As we settled into the luxurious backseat, Alexander asked the driver to retake the scenic route before dropping me off at home. I nodded in agreement, not ready for this magical evening to end just yet.

Alexander wrapped his arm around me and I curled into his side, resting my head on his shoulder. We sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the glow of the lighthouse fading into the distance as the car wound its way along the coastal road.

“I can hardly believe this is real,” I murmured. “It feels like a dream.”

Alexander pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “I know, my dear. But I promise you, it’s very real.”

I tilted my head up to look at him, thinking how incredibly handsome he looked in the soft light. “I’m so happy,” I whispered.

“As am I, Etta. As am I.” Alexander’s eyes were full of warmth.

We passed the rest of the drive, simply enjoying being close, stealing the occasional kiss as we watched the moonlight dance across the water.

Too soon, we were pulling up outside my childhood home. Alexander walked me to the door, both of us reluctant to part ways.

Under the glow of the porch light, he took both my hands in his. “Thank you for making this the most special night,” he said softly.

I smiled up at him. “It was perfect.”

Alexander leaned in and kissed me tenderly. As we pulled apart, his eyes were full of promise.

“Until tomorrow, my darling.”

I watched as he walked back to the Bentley, my heart overflowing.

I closed the door gently behind me, still feeling like I was floating on air after the magical evening I had spent with Alexander. The gala, our intimate moments under the stars, and that scenic drive along the coast were all so incredibly romantic.

I leaned back against the door with a contented sigh, closing my eyes for a moment as I relived every perfect detail. A giddy smile spread across my face as I thought about how Alexander confessed his secret poetic feelings for me from the start. I was completely enamored with his thoughtful haikus, capturing our subtle connections.

Pushing off the door, I slipped off my heels and padded up the stairs towards my bedroom. I carefully hung up my shimmering gala dress, running my hand lovingly over the sequined fabric. After washing my face and letting down my hair, I slipped on a comfortable nightshirt and crawled into bed.

Lying there in the dark, I felt peaceful and positively buzzing with excitement about what this all meant for Alexander and me. Our connection seemed to grow deeper by the day, evolving from a rekindled friendship into something much more profound. The sheer joy and comfort I felt in his presence was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

I replayed our tender exchanges from the night, hugging my extra pillow tight against my chest. The way Alexander looked at me with genuine affection and care made my heart swell. I found myself imagining all the wonderful moments we would share going forward. I could feel the smile lingering on my face as I surrendered to sleep, feeling more hopeful and peaceful than I had in years.

Chapter 23

The next morning, I poured all my inspiration and energy into my manuscript, losing myself in the creative flow. The hours flew by as I typed away, describing the breathtaking coastline and my protagonist’s growing love for her small seaside town. I smiled, thinking about my own rediscovered affection for this place.

The morning light that had been streaming into my little home office was now afternoon sun. My stomach rumbled, reminding me I’d been writing for hours without a break. I glanced at the clock and was shocked to see it was already past noon.

Saving my work, I got up to stretch my stiff limbs and headed to the kitchen to throw together a quick sandwich. While I ate, I continued scribbling notes and ideas in my notebook, not wanting to lose any threads. This novel had become my passion, a way to capture my journey and give life to the characters and stories swirling in my imagination.

After lunch, I brewed a fresh cup of coffee and settled back into my desk chair, eager to start on the next chapter. My protagonistwas on the cusp of a new relationship. I wanted to capture her giddy excitement while still showing her cautious optimism.

As I described her first date at a seaside restaurant, my cell phone rang, pulling me out of my creative bubble. I glanced at the screen, and my heart flipped when I saw Alexander calling.

“Hi there, handsome.” I said, hoping I didn’t sound as breathless as I felt. “Thank you again for letting me take the day off to write today.”

“It’s well deserved!” he replied. “Thought I’d see if you wanted to grab dinner tonight at Casa D’Oliva, and you can tell me all about it? “

“I’d love to,” I said. “Should I meet you there around seven?” That would give me a few more hours to write and get ready.

“Perfect. It’s a date,” he said warmly. We exchanged goodbyes, and I sat staring out the window for a minute after we hung up, unable to stop smiling.

Eventually, I turned back to my laptop, filled with fresh inspiration. The next chapter flowed easily as I described my antagonist’s anticipation of her dinner date. I put in subtle details - her nervousness about what to wear, the care she took doing her hair and makeup.

Before I knew it, I’d written over ten pages. Glancing at the clock, I was surprised to see it was already past five. I had just enough time for a shower before I had to start getting ready.