A gentle breeze blew the soft white curtains through the open windows. The seagulls sang to each other far away, and the smell of pine with the salty air joined the warm breeze as it brushed my skin. I moved to the sliding door that led to the deck, overlooking the water. Waves rushed over the sand and back to the ocean as fast as they’d come ashore. The deep turquoise water was sparkling from the low sun and held much of my story. There were fishermen just coming in for the day, and the last ferry heading back to the other shore, leaving waves in its wake.

“Oh, you’re up. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

Startled, I slightly jumped as I turned to find Alex within inches of me. “Um, no. I only slept about thirty minutes. I was lying there chilling, mostly.”

“Okay, I have seasoned some steaks for us. As much as I love seafood, I need some red meat, and so do you. Doctor's orders,” he said. His eyes sparkled as he looked down at me. He must have been six foot five inches tall, which was tall even for me, at five foot ten. I was average height for a model; I made up for it in talent, I suppose.

He was too close, so I cleared my throat and started playing with my earring, “I’m not a fan of red meat. I told someone at the beginning of this arrangement.”

The smile returned to his lips. “Yes. However, all of those concerned say you need red meat. So, red meat it will be; it was either steak or liver.”

“Gross, not even, not ever. I’ll eat the steak,” I interrupted.

“Good. I will start the steaks. The grill is ready. You’ll be happy to know there’s zero starch with dinner, just vegetables.”

I couldn’t help but smile and swish him out the door. “I’m going to take a shower, then if you need any help–” I said as I headed towards my room.

“I’m good.”

“I bet you are,” I whispered under my breath and scolded myself.What the hell, Liv? Well, it has been a minute, and he is hot,I thought as I jumped in the shower.


We must understand that sadness is an ocean, and sometimes we drown, while there days we are forced to swim. R.M. Drake

As I waited in line to pick up the pizza, I sent a text to Kayla:

Hey girl, I’ll be at the house in about

fifteen minutes if you want to meet me there.

It only took her two seconds to respond that she would.

Driving through the neighborhood, I noticed that the palm trees and lawns were all mature and manicured. I was happy it wasn’t gated, or in a homeowner’s association, not that anything was wrong with either. Those just didn’t suit me, was all.

I pulled up to a burnt orange house that I'd already come to think of as mine. The first thing on my list was to paint the house's exterior. It was the most ridiculous color I'd ever seen.

The second thing on my list was to gut the interior and pretty much start over. At best, the house was a fixer upper. I was surprised that this home had been allowed to get so run down in such a nice neighborhood. This was when I felt an HOA was very beneficial: they typically didn’t allow homes to deteriorate.

I walked around to the side of the house toward the back, where the movers were unloading the patio furniture my sister had given me. “Pizza’s here,” I said as I held up the pizza, showing them what I was talking about. The workers nodded knowingly and kept on working.

I set up a spot on the table. opened the boxes, and handed out paper plates. Then, they seemed to understand it was time for a break and while they ate, I walked the property and the house again, making a list and taking inventory of what I would need. I wasn’t thinking much further than getting my bed set up and sleeping in tomorrow morning at this point. It had already been a grueling, hot day, and I was beat.

“Anybody home?” I heard Kayla’s voice ring through the house.

“Back here, in the bedroom.”

“Where I’ve always wanted you,” I heard her say as she walked toward the back of the house.

I laughed at her humor. “I bet,” I teased as she walked through the master bedroom door. I hugged her; she looked good and had a great tan. “How’s it been going?”

“Better, now that you’re in the neighborhood,” she teased as she bumped my shoulder with hers.

“So, what do you think?” I asked as I looked around, and we entered the living area.

“I think it needs a lot of work and a woman's touch.”

“Agreed! It certainly needs a lot of work. A woman’s touch–not so sure about that.” It was my turn to tease her. “Can I get you something to drink? Soda, tea, beer?”