I felt both my hands wrap around his neck as I pulled his lips toward mine. His skin was warm under my fingertips as I drew him close. My heart pounded, drowned out only by the rush of blood in my ears. This moment hung suspended in time, the rest of the world fading away until it was only him and me and the space between us. I glanced at his eyes, dark pools reflecting the moonlight, before letting mine flutter shut. His breath was a whisper against my lips. I hesitated only a second more, savoring the anticipation, before closing the distance between us and kissing his lips once, twice and again, each time for longer than the last.

It felt like every star in the night sky had chosen to illuminate this perfect moment, that the moon was reflecting the light of a thousand suns...until I realized that it was actually the beam from the lighthouse, illuminating our private moment for all the gala attendees below.


Chapter 22

Alexander and I froze in place as the sweeping beam of the lighthouse lit up our embrace. I worried he would be upset or embarrassed at having such an intimate moment spotlighted in front of so many people. But instead, Alexander laughed as the light swept over us again.

He took my hand, and we both bowed dramatically to our cheering audience below. Henry’s voice rang out, “About time!” followed by applause and whistles from our friends and office colleagues.

Alexander and I looked at each other, grinning like giddy teenagers. Still hand-in-hand, we took off running into the darkness, giggling uncontrollably. I felt exhilarated, my heart pounding with emotion and exertion.

We didn’t stop until we were far from the lighthouse, hidden in the shadows of a small cove. Out of breath, we collapsed onto the sand, lying on our backs and staring up at the night sky. The sounds of the crowd and the sweeping light of the lighthouse seemed far away now. It was just the two of us, aloneunder a canopy of stars, with the distant music from the gala an accompaniment to the soft sounds of the waves.

After catching my breath, I propped myself up on one elbow and looked down at Alexander. His eyes reflected the starlight as he gazed up at me tenderly.

“Well, I guess the cat’s most definitely out of the bag now,” he said with a grin.

I laughed. “I’d say the lighthouse gave us away pretty clearly back there.”

Alexander reached up and tucked a stray curl behind my ear. “I don’t mind one bit. I’m happy to show the world how I feel about you, Etta Harwood.”

My heart swelled, and I leaned down to kiss him softly once again, this time without the spotlight. Then I jumped up to my feet. I reached out my hand to him. “Dance with me some more?” I asked softly.

The lull of the waves and the faint melody from the gala provided the perfect soundtrack as Alexander and I swayed together under the moonlight. I rested my head against his chest, letting the rhythm of his heartbeat set the pace for our impromptu dance. The steady thump-thump soothed me, and I closed my eyes, losing myself in the intimate moment.

After a few silent moments of simply enjoying the closeness, I tentatively tried a small spin. Alexander gracefully led me into a twirl, the skirt of my dress fanning out around me. I felt myself laugh, my earlier clumsiness forgotten. I felt as graceful as a ballerina, the champagne bubbles making me giddy.

Emboldened by Alexander’s strong lead, I attempted a more elaborate step, only to promptly stomp on Alexander’s foot. He let out a surprised “Oof!” and we both dissolved into giggles. I cringed inwardly, feeling like an awkward teenager at her first school dance.

“Sorry about that!” I said, wincing. “I think the sand might be slightly throwing off my fancy footwork. Or maybe the champagne...” I added sheepishly, my cheeks flushing.

“That’s alright, I like your fancy footwork just fine,” Alexander replied with a grin, his eyes twinkling affectionately. He didn’t seem to mind my clumsiness one bit. He pulled me in close again and we resumed our simple swaying.

As we danced under the moonlight, the mishap faded away. All that mattered was being here in this moment together, letting our hearts guide our steps. The rest of the world slipped away, and this time it really was just the two of us, caught up in our intimate reverie.


“That poem I read to at the Spring Festival might not have been the first one I wrote about you...”

I stared at Alexander, surprised by his confession.

“What do you mean, it wasn’t the first?” I asked, my brow furrowing in confusion, yet unable to suppress a smile.

Alexander looked both amused and slightly embarrassed, a faint blush creeping across his cheeks. “Well, you see, I may have written a thing or two back when you first started at the publishing house,” he admitted, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

My eyes widened in surprise. I’d had no idea he was harboring secret poetic feelings back then. We were barely reacquainted at that point. “Alexander Fairmont, have you been holding out on me?” I said in a playfully accusatory tone.

He let out a self-conscious chuckle. “Guilty as charged, I’m afraid. I just never found the right moment to share them with you.”

I leaned forward, intrigued. “So, what exactly did you write?”

“They were just little haiku I penned in moments of, shall we say, inspiration,” he said vaguely, though the twinkle in his eye hinted at their romantic nature.

I raised an eyebrow. “Well, now you have to show me.”

Alexander looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding slowly. “I suppose I should. Just promise not to judge my amateur poetry skills too harshly,” he requested with an endearing hint of vulnerability.