“What?” I shout. But when I try to get my feet underneath me, my vision starts going again.

“Yeah,” Mani says. “Of course. We’re coming.” He hangs up the phone.

Turning to face me, he nods. His eyes are a little glazed. Incredulous.

“Mani!” I roar. “What the fuck is going on!”

“Antoinette didn’t say. She needs us at Clementine Lane. Now.”

“Untie me.”

“Just cal-”

“Do not tell me to calm down one more time! Untie me!”

“For Christ’s sake.” Kane meanders over. Slipping out a penknife, he saws away at the cable tie until it snaps with a barely-perceptible click.

The blood rushes back into my wrists. I slide forward so that I’m on all fours. Bile rushes to the back of my throat, and for a full five seconds, all I can do is breathe deeply as I try to swallow it back.

“Did you have to hit him so hard?” Mani asks.

“Have you ever tried to concuss a six-three male?” Kane’s voice is dry. “You don’t leave room for error.”

I shift my feet underneath me. But when I push to a stand, I have to steady myself against the wall.

“I’ll drive,” Mani says.

“No. I’ll have one of the boys take me. You stay here and help Rowe.”


“That’s an order,” I say as I stumble out the door and start down the steps, my feet unsteady beneath me. With each stumbling distance I make up, my head pounds harder. But I don’t care. And I don’t slow.

Every step I take is one step closer to Cat.

Outside, the marked police cruisers are still parked, their lights flashing. I stumble to the nearest one and pull out my badge. “I need a ride.”

The young cop gives me a quick once over. “Hospital?”

“No. Los Feliz address.” I start for the passenger side of the vehicle. “Two-zero-four-five Clementine Lane.”

He gets into the driver’s seat without further questions and starts the car. As we pull out into witching hour traffic, I let my head fall back against the headrest.

Anger blooms inside of me.

I’m angry with Toni for endangering the girls and going behind my back.

I’m angry with Drakos forpayingSokolov when we should have just arrested him.

I’m angry with Mani for not having my back.

I’m angry at Kane—because he was right. Sascha would have served minimal time if he hadn’t walked.

And for the first time ever, I am furious at the justice system. She has let me down after I’ve spent the last twenty years defending her, always walking in the lines, always paying attention. I’ve always believed that the system is constantly striving towards equilibrium, and that following the rules—thelaw—helps push things closer to balance. But now…Now I’m not so sure. Of anything. How is it right? How can it be just, to let a girl—any girl—get sold because we didn’t set the trap expertly enough? Evidence should be evidence. Fuckers like Sascha should be locked away, irrespective of how we caught them.

Nothing makes sense anymore—except my anger. So, I hold onto it. I let it fuel my aching body, forcing adrenaline back into my system. I let it flood my brain until I’ve convinced myself that retribution is all that matters anymore.
