Observing the subtle glances and tender gestures between ordinary people going about their day, my mind wandered to my romantic possibilities. I thought about the growing connection between Alexander and me and the excitement and uncertainty it brought.

The sun dipped lower, casting a warm glow over the pond. The park was emptying, but I remained on the bench, scribbling down lines of prose. A light breeze ruffled the pages of my notebook as if urging me on. I smiled down at the lines I had written, feeling content.

As I scribbled notes, I glanced up and did a double-take as I spotted a familiar figure strolling down the path - it was Alexander. My heart skipped a beat as I watched him approach, looking distinguished as always in a navy blazer and gray slacks.

“Etta! What a pleasant surprise,” he said warmly as he reached my bench. “Do you mind if I join you?”

“Not at all!” I said, feeling suddenly self-conscious as I swept my things aside to make room. Alexander settled down next to me, stretching his legs out comfortably.

“How’s the great novel?” he asked with a smile, gesturing to my notebook.

I laughed. “Just jotting down some observations. People-watching is one of my favorite small-town pastimes.”

Alexander nodded, glancing around the park. “Creativity can be found anywhere, if you know where to look.”

I was struck by how relaxed and at ease he seemed. The late afternoon sun highlighted the silver strands in his hair.

“How was your trip out of town?” I asked. “Anything exciting?”

Alexander’s expression shifted almost imperceptibly. “Oh, just a regular appointment,” he said vaguely. “Nothing noteworthy.”

Sensing he wanted to change topics, I grabbed the lurid paperback I had tucked into my bag earlier. Its cover featured a bare-chested, muscle-bound man with long, flowing hair embracing a buxom woman in a torn bodice who gazed at him adoringly. “Well, I made quite the discovery at the bookshop today,” I said, showing Alexander the over-the-top cover art.

Alexander’s eyes widened in surprise before he broke into laughter. “My word, that is quite something! The detail is remarkable, from the man’s bulging muscles to the woman’s...assets,” he chuckled. “And the title - ‘Passions Tempest’ - is wonderfully evocative. I understand why you felt compelled to bestow this treasure upon me.”

His amused reaction made me grin. “I’m so glad you appreciate fine literature,” I joked. “This is the first in a series, too, so there’s more where this came from.”

“How fortuitous!” Alexander exclaimed. “This book will be perfect for my evening reading. Why, I may just lock myself awayand devour the entire series cover to cover before the week is out!”

He clutched the lurid paperback to his chest dramatically. “I can already tell this is going to be a real page-turner. The intrigue! The drama! I must know what happens between...” He paused to peer at the back cover. “...Adrian Fairmont and Jada.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his exaggerated enthusiasm. “ I’m thrilled you’re so eager to dive right in. Just pace yourself - we have that big project next week, after all.”

Alexander laughed and nodded. “Too true. What can I say? I get a bit carried away regarding the written word. But not to worry, I shall temper my literary zeal accordingly.” He carefully tucked the risque romance novel into his jacket pocket. “I shall give this the attentive read it deserves. Its merits are boundless.”

I smiled, pleased he was looking ahead to spending more time together.

“Speaking of fine literature...” I began, suddenly feeling shy. “I was wondering if you’d like to attend the book club meeting this evening. It’s at Whisper of Pages at seven. It’s about The Rosie Project? You said last night that you’ve read it?” I held his gaze as I extended the invitation.

“I would be delighted,” Alexander replied, his eyes brightening.

I felt a thrill of anticipation. Alexander stood reluctantly, glancing at his watch. “Unfortunately, I must return to the office for a while to finish some work. But I look forward to continuing our literary adventures at the bookshop tonight.” He brushed his hand tenderly against my cheek. “Until later, my dear. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on The Rosie Project.”

With a soft, lingering kiss on my cheek that left me flushed, he turned and strolled back down the path towards the office.

I watched him until he disappeared from view, already longing for Saturday and our special date at the book club. Withbutterflies in my stomach, I gathered my things and headed home, thinking dreamily about Alexander and the fun debates in store at Whisper of Pages.

Chapter 13

I headed home, eager for a light dinner before the evening book club meeting. I rummaged through the fridge, settling on a simple caprese salad with fresh tomatoes from the farmer’s market. The juicy tomatoes and creamy mozzarella provided the perfect fuel for the evening ahead. After tidying up the kitchen, I freshened up and changed into a casual blue dress, ready for a fun night out discussing books with friends...and Alexander.

The short walk to Whisper of Pages invigorated me, the cool evening ocean breeze tousling my hair. I smiled, remembering many childhood trips to the bookshop with my father. He always let me pick any book I wanted. Those trips sparked my lifelong love of literature.

I entered the shop, immediately immersed in that magical scent of old paper and herbal tea. Marla spotted me from behind the counter, waving excitedly.

“Etta, so glad you could make it!” she exclaimed.

I gave her a quick hug before scanning the room. My heart did a little flip when I saw Alexander leaning against a bookshelf,laughing with Jan. He caught my eye and gave me a smile that made my knees weak. Focus, I told myself, taking a deep breath.