Alexander accepted the praise graciously. “Your thanks are better directed at the skilled workers who did the restoration.” He nodded toward the tower. “The true credit goes to them.”

Typical of Alexander to deflect the attention. But I knew the gift had come from him. I suspected Lucia did as well from her knowing smile. Was this secret restoration the reason for his mysterious out-of-town appointments?

“You know,” Mayor Jenkins said, “this calls for a toast!” He lifted a glass of champagne. “To the Pebble Point Lighthouse! May it stand for generations more, reminding us of all we’ve weathered and brightening our shores.”

“To the lighthouse!” we echoed. The champagne was chilled and crisp, fizzing cheerfully on my tongue. Alexander’s shoulder brushed mine in a subtle toast just between us.

As the sun began to set, the gala guests gravitated back toward the lighthouse. We joined the crowd, hands loosely clasped, standing shoulder to shoulder. At last the moment we’d waited for arrived - the lighting of the restored beacon.

Mayor Jenkins was given the honor of flipping the switch. As he did so, a collective “Ooh!” rose from the onlookers. The beam blazed to life, piercing the deepening twilight in a perfect arc. The red gem of its guiding light flashed rhythmically, once again keeping watch over our town.

After the lighting ceremony concluded, strings of lanterns illuminated the lawn for continued revelry. Musicians played lively tunes on fiddles and mandolins, couples twirling across the grass. Laughter rang out as people shared food and drink under the stars.

Alexander extended his hand. “Dance with me?”

I smiled and let him lead me into the swirling crowd. We moved gracefully in time with the music, his hand warm at my back. For a few breathless moments, the world narrowed to just us.

When the music transitioned to a slower number, Alexander drew me close. I rested my cheek against his shoulder, catching notes of his cedar and thyme scent. Our steps slowed to match the melody, two hearts beating in sync.

Above us, the lighthouse beacon swept its protective gaze across the darkened sea. Tomorrow, my practical side would reemerge, but under that romantic beam, I let go and floated in Alexander’s arms to the music’s ebb and flow.

We danced one song, then another, unwilling to let this magic slip away.

I soon found myself lightheaded from the dancing and champagne and laughingly pulled Alexander away from the dancing crowds, breathless from excitement.

“Why don’t we slip away for a bit? There’s a secluded viewpoint up on the cliffs that I think you’d enjoy.”

I smiled, imagining us escaping the crowds for a private moment. “Lead the way!”

We headed up the winding path away from the festivities. The ground was sandy under my feet - I’d worn delicate strappy heels for the gala, but they were hardly practical for climbing. With a playful grin, I bent to unfasten them. The sand was still warm from the day’s sun. I wiggled my toes, reveling in the freedom.

“The last one to the top is a rotten egg!” I laughed and dashed up the path, bare feet flying. The champagne buzz lent me wings.

“Hey, no fair!” Alexander protested behind me, his longer strides no match for my head-start. My hair streamed out behind me as I crested the hill. The ocean spread before me, dark and glinting. I raised my arms triumphantly as Alexander joined me, only slightly out of breath.

“I win!”

He chuckled. “Indeed, you did.” His hand found mine again, giving it a playful squeeze. We stood gazing out at the water as our breathing slowed.

I leaned into Alexander contentedly. “It’s so beautiful and peaceful up here. Thank you for suggesting this.”

“Of course.” He brushed a stray curl back from my face, his touch lingering. “I thought you’d enjoy a respite from the crowds.”

We stayed like that for a while, fingers interlaced, shoulders touching. The distant music floated up on the night breeze. Behind us, the gala carried on, but all was tranquil in our private world.

I tipped my head back to admire the blanket of glittering stars. The velvety night sky looked close enough to touch. Beside me, Alexander’s arm stretched back to support himself. I leaned into him, laying my head on his shoulder. His muscles tensed slightly at the contact before relaxing.

“The stars are so clear tonight,” I murmured. “It’s like the sky is celebrating with us.”

Alexander’s chest rose and fell steadily beneath my cheek. “The ancients used to believe that each star was a soul.” His voice held a thread of wonder. “Can you imagine all those countless lights watching over us?”

I shivered, only partly from the night breeze. Alexander’s words resonated with me. All those stars, all those souls, bore witness to this moment.

Slowly, I sat up to meet his gaze. His face was cast in silhouette, features etched in light and shadow. We studied each other, breaths mingling, each waiting for the other to bridge the gulf between us.

At last, Alexander moved. His hand came up to cradle my jaw, thumb grazing my cheek. I leaned into his touch, my every nerve alight and singing.

“Etta...” he whispered. Behind us, the waves hushed themselves, letting only the sound of my name pass into the night.