in front of the crackling fire. His brows furrowed slightly and he absentmindedly ran his fingers along my arm.

“What is it?” I asked, turning to meet his thoughtful gaze.

He sighed, caressing my cheek. “I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you back in my life, Etta. But I’d be lying if I said our age difference doesn’t give me pause sometimes.”

My heart sank at hearing his hesitance. I knew Alexander tended to over analyze things, but I didn’t want this to become an obstacle between us.

“Hey,” I said gently, taking his hand in mine. “Our age doesn’t matter to me. What we have goes so much deeper than that.”

Alexander nodded, though uncertainty still shadowed his eyes. “I just want to make sure I can give you the life and future you deserve, Etta. I don’t want to hold you back from anything.”

I shifted to face him directly, moved by his concern. “Alexander, the only future I want is one with you in it. I’ve never felt this way about anyone else. What we have is so rare and real - age is just a number.”