I opened my mouth, about to give in and just ask, but Alexander spoke first.

“How about a little competition?” he said with a playful grin. He gestured towards a pile of smooth stones, perfect for skipping.

I laughed, my questions fading. “You’re on!”

We each grabbed a handful of stones and took turns skipping them across the glassy water, seeing who could get the most bounces. Laughter and teasing taunts flew as freely as the stones.

“That’s how it’s done!” I crowed as one of my stones skipped six times.

Alexander just smiled and shook his head. “Beginner’s luck.”

We continued trying to outdo each other, our fingers occasionally brushing as we both reached for stones. Each touchsent a tiny thrill through me. The lingering questions in my mind were swept away by the simple joy of this moment together.

The sunlight faded and the first stars began to emerge as we finally meandered back up the beach towards town, shoulders bumping companionably. I was struck once more by how easy and natural things felt between us.

Alexander walked me right to my door. “Thank you for this evening, Etta. I can’t tell you how much I needed it.”

His voice was warm with sincerity. Impulsively, I stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek.

“Anytime,” I said softly.

He touched my shoulder, his eyes lingering on mine for a heartbeat before he turned away into the twilight. I watched him go, the ghost of his fingers still tingling on my skin.

I went inside and leaned against the closed door, letting out a long breath. The questions still lingered in the corners of my mind, but it was getting harder to cling to them. When I was with Alexander, nothing else seemed to matter. There was an understanding between us that went beyond words. I would just have to trust it.

I went to bed that night with my head full of him - the sound of his laugh, the feeling of his touch. If I dreamed, I’m sure it was of walking the beach together, the setting sun gilding the world around us as we skipped stones across sun-spangled waters.


The following day, I headed to Pebble Point Publishing, filled with bright anticipation of seeing Alexander again. I practically skipped the walkway and breezed through the front door with a cheerful “Good morning!” Clara looked up from her desk, surprise flitting across her features.

“Someone’s chipper today,” she remarked wryly, one eyebrow raised.

I just laughed. “Is that a crime?”

Clara’s lips quirked. “No, but it’s a change from the usual pre-coffee zombie shuffle. What’s got you in such a good mood?”

“Oh, you know. The beautiful morning, the smell of the ocean...” I waved a vague hand, not wanting to confess it was the prospect of seeing someone who had me so energized.

Clara made a noise of amusement, clearly unconvinced, but she didn’t press me. “Well, enjoy it while it lasts. We’ve got a busy day ahead.”

I returned to my office, dodging around towers of manuscripts, and shelves crammed full of books. Snatches of conversation and the click-clacking of keyboards floated down the hallway. I inhaled that familiar scent of paper, ink, and dreams.

Pushing open my office door, I froze on the threshold in surprise. My desk was overflowing with vases of flowers - wild poppies, sunflowers, lilies, lavender sprigs - a rainbow riot of petals and perfume. Nestled among them was a note card with my name penned in a familiar, elegant script. Hands trembling, I picked it up and read the short message:

Thank you for yesterday. You have no idea how much light you bring into my days.

Yours, A

I pressed the note to my heart, eyes slipping closed. Alexander. After our walk last night, he went home and made this incredibly thoughtful, romantic gesture for me. I was awash in euphoria, that buoyant sensation of free-falling into love.

“So this is why you were so cheerful this morning.”

I whirled to find Alexander leaning against my doorway, watching me with soft eyes.

“They’re beautiful,” I said when I found my voice. “You didn’t have to...”

“Yes, I did.” He came towards me and took my hands in his. “You deserve beautiful things, Etta.”