“Well...not exactly,” I admit. “He said he wants to take things slowly since he’s my boss and all. But I’m ready to speed things up a bit, if you know what I mean.”

I can imagine Rachel’s skeptical look through the phone. “Etta...be careful. I know you’re caught up in the moment, but Alexander seems to have some valid reasons for wanting to take it slow. Maybe you should listen to him on this.”

Her words give me pause. In my enthusiasm, I’ve been letting my imagination run wild, guided by the passionate romance brewing in my novel. The same novel I’ve been using to live out my own fantasies.

“Awwwww. Oh boy. You’re right,” I say with a twinge of disappointment. “I was ready to throw caution to the wind and confess my love to him, but I should respect his wishes. Darn it, since when were you the rational one?”

We share a laugh before Rachel says gently, “I just want you to be happy, Etta. This thing with Alexander sounds special - don’t rush it.”

I smile, grateful for her level-headed advice. “Thanks, Rach. I’ll try to keep my eager heart in check. Maybe I should focus more on writing the fictional romance and let the real one unfold naturally.”

We chat a while longer before saying our goodbyes. As I set down the phone, I make a mental note to have Rachel review my life decisions more often. Her confident outlook is just the balance I need for my tendency to get carried away by fantasy. With a deep breath, I resolve to take things slowly with Alexander, letting our relationship blossom in its own time.

Chapter 20

I was sitting at my desk trying to focus on work but couldn’t help but be distracted by Alexander’s absence. He was away for the day on another mysterious personal appointment, which had caused me to feel uneasy. I decided to visit Lucia’s office, hoping for details.

“Did you know when Alexander will be back?” I asked Lucia.

She glanced up from her computer screen. “He said late this afternoon. But it’s just his regular appointment, nothing to worry about.”

I nodded, but my concern must have shown on my face.

Lucia gave me a reassuring look. “Really, Etta, it’s nothing to worry about. Alexander just likes his privacy in personal matters.”

Though Lucia’s words were meant to put me at ease, they only increased my curiosity. What could this appointment be that required such secrecy? My mind raced through various scenarios, each one making me more anxious.

I forced myself to refocus. “You’re right, it’s none of my business,” I said with a half-hearted laugh. “I should get back to the marketing proposal for the new children’s book series.”

Lucia smiled warmly. “That’s the spirit. I’m sure Alexander will share more when he’s back.”

I returned to my desk, determined to concentrate on work and not obsess over Alexander’s whereabouts. But throughout the morning, I caught myself glancing at the clock, willing the hours to pass quickly so I could see him again.

Around noon, I stepped outside to get some fresh air, hoping it would clear my head. The salty ocean breeze filled my lungs, the familiar scent instantly soothing me.

Lucia was right. Whatever Alexander was dealing with, he would tell me when the time was right. For now, I just needed to trust him.

Feeling more centered, I headed back to the office. I would focus on work and welcome Alexander back with open arms when he returned, no questions asked. Our relationship was built on patience and understanding. And that was precisely what I planned to give him that day.


Just before 5 pm, I heard footsteps approaching and looked up from my desk to see Alexander walking into the office, looking completely exhausted. But the moment his eyes met mine, his face lit up with a smile that made my heart beat.

“Rough day?” I asked, rising from my chair.

He chuckled wearily. “You could say that. The drive back took forever. I’m just happy to be here now.”

I longed to ask where exactly he had gone and why, but restrained my curiosity. This was Alexander’s private business, and I didn’t want to pry.

“Why don’t we go for a walk on the beach?” I suggested it instead. “It looks like you could use some fresh air after being cooped up in the car all day.”

“That’s exactly what I need,” he agreed readily.

We left the office and made our way down to the shoreline. The sun was beginning to sink towards the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the water. A gentle breeze ruffled my hair as we strolled alongside along the surf, our footsteps leaving twin prints of prints in the damp sand.

I snuck a glance at Alexander out of the corner of my eye. His handsome profile was limned with golden light, his expression serene as he gazed out at the sea. I felt that now-familiar flutter in my chest, that intrinsic pull I always experienced in his presence.

We walked in comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying the tranquility. But my mind kept circling back to the same nagging questions. Where had he gone? Was everything okay? It was driving me crazy, not knowing.