I saw Lucia suppress a smile while Alexander’s eyes glinted with amusement. Heat rose to my cheeks.

“What I meant to say,” I continued, trying to ignore the knowing looks of my colleagues, “is that the pre-sales numbers are looking very promising. The social media marketing strategy seems to work well - we’re seeing great engagement, especially on Instagram.”

I risked a glance at Alexander. The corner of his mouth was turned up in an infuriatingly attractive smirk that told me he had noticed my verbal fumble. I felt my blush deepen and hurried to conclude my update.

“So, in summary, the marketing efforts are in full bloom for the new release,” I finished, then wanted to sink into the floor. Full bloom? What was wrong with me today?

I avoided looking at Alexander again for the rest of the meeting, mortified that I had let our relationship seep into my professional demeanor. However, his subtle smiles in my direction made my heart skip a beat, despite my embarrassment.

But then muscle memory kicked in, and I smoothly summarized my ideas for our upcoming children’s book launch. Alexander nodded approvingly, bolstering my confidence.

Somehow, I survived the rest of the meeting without cringe-worthy flubs. As we all filed out of the conference room, Alexander caught my eye, amusement sparkling in his. “Nice update,” he said with a playful grin. “Very...flowery language.”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help an answering smile. “Oh, hush,” I retorted, swatting his arm. Our gazes held for a moment. Then we both turned and walked away, the energy between us crackling.


I returned to my desk, my mind still buzzing from the staff meeting and Alexander’s playful teasing about my accidental romantic phrasing. As much as I tried to refocus on work, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Ever since we reconnected, it was like I was 18 again, harboring a hopeless crush on my dad’s sophisticated friend.

I smiled wistfully as memories of that summer flooded my mind - the late nights spent talking and laughing on the porch swing, the charged looks and light touches over shared meals, the bittersweet ache of unspoken longing. Even back then, I’d sensed Alexander’s guarded interest, though he’d never crossed the line, ever the gentleman.

I smiled to myself, remembering the way Alexander’s eyes had lingered on me during the meeting. Though we came from different worlds, it seemed fate had brought us back together, offering a second chance we both longed to take.

With a contented sigh, I turned my attention to the messy pile of project files on my desk, figuring I should at least try to be productive. A folded piece of paper tucked into a folder caught my eye as I sorted through the documents. Curious, I opened it to find a short handwritten note in familiar elegant script:

My Dearest Etta,

I hope this note finds its way into the right hands. Should you discover it amidst the mundane details of marketing plans and publishing contracts, know that you are always in my thoughts. Our time together, though brief, has awakenedsomething in me that I thought long forgotten. You are a captivating muse, as brilliant and beautiful as your name implies. I eagerly await our subsequent encounter, my dear.

Yours fondly,


I clutched the note to my chest, unable to contain my giddy smile. Alexander’s thoughtful romantic gesture sparked a warmth in me I hadn’t felt in years. I traced my fingers over the elegant curves of his handwriting, imagining him sneakily tucking this note amidst the documents on my desk. Even in writing, his sophisticated charm leaped off the page.

I quickly tucked the note into my purse before my coworkers could catch a glimpse. This would be our little secret. Still, I longed to respond kindly, to assure Alexander that his feelings were fervently reciprocated.

An idea sparked. I could send him a romantic email response. It would be the modern equivalent of passing a poetic note across the classroom. My pulse quickened as I contemplated the countless romantic messages I could craft, each more affectionate than the last.

But no, I didn’t want to come on too strong. Better to match his tone - earnest yet playful, hinting at deeper feelings beneath the surface. I nibbled my pen in thought before typing out a response:

Dearest A,

What a lovely surprise to find among these dry documents. Your note was a refreshing spring breeze amidst the dreariness of paperwork. I, too, have found my thoughts consumed by recent encounters. You have awakened something long dormant within me, a giddy exhilaration I thought relegated merely to my youth. I hope we can continue these clandestine conversations soon.

Fondly yours, E

I read over the email, slightly adjusting the wording and punctuation before hitting send, giddy with excitement over this secret correspondence. Just before I could close my inbox, though, a new message popped up from our office manager, Clara. I skimmed through it - something about the upcoming holiday party. But my eyes froze on two words - “Reply All.”

No. I hadn’t. Please, no.

With trembling hands, I frantically checked the sent box. The romantic message glowed back at me in damning, bold letters addressed to [email protected]. And below, in a neat list, every single one of my colleagues, from the interns up to the board of directors.

I wanted to melt under my desk and disappear forever. How could I have made such an idiotic mistake? There was no taking it back now. Within minutes, my phone was buzzing with incoming messages. Clara and Lucia teased me mercilessly about my secret pen pal. Even Henry sent a winking face emoji.

Alexander was going to think I had lost my mind. What was meant to be an inside joke between us was now office gossip fodder. I hid my flushed face behind my computer screen until I couldn’t take it anymore. Grabbing my purse, I rushed out of the office before Alexander or anyone else could comment. I needed some fresh air to clear my utterly humiliated head.

The breeze off the bay did little to cool my burning cheeks as I walked, replaying my blunder on an endless loop. So consumed by romantic fantasies, I hadn’t bothered to check the recipient line before hitting send. Some writer I was.