Page 53 of Beneath The Surface

Parker agreed, so we made a drink and went to sit and stargaze. Always appreciating the natural beauty in life and having come through such a tragedy made us appreciate it that much more. We sat in silence for a bit, just sipping our drinks and enjoying the quiet.

“Sabrina asked me today if I would be interested in consulting.”

Parker looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “What does it entail? Are you considering it?”

He watched intently and listened to me retell what Sabrina had said. He thought it sounded interesting and told me so. I admitted it intrigued me a bit, and I’d think about it. The perk was if we moved, it wouldn’t matter where; the girls being mentored would come to me.

Parker had his own surprise to share with me, two of them: “You know when you saw me and Cliff walking from my house?” I nodded my head yes. “Well, he made a generous offer on the house.”

I smiled. “That’s wonderful, Parker.”

“There’s more. Since my injury won’t allow me to play golf anymore, the PGA wants to offer me the manager positionwith the tour to oversee all the golf courses in the US and the Virgin Islands.”

Stunned was the only word I could use to describe the expression that took over my face. I smiled, hugged him, and asked him if he would take it and what it meant. Like me, he explained the terms; it did require a touch of travel. It all sounded very interesting to me. It could give us ample opportunity to see new places, the money wasn’t bad either.

“Let’s sleep on it, and we’ll talk tomorrow about everything,” he suggested, and I agreed as I nuzzled my head onto his shoulder under his chin. We rocked for a while and listened to the crickets sing. The lights danced around in the trees as the breeze blew, looking like little fireflies.

Growing tired, we decided to join each other in bed after we washed up. I yawned as I climbed into bed; I laid my head on his chest. Parker started to trace my scars and kissed me, moving slowly to position me so he could look at me. I noted that his eyes held the same sparkle looking at my body now that they did the first day, he'd seen me naked. It was the most peaceful part, for me to know he truly saw my beauty just as he had all those months ago.

Growing warm in all the right places, I pulled him down on top of me with force, then growled in his ear: “Make love to me now. I need to feel you.” As my breath caught on the last part, he entered me sharply and rapidly moved as I arched my back to meet his full girth. We exploded together, gasping for air; it was a violent session of desperate lovemaking. There was no tenderness, just raw desire, and love for each other. We lay there panting as if we had run a mile; I reached over and held his hand. “That was fun. Want to do it again?”

Parker laughed hysterically, as did I. We laughed until we cried and lost our breath. Both knew I was referencing a scene from Cougar Town. Finally gaining some control, Parker rolled over to reach out to me. “Come here, my wild woman.” He rolled me on top of him and held me by the waist while lifting me exactly where he wanted me; he moved his tongue around across me until I squirmed and arched my back to feel him more. I moaned and called out his name when I lost all control, and my body started to pulse. Breathless, I slid down to find him; slowly, I seduced him as he squeezed my waist in pure delight.


Catching my breath, I guided her with my hands on her hips. “Olivia, I love you so much. You feel so good.”

She put her mouth over mine for a deep kiss. She rode me until she felt me explode, then slowed the pace down to let me get the full benefit. She kissed my neck, nibbled on my ear, and whispered, “I love you too, baby. You’re my only.”

I set her down to lie beside me and covered us up as we fell asleep once again, where we belonged in each other’s arms.


The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X

Two days later, while we were having wine, I signed the paperwork for the sale of my home. I had already bought a boat that would be delivered this week and Liv couldn’t wait to see it. She sent hers to the shop for service and waited for it to be returned. She had just checked the mail, and as she went through the door, she called out for me. I answered by coming up behind her.

“Oh, you scared the shit out of me! Where did you come from?” she asked as she jumped at my touch.

“I was on the side of the yard when I heard you go inside. I was just coming in when you yelled for me. What’s up?”


The next morning, I thought,I know he will want to take the boat out for a spin. I would if it was my new boat. Deciding to place an order with Instacart instead of shopping, due to lack of time, I got my phone out. I placed an order for lobster tails, little necks, champagne, two stuffed scallop shells, and stuff to make strawberry shortcake. Then I hurried to our room, grabbed a little box from my panty drawer, and put it in my purse. All set, I returned to the kitchen and started preparing things to bring along on the boat.

When Parker returned from a few errands, I told him about my idea of taking the boat out. He was thrilled as he put his arms around me and gave me a quick kiss. “What can I do to help?” he asked.

“I’m good; I’m going to throw these in the oven to bake for strawberry shortcake. Do you want to cut up the strawberries?”

“Sure, I’ll do that.” He washed his hands, grabbed the strawberries, and started slicing them.

Shortly after the biscuits came out of the oven, Instacart showed up with the food I’d ordered. Parker started to stock the boat with the things that would stay on it. He got blankets, sheets, towels, utensils, and dishes; most of it was already boxed up and waiting from where they’d bought replacements from what had been lost on his sinking boat.

Everything packed aboard, we set off to enjoy the beautiful evening in the open water. I wore jeans and a light top with a blazer over it. My hair blew behind me as the boat cut through the water.

After a bit, I excused myself and told Parks I would start dinner.

We had already decided to go as far as the open water and anchor there for the night. With a happy lift in my step, I padded to the galley and started the oven, in awe at how nice all the appliances were. I popped the scalloped stuffing on shells into the oven along with the lobster, setting the little necks aside for him to open. The dessert was already prepared, along with loaded baked potatoes.