Page 17 of Beneath The Surface



As I wrote down a list of what I should pick up, I sipped on the glass of wine I’d poured once I unloaded my suitcase. I had decided itwas too weird to sleep in the master bedroom, where my mom slept all through my childhood, so I went to my own room, which only felt right.

With the list in my hand, I headed toward my car when I noticed the neighbor staring in my direction. I tried not to stare back as I hopped in the Jag and drove away like a sudden burst of air.

“Hi, welcome. How are you today?” the friendly grocery clerk asked me as the cold air conditioning hit me.

“I’m good. How are you?”

“Good. Let me know if you need any help.”

I smiled and glided past the greeter and toward the produce section. I put a cantaloupe in my cart because of how good it looked. I headed for more produce, fresh bread from the bakery, pasta, seafood from the seafood counter, and beer and wine. I picked up a case of vodka at the liquor store next door to the supermarket, and then decided on half a case of tequila and gin. Satisfied, I paid and wondered where I’d find a spot for the cases of alcohol in the car. I rolled away, piling my hair in a messy knot after the challenge of finding a home for the alcohol in a vehicle entirely too small for grocery and liquor shopping.

“This is Olivia,” I said as I answered the incoming call on the Bluetooth in my car.

“Hi, is this Olivia O’Brien?”

“Yes, it is. Who’s calling, please?”

“Sorry, Miss. This is Gerald, with Allied. I have a delivery and was wondering if anyone was at home?”This isn’t happening to me right now, is it? Really?

“Gerald with Allied? What are you delivering? I’m not aware of any deliveries today,” I said into the speaker in a voice that was surely tense, because my hands gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles.

“Um, we’re delivering some outdoor furniture that was on backorder?”

“Oh, shit. Yes, I remember. That was over six months ago; the realtor ordered that stuff, right?” Gerald confirmed it was indeed that order.

“Gerald, the back is unlocked. Can you go ahead and start unloading? I’m on my way now and should be there in about ten minutes.” I shook my head; this was not what I needed today, with my time constraints.

“Yes, ma’am. We can get started right away.”

Ma’am, huh? What happened to Miss?I said under my breath as I disconnected the call and loosened the grip on the steering wheel. It was just a hiccup, I thought as I looked at the clock on the dashboard. The glowing blue numbers read two eighteen. I would have plenty of time if they didn’t have to assemble the furniture.


A dream is what makes people love life even when it is painful Theodore Zeldin

Damn, the girl next door brought a whole new meaning to The Girl Next door, I thought as I tried to think of anything but her.

Letting the water rinse the suds from my body wasn’t helping at all. As the warm water ran down my body, washing away the day's sweat, I reminisced about the beautiful woman I’d just seen. Her long tan legs, blonde hair that flowed down her back, and that ass in those jean shorts. It was enough to get my engine started. The sheer thought aroused me.

Sporting only a towel that hung low on my hips, showing my tattoo and the line of fine hair that showed there was more under the towel, I started to shave. Once done, I dressed and headed for the front door, remembering I hadn’t checked the mail.

Instantly, my eyes locked on the neighbor’s ass that stuck up in the air as she bent over into her trunk to get something out. When she stood, I saw her arms full of grocery bags; I started over to her, thinking the closer I got, the more beautiful she was.

“Hi, I’m Parker, from next door. Can I help you carry some stuff in?” I offered as I put a hand out to shake hers; suddenly realizing her hands were full, and I went to take the grocery bags. I could tell she momentarily hesitated before she released them to me.

“Thanks. I’ll grab some more; the door’s open,” she said as she went to the other side and grabbed more bags.

“Planning a party?” I laughed, looking at all the bottles of alcohol I’d just carried in and set on the bar.

“Not anytime soon, I just like to have some in stock.”

I wasn’t listening to her words, just her sexy voice as my eyes went from those plump lips to her perfectly perky breasts that pushed against the tight tank top she wore.Damn it, you’re a pig! Stop it!I cleared my throat and turned away. “Okay, I’ll let you be. It was nice to meet you.”

“Thanks again for helping with the groceries. Nice to meet you, too. I’m Olivia, by the way. My friends call me Liv.” She put her hand out to shake mine. As our hands touched, a shock of electricity ran through my body. I immediately wanted to know everything about her.